Every other western nation has figured out what we Americans won't ...
That even though nearly all undocumented immigrants and residents in the US are peace loving and just want opportunity and a future for their kids, they are the ultimate, potential, unwitting labor for organized crime.
Their communities breed it, and requires additional costs, and -- eventually -- organized crime starts controlling their politicians. That's why other nations, from Canada to German to Australia arrests, prosecutes, deports -- even blacklists them from ever getting refugee status -- that doesn't come through their proper channels. When I fully explain our 'Dreamers' temporary orders, 'de-programming' them from the Progressive media saying they are 'refugees' (a legal term that is false for undocumented residents, but the Progressive media uses it for a reason) even they all agree, "That's just going to make the problem worse."
Because they want to deter people from coming in illegally (and that's the Canadian, EU and Australian term BTW -- "illegal immigrant" and "illegal alien," which is considered 'racist' here in the US) ... not because they don't believe in them becoming immigrants, but because they do not want organized crime to take advantage of their status and "advantages."
Just look at any community of undocumented residents, and you'll always get the same comment. "We need more police. We don't have enough police. We want to work with police." Sure, they defintely do. Because the reason they need more police is, because, what their community breeds. They are the target for organized crime, who needs undocumented residents, who needs people crossing the border (with things on their back, against their will), etc...
It's become a nightmare in Belgium and France after decades too.
And this is the nightmare scenario that is happening right now in California. You have entire cities with politicans who are at the mercy of organized crime now. That's why they leak information on raids, not to protect the innocent, but to protect the very, very guilty -- the very exceedingly, and repeatedly guilty.
Because while the Progressives love to quote about numbers of undocumented residents v. citizens prosecuted for crimes, they forget to mention several things. One, the long-term and repeat offenders are an order of magnitude higher, because, two, they are desired by organized crime, because they are difficult to track, and get all sorts of protections in the US that no other country has (and actively fights against).
This is the nightmare we now have. And more and more Americans in California are getting tired of it. Especially African-Americans who are citizens, and find themselves prosecuted and criminalized in rates that undocumented residents are not, and purposely protected from.
When Progressives drop their rhetoric, and start realizing this, things will get better.
And Conservatives need to also stop the "they broke the law when they crossed the border." Pick your battles as well, focus on the criminal elements that take advantage of them, not their hope of just want a better life.
Until then, everyone cutting off the CBP, DHS, INS, etc... from getting at the real criminals just causes them to have to go after everyone, not just the criminals. That's why it's a self-fulfilling ball of non-sense. INS does a raid, and they arrest everyone, deport everyone, instead of just the criminals that are the real problem. The ones that have the politicians protecting them.