LOLz Socialist Cortez bans media from Public Townhall


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 20, 2010
Socialist have to be authoritatians. They can’t hide their stripes for too long.

Democratic socialist House candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez banned reporters from attending several of her public town hall events this week.


The candidate's campaign manager, Vigie Ramos Rio, tells the Chronicle the ban was implemented after reporters "mobbed" her last week following a community meeting. The campaign had apparently made it clear there would be "no Q&A and no one-on-one [interviews]."

Corbin Trent, communications director for the campaign, said that was what led to the media ban. "We wanted to help create a space where community members felt comfortable and open to express themselves without the distraction of cameras and press. These were the first set of events where the press has been excluded," Trent tells the Chronicle. "This is an outlier and will not be the norm. We're still adjusting our logistics to fit Alexandria's national profile."
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Looking forward to Trumpets giving her props, since all I've been hearing from them is how the media is the enemy.

I have zero problems saying both sides are disgusting for demonizing the media, but I'm not a partisan cuck like most on here. Although Cortez has a long way to go to catch up to Trump on their war on the media/information.
Looking forward to Trumpets giving her props, since all I've been hearing from them is how the media is the enemy.

I have zero problems saying both sides are disgusting for demonizing the media, but I'm not a partisan cuck like most on here. Although Cortez has a long way to go to catch up to Trump on their war on the media/information.

Agreed. There is very little that is more authoritarian than trying to ban or silence the media.

Also we owe it to ourselves to behyper critical of all administrations since the 1950s for silencing the media by making every little thing “classified and top secret”.
They dont want the media there because she keeps making a fool of herself and they want to hide it.
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Looking forward to Trumpets giving her props, since all I've been hearing from them is how the media is the enemy.

I have zero problems saying both sides are disgusting for demonizing the media, but I'm not a partisan cuck like most on here. Although Cortez has a long way to go to catch up to Trump on their war on the media/information.

This from the guy that complains every time people defend Trump by using Obama or Hillary.

Now he can't write a post about this idiot socialist without bashing Trump as well.
Socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is scared to let too many outsiders hear what she has to say. She's an open marxist, and if anyone with common sense listened to what she's proposing for them, they'd run as fast as they could. She uses her rags-to-riches story to gain advantage over fools, and promises them that everything is free for life. Marxist loon from NY. NY is full of loons, she just the newest one.

Imagine if Trump did this.....the outcry from Libs would be deafening.
She is an idiot, and because her idiocy is becoming plain as day they are going to shield her.

During the Bronx and Corona, New York community meetings last week, on Aug 12 that the media was not allowed to attend, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said anyone over the age of 70 should be required to go to a Euthanasia center to be put to sleep. She said by eliminating the retiree population it would reduce the Federal budget cost for Medicare and the Social Security. With those savings they would pay for free college and health care for everyone, even the millions of illegals. She said that is the only way to reduce the excess population making room for open borders, prevent green house gas build up, provide free college and lower medical cost so everyone can have health care.

sjw blm commie Cortez is a dingaling loser, spouting bromides and slogans as ultimate truth. She is a CON ARTIST. I'm not bothering with hyphened names with lots of vowels. She is Commie Cortez.

The question is whether New York voters are STUPID enough to elect her.
This from the guy that complains every time people defend Trump by using Obama or Hillary.

Now he can't write a post about this idiot socialist without bashing Trump as well.

Because (I'm going to type slowly here so you can follow along) Cortez and Trump...are doing the same thing. Therefore it is ok to bash both of them for it. Can you praise her for this since she is doing the same thing (on a much smaller scale) than Trump? Do you understand this incredibly basic idea?
They dont want the media there because she keeps making a fool of herself and they want to hide it.
They finally spun it last week as the residents’ needing a safe space to discuss sensitive issues, such as [insert buzzwords here]. Probably the best way to spin it but that should’ve been the first answer, not some garbage about logistics. Because, as you stated, we all know she’s hiding out from having to answer any questions except in very controlled circumstances.
They finally spun it last week as the residents’ needing a safe space to discuss sensitive issues, such as [insert buzzwords here]. Probably the best way to spin it but that should’ve been the first answer, not some garbage about logistics. Because, as you stated, we all know she’s hiding out from having to answer any questions except in very controlled circumstances.
Do you think its wrong for politicians to do that?
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Not allowing media at some of your events is now banning the media? No one tell socialist UCF football.

IF your defense of an action is purely semantics than you know you're wrong. Not allowing or banning or whatever. This is still wrong.
Do you think its wrong for politicians to do that?

