Jeff Sessions doing some good


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Aug 3, 2011
Stuck in traffic

More than 400 people have been charged with taking part in health care fraud and opioid scams that totaled $1.3 billion in false billing, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday.

Sessions called the collective action the "largest health care fraud takedown operation in American history" and said it indicates that some doctors, nurses and pharmacists "have chosen to violate their oaths and put greed ahead of their patients."

Among those charged are six Michigan doctors accused of a scheme to prescribe unnecessary opioids. A Florida rehab facility is alleged to have recruited addicts with gift cards and visits to strip clubs, leading to $58 million in false treatments and tests.

What? Getting high wasn't enough of an enticement, so they had to bribe them with strippers to want to get high?

Seriously, this is a real problem in this country and I'm glad he's cleaning it up. Now if he could just go after those Medicare scams in Miami. There's probably 3x that amount in fraud in this state alone.
This is obviously fake, he's a racist and the Trump admin can do no good. It has nothing to do with Russia. Mods please delete.
This is good.

However, his stance on most things related to drugs is extremely antiquated.
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This is obviously fake, he's a racist and the Trump admin can do no good. It has nothing to do with Russia. Mods please delete.
The correct reply is: this investigation took longer than 6 months, it was initiated by Obama. Sessions doesn't deserve the credit
This is good.

However, his stance on most things related to drugs is extremely antiquated.