Maga chuds, How will your life be impacted negatively if Joe Biden wins?

Good story. I’m not familiar with the Dillsboro economy in 2016, but by every meaningful statistic at at macro level there was no ongoing recession in 2016 in the US. Nor had there been one for 5 or 6 years. Not doubting your local story, but tourism elsewhere was fine. Disney parks locally had increases in attendance every year from 2010-2018. 2019 took a slight (less than 1%) step back. Orlando tourism as a whole was up 46% from 2009 to 2016 (46.6 million tourists to 68 million). It’s up an additional 10% (75 million) in the 3 full years since Trump assumes office (through 2019).

Yes, but one guy from bumfuk, NC said he didn't see any tourists, so your argument and fancy liberal numbers are useless. Checkmate, libtard.
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