Ok so what exactly is your gun view?

Ok so what exactly is your gun view?

  • We have a serious gun problem, with no easy solutions.

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • We have a serious gun problem that can be easily remedied with more laws

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • We don't have a gun problem, we have an idiot problem

    Votes: 34 61.8%
  • MOAR GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • I'm a racist

    Votes: 3 5.5%

  • Total voters
I wish guns didn't exist, but those arguing to ban guns provide stupid logic on why they should be banned and ignore the obvious consequences (which will never be the same, for real).

If we fix the mental health problem, it would actually be more effective in stopping these types of crimes.

We need to do a better job with background/mental health checks.There is no denying that.
My view? From my cold dead fingers. You break into my house and mess with my family, it's not if it's what you're getting shot with.
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We need society to pull it's head from it's own ass and maybe ask families to start giving a shit about eachother again. How many of these f*cking shooters' story begins with "Gee, he was clearly nuts and dangerous but nothing was done by family and friends!".

People don't just wake up one day and decide to grab a pistol and start blowing people away.

There is a cancer within society and it's only getting worse.
I've never lived in a place without a gun ( never mine ) until now. It feels.....odd. Like summer with no humidity.

But I've only shot one during my concealed carry course.

My view on guns
There are millions of people in the US with some sort of serious mental illness. Some are ok with them owning guns, and some aren't.

Yes, there are some out there who think anyone should own a piece regardless. I'm not one of those.

The problem is there are countless individuals who go undiagnosed, are diagnosed and no one cares, or they simply are too f***ed up to know any better, and they essentially go unaccounted for. Outside of the gov't forcing everyone in the country to undergo so sort of mental exam, this isn't going to change.
I have guns, Which i see some of you cringing.

But honestly the issue is mental health, and a society that sadly must grow up.
The whole get rid of all guns is great if we lived in a Utopia, and people were killed for sport but people with knives, swords.

Getting rid of guns because we have a Police, would be like getting rid of all fire extinguishers since we have a fire dept.
Yes, guns do kill people, but we have millions of guns here in America and I would say it is the 0.5% that use them in bad ways that we here about, whether illegal immigrants killing nice people, whether police killing innocent civilians, or psychos using them in bad ways as well.
Our society needs to learn gun safety, and respect.
If you see someone else with a gun, we all need to feel safe, and not worried. Sadly when I see others with a gun, I do not know how sane they are.
And yes some people would be better off without a gun. We need an intelligent leader not a puppet, sadly for 2016 right now we have 21 puppets running for office.. ok ok 20 puppets and 1 Trump Clown.
I wish guns didn't exist, but those arguing to ban guns provide stupid logic on why they should be banned and ignore the obvious consequences (which will never be the same, for real).

If we fix the mental health problem, it would actually be more effective in stopping these types of crimes.

I think that the extension of your first point is that, like it or not, guns are explicitly woven into the framework of the nation. As citizens the United States of America, we have the inalienable right to arm ourselves. It would take a total re-framing of the government for the banning of guns to make sense/be possible. The regulation of who can get guns, how they get guns, and which guns they can get based on public safety is on the table, but guns are here to stay.
Reading between the lines it seems the few posters who are supposed to slob over gun law knobs are seeing the light that taking good not crazy peoples guns to stop crazies from killing people is dumb.
You may want to start by putting signs in business windows saying....

This is not a gun free zone!
Reading between the lines it seems the few posters who are supposed to slob over gun law knobs are seeing the light that taking good not crazy peoples guns to stop crazies from killing people is dumb.
Again, I don't like guns, but I have enough sense to know that increasing gun laws only takes guns away from the people who aren't the problem.
Increasing gun laws would be like making healthy eating laws that only apply to vegan and healthy restaurants, while fast-food places would still be allowed to sell crap.

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I am a gun Owner and strong proponent of the right to own them . I cringe every time these tragedies turn into a pissing match between both sides of gun control . It's lip service only and nothing more than politicians talking shit to stir the emotions and support of those in their base and those they think they can sway from the middle ground or undecided voters. It's BS plain and simple . They don't give a flying **** about the victims for the most part . We need to bring back respect for human life .
I am a gun Owner and strong proponent of the right to own them . I cringe every time these tragedies turn into a pissing match between both sides of gun control . It's lip service only and nothing more than politicians talking shit to stir the emotions and support of those in their base and those they think they can sway from the middle ground or undecided voters. It's BS plain and simple . They don't give a flying **** about the victims for the most part . We need to bring back respect for human life .

"In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over." -- Dan Hodges

"In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over." -- Dan Hodges


The fact that you agree with this quote is a huge dent on your credibility as a thinking human being.
We have guns because knives exist. Seriously. It's like the looney tunes perpetual "MAD" argument. One will have a better weapon than the other...

In history, that is why guns came about. To have an advantage over the sword...

Someone draws a knife, the trump card is a gun. Simple.

"Bringing a knife to a gun fight" never works out.
"In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over." -- Dan Hodges

If this is really the best argument you can think of on this subject...

... let's just say that argument is stupid... and dumb...
If this is really the best argument you can think of on this subject...

... let's just say that argument is stupid... and dumb...

Yeah, I'm sure gun confiscation programs would really zero in on all the black market guns...since they are registered and all*

Na...citizens should be entrusted by their states to be armed for the circumstances for where armed-authority is not available. No argument. I'm glad I'm moving out of damn suburbia...already had the door-to-door "evangelical" socialists asking my opinion on guns. DONE.
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I think every city needs to have 2 hospitals; one to treat physical ailments and one for the mentally ill. This would help solve more than just the shooting incidents weve been having.
I think every city needs to have 2 hospitals; one to treat physical ailments and one for the mentally ill. This would help solve more than just the shooting incidents weve been having.

Good idea, but- and this will really piss off Obamacare lovers, Mental Health hospitals are getting shut down because of Obamacare. I don't know why (and it makes no sense) but it is a fact. The only mental care facility in middle Georgia (newly built by the way) was close because of Obamacare and the patients, or the one brought in by the police for observation go to the regular hospital which doesn't have the experience or room to treat them. Hence, those not seen as too unusual are released. This comes straight from the nursing staff and doctors of said hospital. Hopefully, it's just anecdotal and there was a more sane reason to shutter the not a decade old mental care facility.

Plus, I believe it is not easy to involuntarily commit anyone to a mental health hospital. If they want out, and haven't committed a crime, they get out. I believe it was an ACLU lawsuit that changed that.
I'm waiting for the asshole that tries another massacre (god forbid of course) and gets stopped by a 65-year-old Vietnam vet with service metals that has a concealed carry. How will the mainstream propaganda channels twists that one around? They won't! It wouldn't even air...

This happens daily too...maybe not on the massacre level, but gun-toting criminals being stopped by carrying good-Samaritans. All the socialists ignore it...
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I'm waiting for the asshole that tries another massacre (god forbid of course) and gets stopped by a 65-year-old Vietnam vet with service metals that has a concealed carry. How will the mainstream propaganda channels twists that one around? They won't! It wouldn't even air...

This happens daily too...maybe not on the massacre level, but gun-toting criminals being stopped by carrying good-Samaritans. All the socialists ignore it...

So put the 65-year old Vietnam vet in the movie theatre of this most recent shooting. How does it turn out differently?