
I think everyone knows that they are all creeps. The question is are they working for or against your agenda? Sometimes you gotta ride the train that's there if they repent. DJT has never (will never) repent. Byrd, Stern and Biden have all admitted that they were wrong/inappropriate.
DJT has never (will never) repent.
DJT is a RealityTV star I cannot stand, and I think he's insensitive to an extreme ...

But when has Trump actually stomped on the actual opportunities of minorities like some of these people?!

That's what's empowering his supporters, the fact that he's not lip service, while the actual racists on the left are.

Heck, just 12 years ago both Hillary and Obama were saying -- only 1 Democratic candidate didn't -- "It's against my religion" and that's now considered a massive, bigoted staterment against the LGBTQ+ community.

I'll give Trump that. He might be an insensitive f--- and an imbecile that repeats things from his advisors without context and/or understanding, but he's not intentionally a racist in the least bit, compared to all those people named.

Going the other way, "Okay Boomer" has to be the most mass accepted, bigoted phrase by an entire generation (I'm smack dab Gen-X BTW, '73).

Plus, I'm tired of mass 'misinformation' (flat out lies) about firearms. Amazon banning books, Facebook and Google banning speech, over 'misinformation,' from experts that they don't agree with, yet ... when it's utter lies and misinformation they agree with, oh yes, go ahead.