Mississippi Lawmaker Calls for State to 'Succeed From the Union' Over Biden Win

Is it perfect? Definitely not.

Is it better than letting people who think COVID is a conspiracy theory and wearing masks is a part of the reptilian overlords control scheme vote? Definitely so.
Is that worse than Hank Johnson thinking Guam could capsize if we have too many soldiers on one side of the island?
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Stupid like this:

Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’ The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.
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Probably isn’t. There are a lot of really smart people that have horrid political beliefs. There are probably some dumb people that have enough sense to try and limit the control of government. Obviously. most people will be in the middle and it also not really a fair way to choose who represents us. It’s just an idea people throw out when they are disturbed by the electorate (as we should always be).
Oh, it's not a good idea. I just wanted to use the character's name in my post.
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Inbred idiot chuds arguing that MS seceding is the same as Cali seceding makes about as much sense as comparing this election to 2000.

Cali has a GDP of $2.8 TRILLION.

If Cali was a country it would have the 5th largest GDP in the world. Bigger than the entire UK.

These idiots on here equating the two just have zero critical thinking skills. The best they can hope to do is parrot some far right talking points spoonfed to them on OAN. They don't have the spare brain bytes to actually analyze the situation.
Inbred idiot chuds ......I like that description for KNIGHTTIME and UCF MIKES
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Is it perfect? Definitely not.

Is it better than letting people who think COVID is a conspiracy theory and wearing masks is a part of the reptilian overlords control scheme vote? Definitely so.
Those people are, of course, misguided, but you can’t exclude the folks that believe a man can give birth or that aren’t historically literate or capable enough to look past the rhetoric of news reports and try to come to a rational understanding about the political or social events happening right now. Both the left and the right have their share of thoughtless lemmings and crazies.
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Those people are, of course, misguided, but you can’t exclude the folks that believe a man can give birth or that aren’t historically literate or capable enough to look past the rhetoric of news reports and try to come to a rational understanding about the political or social events happening right now. Both the left and the right have their share of thoughtless lemmings and crazies.

I really, really hate this argument. Yes, the left has whack jobs. However those handful of crazy lefties on twitter pale in comparison to for instance: the entire state of mississippi (hyperbole).

Yes there are nut jobs on both ends, and an intelligence test would be great because it would weed them all out. It would, without a doubt, have a larger effect on the right wing conspiracy theory chugging morons.

Use this board for an proof. Who on here thinks men can get pregnant? No one. Who on here thinks covid is a conspiracy theory and masks shouldn't be worn? Damn near half of you all.

Also what does more damage? Crazy lefties and 53 genders? Or climate deniers? One is good for a laugh, the other literally threatens our very survival as a species.
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I really, really hate this argument. Yes, the left has whack jobs. However those handful of crazy lefties on twitter pale in comparison to for instance: the entire state of mississippi (hyperbole).

Yes there are nut jobs on both ends, and an intelligence test would be great because it would weed them all out. It would, without a doubt, have a larger effect on the right wing conspiracy theory chugging morons.

Use this board for an proof. Who on here thinks men can get pregnant? No one. Who on here thinks covid is a conspiracy theory and masks shouldn't be worn? Damn near half of you all.

Also what does more damage? Crazy lefties and 53 genders? Or climate deniers? One is good for a laugh, the other literally threatens our very survival as a species.
Ah yes. The existential threat angle. Funny how this comes from the same people that say we have evolved over thousands of years and adapted to our environment, but they somehow think we can't adapt to a 2 degree change in temperature. Derp
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Ah yes. The existential threat angle. Funny how this comes from the same people that say we have evolved over thousands of years and adapted to our environment, but they somehow think we can't adapt to a 2 degree change in temperature.
Funny how the same people who say 'Gee, why can't we adapt to a 2 degree change in temperature?' wonder why the hell the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are seeing so many more bigger and stronger hurricanes each year.

Don't listen to the climatologists, I'm sure it's just a 'freaky' coincidence.
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Funny how the same people who say 'Gee, why can't we adapt to a 2 degree change in temperature?' wonder why the hell the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are seeing so many more bigger and stronger hurricanes each year.

Don't listen to the climatologists, I'm sure it's just a 'freaky' coincidence.
We can't adapt to stronger hurricanes?
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Alabama to Mississippi: "hold my moonshine"

In his first big interview as a senator-elect, Tommy Tuberville, Republican of Alabama, misidentified the three branches of the federal government, claimed erroneously that World War II was a battle against socialism and wrongly asserted that former Vice President Al Gore was president-elect for 30 days.

Mr. Tuberville, a former Auburn University football coach who decisively defeated Senator Doug Jones, a Democrat, last week, gave the remarkable interview to The Alabama Daily News on Thursday after attending orientation for new senators in Washington.
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Alabama to Mississippi: "hold my moonshine"

In his first big interview as a senator-elect, Tommy Tuberville, Republican of Alabama, misidentified the three branches of the federal government, claimed erroneously that World War II was a battle against socialism and wrongly asserted that former Vice President Al Gore was president-elect for 30 days.

Mr. Tuberville, a former Auburn University football coach who decisively defeated Senator Doug Jones, a Democrat, last week, gave the remarkable interview to The Alabama Daily News on Thursday after attending orientation for new senators in Washington.
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Can't even man up for your own stupidity.

Honest question: why are morons like goodknight allowed to determine the future for the rest of us? People like him and the MS "succeed" sheriff and millions of others obviously have some sort of mental incapacitation. They can't be trusted to make the correct call, why does their voice count the same as an educated persons choice?
I am not for anyone succeeding.
It's kind of like those old Fram oil filter commercials where the mechanic says, "You can pay me now...or pay me later."
Or we can act like adults and understand that some things are out of our control, so we prepare for the inevitable. Unless you are going to figure out a way to force the rest of the world to abide your wishes..........
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This gem from the same poster who believes there's really nothing Donald Trump could have done about the pandemic. 🙄
Trump simply wearing a mask after CDC recommendations or not calling it a hoax would have saved countless lives. Half the chuds on this board would have followed like lemmings. Didn’t even need to enact policy.
Trump simply wearing a mask after CDC recommendations or not calling it a hoax would have saved countless lives. Half the chuds on this board would have followed like lemmings. Didn’t even need to enact policy.

100% this.

Especially since his fan base is more like a cult. He preys on those incapable of thinking for themselves, so they would imitate him. Just something as simple as appearing in public with a mask.

Instead he idiotically made a science issue a political one, and we still have inbred dipshits believing a failed trust fund bone spur joke, instead of scientists.
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