Legal Experts: National Lockdown is not legal, despite leftie crying

Who’s saying screw it? Only every damn governor dickwad
Don't forget our nation's leader! Our virus expert calls for a nationwide shutdown but his boss just keeps ignoring him.
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Since shuckster is clearly going to ghost this thread, I'll give an overview of what the discussion would look like:

Shuckster: we need a nationwide shutdown

Rational thinker: so can hospitals and grocery stores stay open?

Shuckster: of course they can, those are essential services.

Rational thinker: so can I go to the grocery store?

Shuckster: well duh, you need food

Rational thinker: what if one of the workers has coronavirus and touches the stuff that I'm buying?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational thinker: if I live alone and work alone at a remote location that i can drive to by myself, is that ok?

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational thinker: if we have a nationwide shutdown that has to be enforceable, if I drive from my house to my business where nobody else is, is it safe for the cops to pull me over because one of us might have coronavirus and could expose each other to it.

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational person: if I'm sick, am I free to drive myself to the hospital, or will I be pulled over on the way because theres a national shutdown?

Shuckster: trump should have done something 2 months ago

Rational person: no, seriously. How do I get to the hospital or the grocery store under your scenario?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational person: how many times did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Shuckster: we spent 6 trillion dollars on the iraq war.

Rational person: wtf?

Shuckster: if you cant figure out what I'm saying it's because you're a red hat.

Rational person: [logging off]
Since shuckster is clearly going to ghost this thread, I'll give an overview of what the discussion would look like:

Shuckster: we need a nationwide shutdown

Rational thinker: so can hospitals and grocery stores stay open?

Shuckster: of course they can, those are essential services.

Rational thinker: so can I go to the grocery store?

Shuckster: well duh, you need food

Rational thinker: what if one of the workers has coronavirus and touches the stuff that I'm buying?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational thinker: if I live alone and work alone at a remote location that i can drive to by myself, is that ok?

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational thinker: if we have a nationwide shutdown that has to be enforceable, if I drive from my house to my business where nobody else is, is it safe for the cops to pull me over because one of us might have coronavirus and could expose each other to it.

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational person: if I'm sick, am I free to drive myself to the hospital, or will I be pulled over on the way because theres a national shutdown?

Shuckster: trump should have done something 2 months ago

Rational person: no, seriously. How do I get to the hospital or the grocery store under your scenario?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational person: how many times did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Shuckster: we spent 6 trillion dollars on the iraq war.

Rational person: wtf?

Shuckster: if you cant figure out what I'm saying it's because you're a red hat.

Rational person: [logging off]
This is classic!! I could read this 10 times and laugh every time. The post of the year candidate.
Since shuckster is clearly going to ghost this thread, I'll give an overview of what the discussion would look like:

Shuckster: we need a nationwide shutdown

Rational thinker: so can hospitals and grocery stores stay open?

Shuckster: of course they can, those are essential services.

Rational thinker: so can I go to the grocery store?

Shuckster: well duh, you need food

Rational thinker: what if one of the workers has coronavirus and touches the stuff that I'm buying?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational thinker: if I live alone and work alone at a remote location that i can drive to by myself, is that ok?

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational thinker: if we have a nationwide shutdown that has to be enforceable, if I drive from my house to my business where nobody else is, is it safe for the cops to pull me over because one of us might have coronavirus and could expose each other to it.

Shuckster: (crickets)

Rational person: if I'm sick, am I free to drive myself to the hospital, or will I be pulled over on the way because theres a national shutdown?

Shuckster: trump should have done something 2 months ago

Rational person: no, seriously. How do I get to the hospital or the grocery store under your scenario?

Shuckster: we need a national shutdown

Rational person: how many times did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Shuckster: we spent 6 trillion dollars on the iraq war.

Rational person: wtf?

Shuckster: if you cant figure out what I'm saying it's because you're a red hat.

Rational person: [logging off]

Nailed it!
Maybe it would help if you could describe what a nationwide shutdown looks like.
Instead of writing creative fiction for Red Hat laughs, maybe it would help to describe what will happen if this nation doesn't take this any more seriously than we have to date.
Don't forget our nation's leader! Our virus expert calls for a nationwide shutdown but his boss just keeps ignoring him.


