OT: Where is Forde/Thamel article on "Pitino's Recruiting outside the lines?"

I checked a few Loserville news articles and online boards. The spin machine is working overtime up there. But they are use to covering up scandals up there.

While I was looking/googling, I found out that a cheerleader died last year from an heroin overdose in a Football players dorm room. Like, hello...How did they keep that quiet from the great investigation team of Forde/Thamel ?
I hope the book is better than this article. The article is extremely superficial and presents nothing more than what everyone already knows.
You mean like ... even worse than our investigation?
I can't wait to read it. I loved reading tr Miami one. Can't believe they didn't get the death penalty.
You Made Your Bed Louisville, Now Lie In It

It is the worst kept secret in the world that Tom Jurich has absolute control over the Louisville media. You will never see a UL media member go at Tom or his program with any real teeth; this is by design or fear. He controls the flow of stories and the timing of anything that is released, as well as the tone.

The program knew about the book in August, but only recently addressed it by holding a press conference proclaiming surprise. Even Pitino's lackey Pat Forde exclusively released the story... on a Friday evening, and was already falling out of the national limelight by Monday.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Tom Jurich is the poster child, he is a man that goes unchecked and above reproach. The time of honoring himself is on the back-9 it appears.
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Quote of the day ... (from WDRB 41 in Louisville)

'"Jeff Greer of The Courier-Journal reports that U of L is paying its compliance consultant, Chuck Smrt, $200 per hour. Incidentally, that’s about the same rate that Powell got as an escort."
Just saying.'
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Marc Daniels talked about the ESPN piece this morning on his morning radio show with a hint of "KARMA BITCH" in his voice...
as a mostly caring about only Football fan I would just be happy that the Football Program got into the ACC already if I was a Ville fan but most of them treat basketball as their #1
I just posted a simple reply to a thread on loserville's rivals board of, "Karma Is a Bitch". It got taken down pretty quickly and I am now banned from that site, "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)"

Its too bad that they censure messages. It is sort of how loserville controls their media. They do the same on their message boards. They need to take a serious look at themselves. They need to hear it from us that they hurt us all the same while cheating themselves in a much more horrible fashion.

What was Donnie Jones guilty of? Recruitting Kevin Ware through a 3rd party person? Yes, NCAA violation. What are they accused of?

Here is the original New York Times piece by Thamel. Read it. Its from 2012. All the time that strippers/hookers were recruiting for Loserville. I'll be waiting for the follow up piece from Pat Forde/Pete Thamel that writes another damning article on Pitino...(but, of course not holding my breath)...
I'm telling you guys, unless you're a masochist, just put blinders on. They'll get a slap on the wrist vs what UCF got for far less.
I'm telling you guys, unless you're a masochist, just put blinders on. They'll get a slap on the wrist vs what UCF got for far less.
As I always say ...
The Louisville alumni in the media made sure UCF got well-timed sanctions for Miami's coincidentally-timed exposure. ;)

Now I just need to modify that ...
The Louisville alumni in the media made sure UCF got well-timed sanctions for Miami's coincidentally-timed exposure, which made it easier to hide their far worse trangressions.

More tactifully, as UCF President John Hitt said very effectively in 2012 ... (paraphased)
"None of the other universities where these players [who had alleged contact with this alleged runner] are playing are being investigated."
I'm telling you guys, unless you're a masochist, just put blinders on. They'll get a slap on the wrist vs what UCF got for far less.

Better believe that. UNC is still waiting for their punishment for cheating the last 10 years. I would call an equal punishment is being banned from postseason for 10 years.
The loserville spin cycle is on full strength at the rivals site. They just deleted a Loserville newspaper columnist saying pitino must be fired article and only letting pro-pitino messages on it. Seems sort of like the Penn State Sandusky stuff in its early stages where they were blinded by their fan-hood. It will be interesting to see how far down they go with the known lier of Pitino.

Does anyone believe an assistant would use 10,000 dollars of his own money to pull in recruits? I know I don't. Pitino had to know and encouraged it. Pitino himself is spinning saying for the assistant Andre McGee to confess. But, he ain't going to say anything and implicate himself. Thus, effectively putting the blame on the assistance.

However, even if Pitino claims ignorance of it all, it doesn't matter. The irony of it all is that when Pitino snitched on UCF, the NCAA changed the rules after that making the head coach responsible regardless of knowledge of any violations.

