Legal Experts: National Lockdown is not legal, despite leftie crying

If only we could change the laws for public good. Oh well, since we don't have the ability to change laws we better just let hundreds of thousands die.
Paging @DaShuckster @fried-chicken and all of the other lunatics who have been hysterically screaming for a national lockdown against all sanity and judgement.
Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS working with the Governors could make this happen without any legal crap.

A national stay-at-home order is in the best interests of everyone. Midwest and Southern States who believe "we don't need no stinkin' ORDER" will have their comeuppance down the road if things continue in the half-assed way they're currently going.
Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS working with the Governors could make this happen without any legal crap.

A national stay-at-home order is in the best interests of everyone. Midwest and Southern States who believe "we don't need no stinkin' ORDER" will have their comeuppance down the road if things continue in the half-assed way they're currently going.
Explain how he could "make this happen", emphasis on "make".
If only we could change the laws for public good. Oh well, since we don't have the ability to change laws we better just let hundreds of thousands die.

Yep should be able to throw away all the protections in the constitution every time a few elitist politicians feel like it is a good idea. We all know they know what is best for us.
Yep should be able to throw away all the protections in the constitution every time a few elitist politicians feel like it is a good idea. We all know they know what is best for us.
Trump is our duly elected leader. He should be able to change laws as he sees fit.
If only we could change the laws for public good. Oh well, since we don't have the ability to change laws we better just let hundreds of thousands die.

Maybe you should cease crying for a second, write to your beloved House Speaker, and demand she pass legislation then.

It's clear you didn't actually listen too since one legal expert specifically said that CONGRESS could enact a national lockdown.

But meh, keep bitching away.
Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS working with the Governors could make this happen without any legal crap.

A national stay-at-home order is in the best interests of everyone. Midwest and Southern States who believe "we don't need no stinkin' ORDER" will have their comeuppance down the road if things continue in the half-assed way they're currently going.

Incredible. I give you a link to legal experts saying this is not legal and you still respond with this. Like FC you clearly did not actually listen since you're still peddling bullshit nonsense.

I repeat: these experts said that CONGRESS could pass such an order whereas the Executive cannot unilaterally.

Maybe you and FC can get together and drive to DC to bitch out Nancy Pelosi for not passing legislation yet.
Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS working with the Governors could make this happen without any legal crap.

A national stay-at-home order is in the best interests of everyone. Midwest and Southern States who believe "we don't need no stinkin' ORDER" will have their comeuppance down the road if things continue in the half-assed way they're currently going.

New York and New Jersey seems like they are doing it right ;)
I repeat: these experts said that CONGRESS could pass such an order whereas the Executive cannot unilaterally.
Where did I say the POTUS should unilaterally pass an Executive Order?

God forbid that the POTUS works with the Governors to jointly pass a State-by-State, nationwide shut down.

But my bad. Such an effort would require some real leadership and statesmanship on Trump's part so I suppose its prudent to stick with your "it ain't legal" line.
Where did I say the POTUS should unilaterally pass an Executive Order?

God forbid that the POTUS works with the Governors to jointly pass a State-by-State, nationwide shut down.

But my bad. Such an effort would require some real leadership and statesmanship on Trump's part so I suppose its prudent to stick with your "it ain't legal" line.
Denser. I’m going to have to have a running count on how many times you talked about the same crap and just don’t get it.
God forbid that the POTUS works with the Governors to jointly pass a State-by-State, nationwide shut down.
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Okay, I'll bite: What don't I get about this approach?
They aren’t all in agreement. The Governors don’t want to do it. It has nothing to do with a weak president. He can declare martial law/get congressional approval and that’s it

More people need to die before the governors get it

THIS is why I wanted a partial opening of the economy in non-hotspots. They aren’t enforcing crap anyway, so now EVERYTHING IS TANKING and it’s being prolonged so you have death by virus AND death by economy.

After April 13th I’m possibly fukced and I work in an industry that’s nearly indestructible. Just says how bad things are getting
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Nebraska has 33 new cases today. Shookster is getting nervous
They aren’t all in agreement.
So you're telling me that Trump -- along with the Governors of States who already have issued Stay-at-Home orders -- can't persuade the hold-out Governors to 'join the team.'?