God, I’ve never seen a moron stick to an unsupported position more then you
Instead of writing creative fiction for Red Hat laughs, maybe it would help to describe what will happen if this nation doesn't take this any more seriously than we have to date.
I don’t know. It made my day. To answer your question. The country is going to go to hell AND we are all going to die simultaneously
Instead of writing creative fiction for Red Hat laughs, maybe it would help to describe what will happen if this nation doesn't take this any more seriously than we have to date.
250,000 people die. Which is basically what would happen regardless of what we do. If you die of coronavirus, you were probably going to die this year anyway.
250,000 people die. Which is basically what would happen regardless of what we do. If you die of coronavirus, you were probably going to die this year anyway.
Well that certainly explains the philosophy behind what we're seeing play out.
Well that certainly explains the philosophy behind what we're seeing play out.
Did dictator trump already take away your freedom of speech, or are you just intentionally avoiding answering the question of "what does a national shutdown look like"?
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Did dictator trump already take away your freedom of speech, or are you just intentionally avoiding answering the question of "what does a national shutdown look like"?
Trust me, it looks a hell of a lot more serious than the half-assed shit you and I are seeing from Nebraska's Governor.

But we don't have to worry because the virus won't get any worse here, right? It's limited to those Big Ol' Blue States.*
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are you just intentionally avoiding answering the question of "what does a national shutdown look like"?
For some unknown reason the Shookster’s computer keeps omitting this. It’s equivalent to vampires disappearing in daylight
Trust me, it looks a hell of a lot more serious than the half-assed shit you and I are seeing from Nebraska's Governor.

But we don't have to worry because the virus won't get any worse here, right? It's limited to those Big Ol' Blue States.*
Man, i so want to visit Nebraska for a nice sit down dinner. Just a hamburger and fries will suffice. Why don’t you join me Shookster. Nebraska hasn’t really done anything yet, so it’s my best and last opportunity to cough/sneeze on you and your food.
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Man, i so want to visit Nebraska for a nice sit down dinner. Just a hamburger and fries will suffice. Why don’t you join me Shookster. Nebraska hasn’t really done anything yet, so it’s my best and last opportunity to cough/sneeze on you and your food.

Sorry, we have strict rules on how many people with down's syndrome are allowed in the state and we're full up at the moment. You'll have to be put on the waiting list
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Sorry, we have strict rules on how many people with down's syndrome are allowed in the state and we're full up at the moment. You'll have to be put on the waiting list
Yeah, I probably crossed the line there.
Trust me, it looks a hell of a lot more serious than the half-assed shit you and I are seeing from Nebraska's Governor.

But we don't have to worry because the virus won't get any worse here, right? It's limited to those Big Ol' Blue States.*

Oh I'm sure its serious. So serious it cant even be put into words, which is why you cant explain what it looks like. But it would be super double mega serious.
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Oh I'm sure its serious. So serious it cant even be put into words, which is why you cant explain what it looks like.
What the f'k to you think serious means??!? For some reason, you love playing these stupid games where the answer is dumbshit obvious.

A stay at home order means....cue drumroll...stay at home.

Yes, there are exceptions. We have to get our groceries...we have to get our gas...we have to run our hospitals. But the idea is to keep our outside activities to a bare minimum in an effort to keep the virus from spreading.

The more our Federal, State, and Local governments can all be emphasizing this message in unison, the better it is for everyone. The longer we send mixed messages, the longer the virus hangs around and the longer it is before we can get the economy going again.

Why is this such a hard concept to understand?
What the f'k to you think serious means??!? For some reason, you love playing these stupid games where the answer is dumbshit obvious.

A stay at home order means....cue drumroll...stay at home.

Yes, there are exceptions. We have to get our groceries...we have to get our gas...we have to run our hospitals. But the idea is to keep our outside activities to a bare minimum in an effort to keep the virus from spreading.

The more our Federal, State, and Local governments can all be emphasizing this message in unison, the better it is for everyone. The longer we send mixed messages, the longer the virus hangs around and the longer it is before we can get the economy going again.

Why is this such a hard concept to understand?

Lucky enough the Coronavirus doesn't go into the supermarkets, gas stations, going inside restaurants for takeout, construction areas, daycares, PetSmart for dog food, dealership for warranty work, and the other 50 exceptions. Especially doesn't happen when people are together with 200 other people waiting to go into a supercenter like Walmart or Target.

New York libs got this figured out...oh wait
Lucky enough the Coronavirus doesn't go into the supermarkets, gas stations, going inside restaurants for takeout, construction areas, daycares, PetSmart for dog food, dealership for warranty work, and the other 50 exceptions. Especially doesn't happen when people are together with 200 other people waiting to go into a supercenter like Walmart or Target.
You gotta love the logic of people like KNIGHTTIME:
We can't shut down every f*king thing, so why bother?