Absolutely, yes. Particularly during a first time election. Why wouldnt you want the media to cover as much as possible so you can get your message out? The only possible explanation is that she wants to be elected as a cult of personality type.
IF your defense of an action is purely semantics than you know you're wrong. Not allowing or banning or whatever. This is still wrong.
I think that she’d be fine leaving the press out if she had invited people from the community (or community organizers) to a meeting at her office. This, however, was advertised as a town hall meeting, which implies an open forum. Even though most town halls nowadays are scripted or heavily moderated.

Think about Clinton’s town halls where questions had to be submitted and approved in advance. That provides an opportunity for the media to attend and fawn over how plugged in the candidate is to their constituency by having good answers to all the questions posed. Instead, Ocasio Cortez’s handling of the situation made an opponent of the media and sent the wrong impression as it evokes the negative side of most real life socialist states. IMO, this is a huge error on their part.
they know shes liability any time she opens her mouth when not talking directly to her followers. the faster she goes away the better.
So I am still confused, is the media still the enemy as MAGAt's always say? Or do we agree with a socialist? TELL ME HOW TO THINK FOX NEWS, I CAN"T HANDLE THIS!
Absolutely, yes. Particularly during a first time election. Why wouldnt you want the media to cover as much as possible so you can get your message out? The only possible explanation is that she wants to be elected as a cult of personality type.
DJT has given one press confrence in 20 months
they know shes liability any time she opens her mouth when not talking directly to her followers. the faster she goes away the better.
DJT has given one press conf in 20 months. He's a liability obviously yet you take no issue with it.
my pay check is bigger, isis is on the run, possible peace with nk, better trade deals, record economy. yea im ok with him not doing press conferences...

The real Trump Derangement Syndrome right here.

You also forgot: probable treason, record deficit, laughing stock of the entire civilized world, Nazis are actually a thing again
my pay check is bigger, isis is on the run, possible peace with nk, better trade deals, record economy. yea im ok with him not doing press conferences...
I’m going to guess that you’re responding to FC or Ninja and they want to equate her to Trump. That’s a bad equivalency, because even though Trump calls the media out for inaccuracies and perceived biases, he is accessible. So much so that even the editor of the Washington Post remarked that Trump is far more accessible that President Obama was.

Fact is, Trump talks to the press all the time.
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my pay check is bigger, isis is on the run, possible peace with nk, better trade deals, record economy. yea im ok with him not doing press conferences...
So you're cool with no press access with your team. I hear you loud and clear.
It's funny that this crazy democrat now wants to have a town hall meeting in peace.

it's funny because Democrat loons are the ones that destroyed town hall meetings in the first place.

what is it Democrats? Do we want town hall meetings orderly and peaceful or do we want town hall meetings where people just stand up and scream the whole time?
Going out on a limb here -- the Nazi Party was a socialist movement (National Socialist German Workers' Party) which was anti-capitalism, anti-big business, and sought to exterminate Jews.

Meanwhile, Trump's entire DNA is capitalism and big business and the Prime Minister of Israel says that Trump "is a true friend in the White House and that the friendship between the 2 nations has never been stronger."

Details schmetails.... This is typical Left Propaganda. Lets coin this...say this because it sounds evil....yell and scream it as loud as we can when we march...... Don't worry that it has ZERO basis or related to truth. In fact, it's usually the opposite. "Nah don't sweat it...our zombies will run with back to the treason thing......"
Going out on a limb here -- the Nazi Party was a socialist movement (National Socialist German Workers' Party) which was anti-capitalism, anti-big business, and sought to exterminate Jews.

Meanwhile, Trump's entire DNA is capitalism and big business and the Prime Minister of Israel says that Trump "is a true friend in the White House and that the friendship between the 2 nations has never been stronger."

Details schmetails.... This is typical Left Propaganda. Lets coin this...say this because it sounds evil....yell and scream it as loud as we can when we march...... Don't worry that it has ZERO basis or related to truth. In fact, it's usually the opposite. "Nah don't sweat it...our zombies will run with back to the treason thing......"

Kind of like the ANTIFA dummies are actually the fascists? And people don't realize this? Gotta love millennials.
Sk8's critique was, and I quote, "we all know she’s hiding out from having to answer any questions except in very controlled circumstances." You don't see the irony?
not surprised youd skim over the link about a wapo writer claiming that trump was far more accessible than obama
not surprised youd skim over the link about a wapo writer claiming that trump was far more accessible than obama
That's literally what sk8 said about very controlled circumstances. You have to be intentionally ignoring the irony.