Kasich says presidential candidates need to 'grow up'


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park


In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, the 2016 hopeful suggested that presidential candidates typically make "ridiculous" promises and focus less on solutions than on running "just to get elected."

"If we're running for these offices just to get elected, I mean, we're not running for class president," he told NBC's Chuck Todd. "We're running to be the commander-in-chief and the leader of the United States of America. Grow up."

"I'm not going to just make statements just to make them," he added. "Do you ever notice, when people run for president, they never keep their word? They never keep their promises. And the reason is they make promises that are ridiculous."
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Kasich is probably the best candidate running on either side and would be the most effective President. The guy won 65% of the vote in a swing state- that's pretty impressive.

But, he likely won't win because he's too pragmatic. He's on record about his shaky relationship with religion, and even though he's a Christian, he has said that faith does not dictate his every day governance. That alone will prevent most evangelicals from voting for him. He's not a southerner so there's Strike 2. And he expanded Medicaid under Obamacare (even though he explained why) so there's Strike 3.

Personally I think he would beat Clinton's brains in if they squared off.
Lol at saying stuff just to get elected. You've been in office since you were 24 Johnny.
I am constantly surprised at people who don't see the issue that Kasich talks about, presidential ( most political offices, really ) campaigns only being giant ads focus grouped to win the primaries, then retooled and reloaded for the main election.

Every candidate is an "outsider of DC politics," on a mission to "take back America" from ( insert opposing group here ) and give it back to the people.

Every. Single. Campaign. And people eat it up.
I am constantly surprised at people who don't see the issue that Kasich talks about, presidential ( most political offices, really ) campaigns only being giant ads focus grouped to win the primaries, then retooled and reloaded for the main election.

Every candidate is an "outsider of DC politics," on a mission to "take back America" from ( insert opposing group here ) and give it back to the people.

Every. Single. Campaign. And people eat it up.
politics is and always will be a game of saying whatever is best at that moment in time, regardless of feasibility or ability to follow through long term or risk that in 5 months you will have the opposite opinion. Which is why 5 months later when they do have to change, they do it because once again its the best thing to say at that specific moment in time. And the cycle continues.

Its why I really couldn't care less about "everyday" politics.
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I like that guys like Kasich, Paul, Bush, and Rubio are taking most any question and offering honest opinions about various subjects.

As opposed to Clinton, whose campaign keeps reporters in a cage before letting them out to do a pre-canned interview in a pre-staged area with pre-determined answers.
I like that guys like Kasich, Paul, Bush, and Rubio are taking most any question and offering honest opinions about various subjects.

As opposed to Clinton, whose campaign keeps reporters in a cage before letting them out to do a pre-canned interview in a pre-staged area with pre-determined answers.
the big difference is that the former need to differentiate and continue to talk and get out there just to get anywhere near the top of a crowded field of people clawing their way.

the latter doesnt have to and so why risk anything right now? Just wait for the big show. If anything all democrats best strategy would be to just say nothing for a while and let Trump continue to drag the Republican #brand down the drain.
the big difference is that the former need to differentiate and continue to talk and get out there just to get anywhere near the top of a crowded field of people clawing their way.

the latter doesnt have to and so why risk anything right now? Just wait for the big show. If anything all democrats best strategy would be to just say nothing for a while and let Trump continue to drag the Republican #brand down the drain.

Bernie Sanders may force Clinton's hand before the big show if he can figure out how to engage minorities in the primary.
the big difference is that the former need to differentiate and continue to talk and get out there just to get anywhere near the top of a crowded field of people clawing their way.

the latter doesnt have to and so why risk anything right now? Just wait for the big show. If anything all democrats best strategy would be to just say nothing for a while and let Trump continue to drag the Republican #brand down the drain.

That was maybe true months ago. Not anymore.

Multiple polls, including the newest Quinnipiac, show Clinton trailing both Rubio, Walker, and Bush in 3 key swing states: Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia. And, her favorability ratings have plummeted while a clear majority of Americans say they don't trust her.

She's a slimeball and most Americans are starting to agree that she's a slimeball. Most Democrats I know don't' even like her- they just figure they'll have to vote for her since she'll be the best chance at winning if/when she's their candidate.

You can hide behind your staff and pick your spots to speak if you're polling well and in the plus with favorability. You can't afford to do that if people like you less every single week and have a major email scandal ongoing, for which the Inspector General is now involved, saying they found evidence that you lied yet again.
So what happens if Trump and Sanders don't win their primaries but decide to run as independents? Hillary, Jeb, Trump, Sanders all running. Would be a glorious shitshow.

I'd love love love to see that. Only because the presidential debates would be absolute must see TV. Could you just imagine how fuming Bush or Clinton would get with Sanders on one side acting like he's running for high school president promising free stuff for everyone everywhere, and then with Trump on the other side not following any debate decorum what so ever throwing verbal bombs at them left and right and calling them out for their canned responses. You'd have Super Bowl like ratings for that.

Not to mention it would make for the most interesting election night ever (well maybe second to the Bush-Gore extravaganza).
Won't happen rigged system is rigged & 80% of you sheep will revert to "my puppet is superior to your puppet"
Bernie Sanders may force Clinton's hand before the big show if he can figure out how to engage minorities in the primary.

He can win over tons of people explaining his comments on Women dreaming of and romanticizing about being raped.
I like that guys like Kasich, Paul, Bush, and Rubio are taking most any question and offering honest opinions about various subjects.

As opposed to Clinton, whose campaign keeps reporters in a cage before letting them out to do a pre-canned interview in a pre-staged area with pre-determined answers.
You could not pay me to vote for bush, I'm not even conservative and the guy is too liberal for me. He is just another big government douche bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. Besides, anyone that has anything to do with common core is out in my book.
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Bush and Clinton are 2 sides of the same progressive coin. Trump was for the Stimulus Package and Obama care early on. I do enjoy the entertainment factor, but have no intention of voting for him. Christy lost me a long time ago. Hopefully the crowd thins before Fla.
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If Libertarians ever actually won an election, would you call them puppets too?
If Libertarians ever actually won an election, would you call them puppets too?

See already gettin uppity.

In case of local elections they're not puppets when they run on platforms like "if I win I am getting rid this position" but as for this presidential race Copernicus, the reason the state controlled media won't let Rand or Trump sniff a general or debate is because they are harder to buy off. Trump cos he's already wealthy & Rand because we doesn't want bigger govt.

Now we'll agree to disagree & you can continue carrying water for the machine. Not much of a think outside the box kinda guy. Infinite numbers of choices for everything, except politicians.
Don't need look any further than the money spent on the propaganda to push the message that this (2 party system) is the only way to this. That $ isn't coming from your neighbor supporting Jeb Bush cos he's a helluva guy.

It's one party under the guise of two, keeps people in their little boxes bickering at each other. Don't ask any questions, take your talking point marching orders, we'll do the thinking for you.