New UCF Theme Song

I'm afraid to listen to it again, because what if I have it playing and I have a heart attack or someone shoots me? The last thing I will have heard is this foul unlistenable shrieking. When I get to heaven and God is like, "HH what it do, kid? I blessed your planet with beauty and magic. Drink to gladden the heart and music to sooth the soul. What was the last song you listened to?" (In this example God dangled a participle because he does what he wants, plus all of this is said in Hebrew or Aramaic). I have to answer with the truth, that I sinned against nature and truth by listening to whatever that is. There will be no mansion of glory for old HH, just a trailer by the heavenly sewage treatment plant. Beware.
Is anyone else concerned that it has over 100k views?
I haven't hit play on this yet and from the reactions I don't think I will.
Hilarious! Best part is at 1:53 onward, just be sure to mute it, don't read the lyrics and laugh your ass off at the flopping white shirts.

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