Kaepernick and NFL settle collusion lawsuit


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 7, 2011
Doesn't change my opinion of the rat-nest haired mongrel one bit.
Thanks to Colon Krapperdick the NFL will remain forever dead to many patriotic Americans. I used to waste my time watching five NFL games a week. Now I don't miss the NFL at all.
don't you just love those "oppressed" black athletes with their Swiss banks accounts
That guy made a nice living being a crappy QB and kneeling.
He's virtually the only one that didn't get to play. Everyone else either kept their job or got picked up. Might have had something to do with his 'timing,' as well as 'personal issues,' that had nothing to do with the kneeling.

That's why I've never liked him, even though as a Libertarian, I 100% support everyone's right to kneel. Although it was and still is funny to watch NFL players kneel for the US National Anthem, but immediate stand for "God Save the Queen" when playing in London. Might have to do with their lack of similar freedoms perhaps? ;)
He's virtually the only one that didn't get to play. Everyone else either kept their job or got picked up. Might have had something to do with his 'timing,' as well as 'personal issues,' that had nothing to do with the kneeling.

Or maybe, just maybe, it had to do with the NFL owners blackballing the leaders of the movement.

If it was about "timing," and/or "personal issues," why did the players win in the Courts?
He's virtually the only one that didn't get to play. Everyone else either kept their job or got picked up. Might have had something to do with his 'timing,' as well as 'personal issues,' that had nothing to do with the kneeling.

That's why I've never liked him, even though as a Libertarian, I 100% support everyone's right to kneel. Although it was and still is funny to watch NFL players kneel for the US National Anthem, but immediate stand for "God Save the Queen" when playing in London. Might have to do with their lack of similar freedoms perhaps? ;)

YOU DON"T EFFING SAY!?!?!??!?!!!??!!? FFS, it was wonderful without you in here last week. Believe me, you weren't missed.
