McDonalds Employees Tag Team in Cat Fight

This isn't entertaining. It's just a further glimpse into degenerate, trash America that is consuming our society.
1. That McDonalds chick was huge.
2. Even after a total ass whipping, the customer was still talking smack and came back for more. She must be even dumber than she looks.
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Would have bet anything they were non-white...surprise
A combination of maladaptive intrinsic traits/factors, which have been encouraged, conditioned and allowed to unnaturally survive into entitlement and quasi-empowerment through public/herd acceptance and entertainment.
Yea, things aren't getting worse at all. This has always happened. *eyeroll*
Why do dogs bark all night? Because they haven't been properly trained. It's that simple. If we treated them like dogs, they'd be happier. It's just as inhumane to give them equal rights, in our society, as it would be to allow wild dogs to run free in packs.

Strict behavioral conditioning training should be enforced. When dogs fail training, and become vicious, would anyone seriously suggest sentencing vicious dogs to 6 mos internment with other vicious dogs, and then setting them free, to run the streets, again? Of course not.