Lol: Every time the Nebraska Huskies lose they flock here but it’s now over:


Bronze Knight
Gold Member
Sep 11, 2017
Like a pack of pathetic subhuman animals. Go invade the USF boolspen board.*

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That would be because we are more relevent right now. Sure, they were a dominant program in years that start with "19"...problem is the years starts with "20" now.
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That would be because we are more relevent right now. Sure, they were a dominant program in centuries that start with "19"...problem is this century starts with "20".

They can’t put 2 and 2 together that there’s a specific reason we recently started a UCF football excellence fund. It’s as if it’s that hard to figure out. All I’ll say. My source, Mr. Lucky is the bird that chirps........

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That would be because we are more relevent right now. Sure, they were a dominant program in centuries that start with "19"...problem is this century starts with "20".
Century isn't the correct word. You may want to edit. They won 5 titles in the 20th century
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How many titles does UCF have?

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win.
- Ghandi

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win.
- Ghandi


You do realize that a UCF knows they would never win a bidding war with Nebraska and its a fundraising ploy right?

Although it’s smart of your marketing team to seize the opportunity to get some donation bucks.

If Frost is still at UCF next year it’s because he thinks it’s a good place for his family and he’s happy. Not because Nebraska didn’t have enough money.
You do realize that a UCF knows they would never win a bidding war with Nebraska and its a fundraising ploy right?

Although it’s smart of your marketing team to seize the opportunity to get some donation bucks.

If Frost is still at UCF next year it’s because he thinks it’s a good place for his family and he’s happy. Not because Nebraska didn’t have enough money.
You just agreed with our argument.
This is embarrassing. If you're such a national power, have some pride. Good lord, you're "Nebraska" and you're trolling a "commuter G5 school" like it's your job.

Honestly, really look at what you're doing. The fact that you even come on this board tells the world everything they need to know about Nebraska football. Go look at your own board. Do you see UCF people there? No. Doesn't that tell you something?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
This is embarrassing. If you're such a national power, have some pride. Good lord, you're "Nebraska" and you're trolling a "commuter G5 school" like it's your job.

Honestly, really look at what you're doing. The fact that you even come on this board tells the world everything they need to know about Nebraska football. Go look at your own board. Do you see UCF people there? No. Doesn't that tell you something?

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Yes, Mikesi sure has. I have been here since Frost was hired. Even bought a couple UCF shirts and was at the SMU game.
Century isn't the correct word. You may want to edit. They won 5 titles in the 20th century
A century is a period of 100 years. You're talking about what centuries are called. I don't need to edit anything because what I wrote is correct.
It tells me you can’t hang with the real football programs. You don’t play them so why would you want to talk to them.

That doesn't even make sense. We've beaten Georgia, Penn State, Baylor, Louisville and Maryland since the last time you've mattered to anyone. You're not a real program anymore, so we don't want to talk to you.

I get it. Trying to tell a crazy person they are crazy doesn't always work. Trying to get a Nebraska fan to aunderstand their program has been dead for 10 years is hard.
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I have no dog in the fight or insight into where frosty is going. I just think the ploy to raise money to keep him is a laughable sham

Mistake number one is assuming the excellence fund was designed simply to ward off P5 suitors. Hell, I’d argue there’s multiple P5 head coaches that would leave where they are now to come here. Always ask yourself what’s really going on........
Remember when Nebraska was relevant? I think you can read about it in a book. Time for Nebraska fans to dust off the VCR and pop in the tape of their pre-BCS mythical national championships while they circle jerk each other and stalk Scott Frost.
Mistake number one is assuming the excellence fund was designed simply to ward off P5 suitors. Hell, I’d argue there’s multiple P5 head coaches that would leave where they are now to come here. Always ask yourself what’s really going on........

You can have Mike Riley, I agree he’d probably come there in a few weeks
UCF is irrelevant just ask the CFP Committee. You can put your little helmets on paper to make you feel better though.

But're here and UCF fans aren't on your board. This word, "irrelevant"...I do not think it means what you think it means. See, the committee thinks we are relevant, thus they put us in their rankings. Curiously, Nebraska is no where to be found in said rankings. Huh? Weird, right?

Frosty, I hope you have a horrible night. Yet another frustrating Saturday where you're team stunk it up and embarrassed your whole garbage State AGAIN. I hope you have a hard time sleeping because the ONE thing you want, for Nebraska football to not be the laughing stock of the nation, can't be yours. And through all that frustration, please just think of me...gently falling off to sleep knowing MY team is undefeated. And knowing despite how badly you don't want it to be true, Scott Frost is not going to Nebraska. And no matter where he coaches next year, we'll STILL be awesome and you'll STILL suck. And it feels so freaking good.
Remember when Nebraska was relevant? I think you can read about it in a book. Time for Nebraska fans to dust off the VCR and pop in the tape of their pre-BCS mythical national championships while they circle jerk each other and stalk Scott Frost.

If that did the trick any more why would we want your coach?
UCF is irrelevant just ask the CFP Committee.

So was TCU a few years ago, remember? Patterson wouldn’t even sniff the Texas job. Bull Gators have money to fill up Ben Hill Griffin and far far more money than Nebraska and they aren’t even convinced he’s leaving Orlando.*
Still no National Championships for UCF or the Citranauts.
Minnesota has more championships than Nebraska and just whooped that ass good. If recruits care about mythical national championships from before they were born and want to move to corn fields to play for a boring program, more power to them. But they don’t and Nebraska is horrible.

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