First off, it's what the experts are saying. From an ABC News report, "In his strongest comments yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has become a prominent face in the fight against the pandemic, is now saying that he "doesn't understand" why every state isn't under a stay-at-home order -- a move Trump continues to resist, arguing those decisions should be left to the states.

"I don't understand why that's not happening," Fauci told CNN at a town hall Thursday night, when asked about some states having not issued stay-at-home orders. "The tension between federally-mandated versus states rights to do what they want is something I don't want to get into, but if you look at what's going on in this country I just don't understand why we're not doing that -- we really should be."

Unless I'm mistaken, all of the hold-outs are RED States. Are you telling me that Trump can't get Governors from his own party to get in line??!? And if there is a BLUE state out here, you're telling me a Democrat Governor wants to be the lone hold-out for a national shutdown?

The fact of the matter is that Trump doesn't care enough to push it, despite Dr. Fauci's concerns.
The fact of the matter is that Trump doesn't care enough to push it, despite Dr. Fauci's concerns.
That’s bullshit. What you’re not getting is that even the states that are on lockdown are on a half-ass lockdown. That’s nearly EVERY state. Then you have the ones not on lockdown.
The Governors are not listening to Fauci or Trump and it’s not so simple as a phone call. There’s a lot more that has to be done if it’s not voluntary.

The states with minimal cases aren’t buying in and you know it. You said yourself that the Georgia governor was clueless

You’re really out of line when you blame THIS on Trump too
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You’re really out of line when you blame THIS on Trump too
Yeah, it was crazy to assume the President of the United States could rally the Governors into presenting a strong, unified front for the sake of the country.
Yeah, it was crazy to assume the President of the United States could rally the Governors into presenting a strong, unified front for the sake of the country.
Still not getting it. He should let Fauci be his frontman. They will listen to him. Oh wait....
Where did I say the POTUS should unilaterally pass an Executive Order?

"Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS could make this happen without any legal crap."

Maybe if you stopped licking your computer screen you'd be able to read your own quotes from 26 minutes earlier.
"Jesus, for the umpteenth time, the POTUS could make this happen without any legal crap."

Maybe if you stopped licking your computer screen you'd be able to read your own quotes from 26 minutes earlier.

lol that was too easy. He's been demanding a national lockdown and now he's back to "Gee where did I say that?".
Shookster ran from this thread predictably but just a reminder that he is still pushing the idea that Trump should do a nationwide lockdown despite it being utterly illegal to do.

Shookster will push a lie to every extent possible

So NOW you're paying attention to Dr. Fauci?

Funny, the good Doctor also said this week 'it's crazy' we don't have a nationwide stay-at-home order.
Yeah, screw international cooperation and support.

We need more of our leaders getting into public pissing matches like Trump and Schumer.*
Shookster ran from this thread predictably but just a reminder that he is still pushing the idea that Trump should do a nationwide lockdown despite it being utterly illegal to do.
Give it up, toadie. My position is on record here for everyone to read.
The only position you consistently take is whatever trump does, it's wrong. When you find out he did exactly what you want, you move the goalposts or redirect.
Exactly!! It’s the only constant for their TDS possessed minds
Exactly!! It’s the only constant for their TDS possessed minds
They go to bed every night praying to their pagan gods that something bad happens because they can't come to grasp with the reality that for 3 years Trump made their lives better. It's a cult.
Imagine being so self-unaware that you fail to grasp the irony while posting these gems. :) :)
CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:
Eight US governors have decided against issuing statewide directives urging their residents to stay at home as the outbreak of the coronavirus escalates and spreads across the country, the last holdouts in the nation.

I don’t care if they are republicans or democrats. They aren’t doing it and the ones that are, it’s mostly a joke
um, they're all Republican.
Understandable, it's not like they're in the middle of a nationwide pandemic or anything.*
All the more reason to just say 'aw, screw it,' right Einstein?
10th time you don’t get it. Or is it 11?