Human head transplant just two years away


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 10, 2002
It's a fascinating concept. You have an otherwise perfectly healthy head on a body that no longer functions. You have, also, an otherwise perfectly healthy donor body. What if you could take the head from its non-functioning body and transplant it onto the healthy body?
It seems like the stuff of science-fiction (and it has been), but it's not, perhaps, as impossible as it sounds. Take, for instance, the work of Russian transplant pioneer Vladimir Demikhov, who in the 1950s successfully transplanted dogs' heads onto the bodies of other dogs
We're probably a thousand times closer to being able to put a human head on a robot than a human head on a human in any capacity that matters. Italians are idiots.
This is something that has always perplexed me, why haven't we just done away with the whole body? If you think about it the only purpose is to provide oxygen and sugar to the blood and remove waste products, which really isn't that difficult. I figure someone has to have done this by now given the relative simplicity of it. Head to body transplant is dumb and needlessly complex, head to robot, now we are talking.
Originally posted by NinjaKnight:
This is something that has always perplexed me, why haven't we just done away with the whole body? If you think about it the only purpose is to provide oxygen and sugar to the blood and remove waste products, which really isn't that difficult. I figure someone has to have done this by now given the relative simplicity of it. Head to body transplant is dumb and needlessly complex, head to robot, now we are talking.
That's an interesting proposition. As a musician, the thought of mechanical hands and arms that can do more than my mere mortal parts intrigues me. I imagine something like Phillip J. Fry with the Robot Devil's hands (yes, I just dropped my second Futurama reference in the same thread).

However, I wonder if there would be a disconnect between the abilities of robotic parts and our puny, inferior brains. I know we don't use the maximum potential of our brains, but I don't think they could keep up with the near limitless possibilities of mechanical limbs. At least not at first.
Originally posted by UCFRogerz:

Originally posted by goodknightfl:
I understand that ISIS is leading the field research.
I laughed and it made me feel dirty.
It was smirk worthy.

This ISIS victim is said to be burning alive.. No 'ouch' No reaction to instant 3rd degree burns. #seemslegit
