Muslim College Prof arrested for fake attack and threats

More fake “hate crimes”. And this Muslim thug was teaching our children.

But it is great news that he was arrested–so many of these Mohammedan stealth Jihadists are not–and that Indiana State has started proceedings to fire him.

Deport the terrorist muslim at once! Deport them all!
Sounds eerily familiar

Radical Islam is using snowflake culture as a weapon of jihad
Everyone says the peaceful Muslims need to condemn the action of the terrorists. This one does and everyone loses their ****.
Hussain, 56, faces a felony charge of obstruction of justice and a misdemeanor charge of harassment. He was booked into Vigo County Jail at 4:51 p.m. today and is scheduled for a Monday appearance in Vigo County Superior Court 6. The university in a news release said Hussain, an assistant professor of aviation technology, has been suspended from teaching duties.

Can't be a good idea.....just sayin