You'd think these knuckleheads would be smart enough to figure out that the more we can limit our social interactions, the less the virus spreads.
You gotta love the logic of people like KNIGHTTIME:
We can't shut down every f*king thing, so why bother?

You'd think these knuckleheads would be smart enough to figure out that the more we can limit our social interactions, the less the virus spreads.

That clearly isn't working. Most Americans won't just stay home. Outside of not going into an office a lot of Americans are doing much of the same activities as before. Keep the old folks inside for a few more months.
That clearly isn't working. Most Americans won't just stay home.
News flash knucklehead: The majority of responsible Americans ARE staying home.
Outside of not going into an office a lot of Americans are doing much of the same activities as before. Keep the old folks inside for a few more months.
Way to go, Einstein. Thanks for educating everybody that this virus is just an "old folks" thing. :rolleyes:
What the f'k to you think serious means??!? For some reason, you love playing these stupid games where the answer is dumbshit obvious.

A stay at home order means....cue drumroll...stay at home.

Yes, there are exceptions. We have to get our groceries...we have to get our gas...we have to run our hospitals. But the idea is to keep our outside activities to a bare minimum in an effort to keep the virus from spreading.

The more our Federal, State, and Local governments can all be emphasizing this message in unison, the better it is for everyone. The longer we send mixed messages, the longer the virus hangs around and the longer it is before we can get the economy going again.

Why is this such a hard concept to understand?

Do you realize how close your answer is to the faux conversation that I posted?
That clearly isn't working. Most Americans won't just stay home. Outside of not going into an office a lot of Americans are doing much of the same activities as before. Keep the old folks inside for a few more months.
Which begs the question: how do you force people to stay home and what does that look like? Arrests or fines?
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News flash knucklehead: The majority of responsible Americans ARE staying home.
Way to go, Einstein. Thanks for educating everybody that this virus is just an "old folks" thing. :rolleyes:

You're not getting out clearly. Our roads in Florida are still busy. Went into a restaurant yesterday and 25 or so we're waiting for takeout. I guess if you sat in a chair that is the difference ;)

The super market stores are packed.

Yeah it's clearly a bigger issue for older and unhealthy folks. Most younger folks don't even need hospitalization.
You're not getting out clearly. Our roads in Florida are still busy. Went into a restaurant yesterday and 25 or so we're waiting for takeout. I guess if you sat in a chair that is the difference ;)

The super market stores are packed.

Yeah it's clearly a bigger issue for older and unhealthy folks. Most younger folks don't even need hospitalization.

My county is pretty well shut down, but the grocery stores are still busy. Kind of silly: coffeeshop that has 200 patrons has to close but Walmart that has 5000 can stay open.
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Which begs the question: how do you force people to stay home and what does that look like? Arrests or fines?
It looks like a police state and the people who have been screaming that Trump is Hitler for more than 3 years would have a field day.
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It looks like a police state and the people who have been screaming that Trump is Hitler for more than 3 years would have a field day.

Trump is Hitler minus killing 6 million Jews and political prisoners, being a socialist, invading countries to steal their land, no gun rights for citizens so they are easily controlled, and committing suicide by a gun. Exactly the same...;)
Remember that time you said to hold on to stocks when the Dow was at 27k and you poo pooed my theory that by now 10k Americans would have died from Covid19 and instead claimed that everyone had already been infected and recovered? Good times. Good times.
Remember that time you said to hold on to stocks when the Dow was at 27k and you poo pooed my theory that by now 10k Americans would have died from Covid19 and instead claimed that everyone had already been infected and recovered? Good times. Good times.
Are you seriously celebrating being right about 10,000 people dying?
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Are you seriously celebrating being right about 10,000 people dying?
No. He won’t celebrate until it’s 200,000-300,000 just like he predicted. Or was it millions? I know it was definitely more than 100,000. Exciting times!!
No. He won’t celebrate until it’s 200,000-300,000 just like he predicted. Or was it millions? I know it was definitely more than 100,000. Exciting times!!
Is it just me, or does it seem totally fvcked up when people brag about being right on a death count?
No. He won’t celebrate until it’s 200,000-300,000 just like he predicted. Or was it millions? I know it was definitely more than 100,000. Exciting times!!

I think it was him that predicted 10 million will die in the United States. I mean really

Death counts would be even lower if we didn't have governors threatening lawsuits against doctors prescribing medicine to covid 19 patients.
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