Other Ballot Issues to Watch


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Dec 6, 2010
We all know about our local and state ballot questions, but there's ballot questions in other States that if passed could spread to other states in the future. The intercept identified 11 issues being voted on in other states, here's the big ones IMO:

1. Colorado has the option to adopt a single-payer health care system with Amendment 69.
2. Maine has a an opportunity to enact a ranked-choice voting system (where you vote for multiple candidates with a rank for each).
3. Legalize recreational Marijuana (California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Nevada). Medical Marijuana is on the ballot in Montana, Florida, and North Dakota.
Florida's solar amendment is a big one. It's a ploy for power companies to eliminate net metering.
1. Colorado has the option to adopt a single-payer health care system with Amendment 69. Defeated 79.6% to 20.4%.
2. Maine has a an opportunity to enact a ranked-choice voting system (where you vote for multiple candidates with a rank for each). Approved 52% to 48%.
3. Legalize recreational Marijuana (California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Nevada). Medical Marijuana is on the ballot in Montana, Florida, and North Dakota. Approved for recreational use in California (56% to 44%), Nevada (54% to 46%), and Massachusetts (54% to 46%). Arizona defeated the proposition (52% to 48%). Maine is still too close to call (Yes is ahead by 10,000 votes). Medical Marijuana was approved in Florida (71% to 29%), Montana (57% to 43%), Arkansas (53% to 47%), and North Dakota (64% to 36%).
Im surprised almost all of our amendments passed.
I'm not. It's the terrible power of "Yes" and the terrible wording of them that make them sound inviting. It's the same reason we had constitutional amendments to govern the size of pig pens, to vote in high-speed rail in one election and then the next election to kill it, and amendments that limit medical malpractice suits and then retaliatory ones to prohibit doctors from practicing after 3 malpractice cases.
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1. Colorado has the option to adopt a single-payer health care system with Amendment 69. Defeated 79.6% to 20.4%.
When Progressive-Democrats stop arguing for the unsustainable joke of 'single payer,' and actually look at a 'minimum safety net' that everyone has to contribute to while everyone still has the market-driven option of a 'buy up/supplemental' plan, then we'll move forward.

Until then, Progressive-Democrats honestly don't realize the 'lowest common denominator' for everyone really sucks.
When Progressive-Democrats stop arguing for the unsustainable joke of 'single payer,' and actually look at a 'minimum safety net' that everyone has to contribute to while everyone still has the market-driven option of a 'buy up/supplemental' plan, then we'll move forward.

Until then, Progressive-Democrats honestly don't realize the 'lowest common denominator' for everyone really sucks.
Yeah the Single Payer measure in Colorado called for a 10% tax, to be paid in Payroll taxes - 2/3 by businesses and 1/3 by individuals.
Even the Orange County Charter Questions ended up with a good result. The voters rejected additional barriers to ballot measures and passed term limits on county positions. They also passed changing county positions (i.e. Sheriff et. al.) into non partisan positions.
Even the Orange County Charter Questions ended up with a good result. The voters rejected additional barriers to ballot measures and passed term limits on county positions. They also passed changing county positions (i.e. Sheriff et. al.) into non partisan positions.
I'm actually shocked that Osceola County passed the 1/2-cent sales tax for schools. It's the first tax referendum that's passed here in the 13 years I have lived there.
I'm actually shocked that Osceola County passed the 1/2-cent sales tax for schools. It's the first tax referendum that's passed here in the 13 years I have lived there.
"for schools"
This is how that goes. Here is the legislated X additional funds from the 1/2 cent sales tax increase, so now you need X less of general funds.
Yeah the Single Payer measure in Colorado called for a 10% tax, to be paid in Payroll taxes - 2/3 by businesses and 1/3 by individuals.
Socialized medicine has to be limited to ...
- Economies of scale, what can be done for everyone, efficiently, low-cost, plus ...
- Ensures diseases and issues are caught early, preventive, saving money as a result, keeping waiting lists down

That means everyone gets free, annual physicals, blood work, access to generic drugs where they are low-cost and most procedures that are routine. That keeps the system well utilized, but not overburdened.

To get non-generics, leading-edge procedures and other things, as well as to 'by-pass wait lists,' a buy-up/supplement plan will be required. That's when people pay a lot more, but they get more.

I'm all for socialized medicine, but not single-payer. It's just not feasible. Just look at the UK.

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