Megan McCain: "we gather to mourn the passing of American greatness...

Really? I seem to recall an old woman at one of his campaign stops in Minneapolis calling Obama "an A-rab." McCain interrupted her and said, "No ma'am, he is a good family man and an American who has ideas for this country that are very different than mine."

But I supposed that's no big deal. That's the way all true Americans would have responded to her, right?
From the horses mouth himself ......

Oh boy! David Duke- there it is! A David Duke reference from a guy who views Farrakhan chumming it up with DNC leaders as no big deal.

If you had bothered to take the time to comprehend what I wrote rather than see the name 'David Duke' and react, you'd note that my point was that people like David Duke are NOT representative of the GOP.
If you had bothered to take the time to comprehend what I wrote rather than see the name 'David Duke' and react, you'd note that my point was that people like David Duke are NOT representative of the GOP.

And yet you name dropped him anyways.
Good grief. I posted in hopes of an intelligent discussion. But if you're going to continue ignoring my point, why should I bother?

This is like arguing with a two-year old.

Post something intelligent and maybe you'll get somewhere.
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