Why does your kind and loving god give a Children Cancer? Or have famines and plagues? Or allow kids to be the innocent victims of gang related violence?
Seems like a swell guy!
There's a lot of directions we could go with this.
What makes him a loving God isn't because life is wonderful all of the time. What makes him a loving God is his forgiveness to begin with. Beyond that, and more importantly, is that our existence isn't limited to just the 70 or 80 years we have on earth. I'd disagree with the sentiment that God "gives" a child cancer, but even if he did the offer of eternal existence (aka, forever) far outweighs the short term suffering. Id take that trade-off every day of the week. The alternative is that a kid gets cancer just via random happenstance and thats the end of their existence. I choose to believe in hope.