liberals bailing on democrats in droves

these videos scream rehearsed to me.

same for when there's the "i was a diehard MAGA but i draw the line at being mean to government employees" type.

people on the left are largely addicted to feigning and receiving sympathy, they're not changing their minds anytime soon.
Even as hard as he is hitting spending, it isn't making a dent in the deficit. None of this really matters, We hit the tipping point in 2020 or earlier, and there is no turning back.

They are talking of cutting 1 trillion with 100's of billions being more likely, and we have a yearly deficit of 3 trillion, and are 37 trillion in the hole already. We add a trillion of debt ever 89 days. We are the Titanic, there is no keeping this mess afloat.
Thall, saw your dislike above. where am I wrong? Doge plan is to save 1 trillion per year, not likely to hit that #. You can dislike the cuts and the cutter, but they are what they are. We are borrowing 3 trillion plus per year. Interest is now the #2 spending item, below Social Security and above everything else. In order to start digging out of the crap hole both parties put us in, you will need to at a minimum get close to a balanced budget, stay at that level for years, and let inflation work for you rather than against you. They will not under either party get anywhere near a balanced budget., not to say anything of running a surplus. "WE ARE DOOMED!!' ☠️