Let me just say this about ISIS (aka Alabama) .....

As they place thier 4th national title in the last 7 years into thier shrine of excellence...I'm pretty sure they don't give a rats @ss about some regular season game they lost in a year when they had a bad record. It's not like we stopped them from winning the title that year.
Was it just me or did it look like Alabamas defense plays dirty? Diving at players knees and such.
Was it just me or did it look like Alabamas defense plays dirty? Diving at players knees and such.
there was that one play when the Bama defender led w his helmet way too close to Watson's knee which I thought was a little dirty, he could have easily wrapped him up there. They were trying to knock him out the game
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ISIS, lmfao. ill will always refer to them as ISIS now and for that i thank you.

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