Most college students think America invented slavery, professor finds


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 7, 2011

Its been said many times that our educational system has failed. Just when I think we've hit bottom, someone tosses these idiots more shovels and they keep digging.

“Most of my students could not tell me anything meaningful about slavery outside of America,” Pesta told The College Fix. “They are convinced that slavery was an American problem that more or less ended with the Civil War, and they are very fuzzy about the history of slavery prior to the Colonial era. Their entire education about slavery was confined to America.”
I don't understand the surprise at all, the professors and teachers only have themselves to blame.
It's quite sad that people don't know the details of the slave trade in the United States. We (the United States) only accounted for 6% of all slaves leaving Africa. That's not to say we shouldn't hold some blame, we should for how long it took from banning the slave trade in 1808 to banning slavery entirely in 1863.

Slavery predates written language. They've found evidence of slavery going as far back as 10,000 BC in Egypt. The Code of Hammuurabi, written in 1784 BC, specifically says it's illegal to help a slave escape. The left wing students on campuses of course will be shocked to find that this was written by ancient Babylonians and not the RNC.
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It's quite sad that people don't know the details of the slave trade in the United States. We (the United States) only accounted for 6% of all slaves leaving Africa. That's not to say we shouldn't hold some blame, we should for how long it took from banning the slave trade in 1808 to banning slavery entirely in 1863.
Can we sell them back to Africa? *

Slavery predates written language. They've found evidence of slavery going as far back as 10,000 BC in Egypt. The Code of Hammuurabi, written in 1784 BC, specifically says it's illegal to help a slave escape. The left wing students on campuses of course will be shocked to find that this was written by ancient Babylonians and not the RNC.
Slavery predates written language?

Cool. We all cool, then.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't how many of you honestly feel.

You've got enough white guilt for all of us. Go pop some more Xanax before you start spiraling out of control again and blaming all us white people for slavery.
You've got enough white guilt for all of us. Go pop some more Xanax before you start spiraling out of control again and blaming all us white people for slavery.
Guy goes full-blown racist in here and trailer trash Bob is there to defend him. I always knew exactly what side of the coin you were on, Bob.
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Chemmie is so goddamn stupid that he can't even understand that my point was in response to the goddamn original article claiming dolts like him assume America invented slavery.

Instead he sees this as a justification for slavery.

He really is stupid on a different level. Scientists should study him to assess the impact of excessive carbs and beer on the brain.
Guy goes full-blown racist in here and trailer trash Bob is there to defend him. I always knew exactly what side of the coin you were on, Bob.

OH NO!!! You called me racist trailer trash again!!! I'm so offended!!!

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