Karma is a Bitch loserville...
Love how Pitino plays Mr. innocent like he had no idea. Same guy that hooked up with a waitress in an Italian restaurant behind his wife's back. What a stand up guy here. Between Pitino and Petrino they have some class acts leading the way.
Not surprising but the loserville rivals page will ban you for posting anything not pro Pitino.
Pat Forde was the one who got the quote from Pitino yesterday, who suddenly is telling his former Grad Asst and then Basketball Ops guy McGee to "tell the truth" (i.e. "Tell them I, Rick Pitino, was clueless to how you got the tens of thousands of $$$ over 4 years to host 22 "stripper" parties in our private Basketball dormitories").

McGee is smart...kept quiet till UL's wire transfer of probably $500,000 or more comes across to protect Pitino's involvment.

Almost guarantee that McGee will soon make public and/or NCAA investigation statements that Pitino had "no idea what I was doing", all because UL gave him hush $$$.
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Pat Forde was the one who got the quote from Pitino yesterday, who suddenly is telling his former Grad Asst and then Basketball Ops guy McGee to "tell the truth" (i.e. "Tell them I, Rick Pitino, was clueless to how you got the tens of thousands of $$$ over 4 years to host 22 "stripper" parties in our private Basketball dormitories").

McGee is smart...kept quiet till UL's wire transfer of probably $500,000 or more comes across to protect Pitino's involvment.

Almost guarantee that McGee will soon make public and/or NCAA investigation statements that Pitino had "no idea what I was doing", all because UL gave him hush $$$.

Even if he takes the fall, there will still be questions as to where the money came from. We're talking $10k a pop for these parties. One party is a large percentage of a GAs salary. I'm sure they'll have an answer, I'm just curious what it will be.
Even if he takes the fall, there will still be questions as to where the money came from. We're talking $10k a pop for these parties. One party is a large percentage of a GAs salary. I'm sure they'll have an answer, I'm just curious what it will be.

It was a lot more than $10,000 (believe she noted over $30,000 in her book) as the $10,000 in question was the amount of one wire transfer that she had records (could have been the first payment for the first year parties) and afterwards, it was always cash basis.

Plus, McGee had CASH at every party...that paid for sex acts, making it "rain", etc...for recruits and their traveling partners.

Every team has "entertainment" dollars for official visits...but most of those $$$ are spent at restaurants, normal entertainment, etc....not private escort parties in basketball dorms over a 4 year period.

And yes, Rick "not knowing" is not a valid he should know where tens of thousands of $$$ from his recruiting budget is going towards.
Yahoo’s Pat Forde joined the show to talk about Rick Pitino and the scandal at Louisville.

Forde said that he’s know Pitino for 25 years and doesn’t believe he know what was going on. Forde said that either Pitino is amazing at faking it, or he was genuinely shocked earlier this week.

Forde said that Pitino’s attention to detail was more myth than reality. “It’s theoretically possible this was going on without him knowing it,” Forde said.
Pat Forde, "Louisville is one of those places where there is plenty of women that are willing to throw themselves at players."

Wha? Did I just hear that?
Article that we have been saying for years...Loserville, read this:

Beyond petty internal politics, however, the time has come for everyone who has a vested interest in UofL's health and well-being -- students, faculty, alumni, fans, donors and the media -– to step back, put aside egos and personal loyalties and advocate doing what’s best for the school. To figure out exactly what that is, the first step is to agree that no individual, no matter how powerful or successful, is more important than the university and its core values.

Throughout his tenure as president, Ramsey has deferred to Jurich in all athletics matters. He supported Jurich's decision to keep Pitino, without punishment, after the Karen Sypher scandal. He supported Jurich's decision to give football coach Bobby Petrino another chance despite the sex scandal that got him fired at Arkansas. He supported Jurich's decision to keep football recruiter Clint Hurtt even after he was tainted by his involvement in the recruiting sex scandal at Miami.

read more here:
What president of a major university would not look at a ESPN report that is damning their school? Does this university president only read Pat Forde articles? Really? Hey President James Ramsey, got a smart phone? Click on the espn link. It is that remind me of Judy Genshaft and her denial of using email. LOL at that one. Don't use email? really?

On Tuesday, the book’s author, Katina Powell, told ESPN in an interview she was paid thousands of dollars to bring escorts to perform for and have sex with teenage basketball recruits during campus visits.

“I didn’t watch it,” University President James Ramsey said. “I didn’t see it.”
Since a Forde/Thamel hit piece ain't coming any time soon on Pitino's recruiting around the perimeter I might as well offer some others:

Rick Pitino will survive Louisville stripper scandal thanks to selective amnesia

By Linda Robertson
The University of Louisville stripper scandal is going to come down to the word of a white man who earns $5 million a year to coach the school’s brand-name basketball team versus the word of a black woman who describes herself as an escort queen and supplied her own daughters to players as prostitutes.

So don’t expect Rick Pitino to get fired.

Read more here: