Man you can't make this up...85's statement must come out of the trump book on how to lie. Skeletor has done nothing for the Indian River runoff from Lake O in 8 years. Nothing. The water is so polluted in the ocean and rivers in SE Florida from Lake O run-off. All the swimming and boating and fishing and waterfront living has been severely DesecratedThings are as good in FL as they’ve ever been.
Thank you Governor Scott!
Did you know who is responsible for all navigable water in Florida.Man you can't make this up...85's statement must come out of the trump book on how to lie. Skeletor has done nothing for the Indian River runoff from Lake O in 8 years. Nothing. The water is so polluted in the ocean and rivers in SE Florida from Lake O run-off. All the swimming and boating and fishing and waterfront living has been severely Desecrated
Nelson lost me when he became a hypocrite on the US Space Force. Supports all throughout the Obama administration, when Obama SECDEF was against it, then criticizes President Trump when he and his SECDEF is against it, only to turn around and criticize President Trump when he's now for it, after the NSC is re-formed and highlights 3 areas the USAF is negligent.Sad, if you knew Nelson you would think differently.
Accusation of voter fraud is inexcusable. Should just accuse him of rape. That'd make him super-Senatorial.*Rick Scott is acting like a complete idiot. He doesn’t deserve to be a United States senator with behavior like this. It’s totally irresponsible and inflammatory to make accusations of voter fraud against a sitting senator without any proof.