After spending a good deal of time watching our UCF women dominate their competition this winter/spring, it has become painfully obvious that UCF is greatly lacking in a key point of engagement for the fans and players.
We don’t have a short 3-5 second cheer. Whenever the crowd gets fired up it inevitably erupts into a disjointed U-C-F, U-C-F, U-C-F cheer that is unorganized and fades away awkwardly. I think we’re better than that and I think the fans would welcome something new.
Think about any major university. Most have several quick cheers, chants or hand signals that all the fans know and participate in. How difficult would it be for the band, cheerleaders and our athletic department leaders to come up with some fun ways for the fans to get involved with an organized cheer? Utilize Charge On! or Go Knights! or maybe even something new.
Simple cheers that are familiar not only across Knight Knation but also across college sports will only help to grow the brand. How do we make this happen?
We don’t have a short 3-5 second cheer. Whenever the crowd gets fired up it inevitably erupts into a disjointed U-C-F, U-C-F, U-C-F cheer that is unorganized and fades away awkwardly. I think we’re better than that and I think the fans would welcome something new.
Think about any major university. Most have several quick cheers, chants or hand signals that all the fans know and participate in. How difficult would it be for the band, cheerleaders and our athletic department leaders to come up with some fun ways for the fans to get involved with an organized cheer? Utilize Charge On! or Go Knights! or maybe even something new.
Simple cheers that are familiar not only across Knight Knation but also across college sports will only help to grow the brand. How do we make this happen?