I didn't think I had anything to comment, but this was the worst thing ever- a stroller. I, male, never put my kid in a stroller. You may not actually give a crap about your kid, but I did and always carried them, 2 girls. Anywhere I went I never used a stroller. Yep, probably insane, but they actually do grow up fast and become teens and act like teens, and in the end you will never forget carrying her around with you. Daiper genie was great because I had a wife that would put them in the garbage and I could smell the chemical plastic smell over the what you'd expect smell and couldn't stand it. We don't trash much, not environmental wackos but do recycyle, so it would be a while till garbage left the apartment, and the chemical disintegration of the diapers was disgusting (my Dad worked as a grocery broker so got tons of free diapers). Buy butt creme, avoid diaper rash.