My company matches donations made to charitable organizations.
Finding UCF Foundation Inc. in our charitable org database was easy and I've been able to match my donations to them without a problem.
However, I'm not sure what entity I should be searching for when it comes to UCFAA. I did find UCF Athletics Association, but they're marked as "not accepting donations" in our charitable org database. The EIN# listed for them is 562334448.
Is that the proper name/EIN for our athletics non-profit arm? I'd love to be able to match the donations I've made to them this year, but either I need the proper name or EIN number to do so.
Can anyone help me out here? If not, I guess I'll reach out to the school, but figured I'd try on here first.
Finding UCF Foundation Inc. in our charitable org database was easy and I've been able to match my donations to them without a problem.
However, I'm not sure what entity I should be searching for when it comes to UCFAA. I did find UCF Athletics Association, but they're marked as "not accepting donations" in our charitable org database. The EIN# listed for them is 562334448.
Is that the proper name/EIN for our athletics non-profit arm? I'd love to be able to match the donations I've made to them this year, but either I need the proper name or EIN number to do so.
Can anyone help me out here? If not, I guess I'll reach out to the school, but figured I'd try on here first.