You couldn't pay me to live in Europe today. My next door neighbors are both Danish with dual citizenship in this county as well. They are currently in Denmark for four months tending to their house there. Two months ago they called me asking me to go into their house and find their marriage certificate. They needed it to stay in Denmark as they were notified by the government there they had to leave after 60 days unless they could prove their citizenship and home ownership in Denmark.Feel free to leave this awful capitalistic, xenophobic, racist country at any time EE.
Get that EE, these people had citizenship in Denmark, we're both born there, own a home there for 40 plus years, both anastetiologists trained there and they were being kicked out without the proper documentation. So while you cheer the socialist type of government, the U.S. has some of the weakest enforcement of immigration in the world yet is the biggest target in the world outside of Israel.
Oh and both say they would never go back to Denmark full time as the welfare state government over taxes its citizens who chose to work harder than than others.