Ozark - Netflix


Golden Knight
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Orlando, FL
Has anyone else given it a try? I just watched the first season over the past week and loved it.

I thought the characters were interesting and the overall production value to be really solid. Netflix keeps knocking it out of the park. Only downside was it being only 10 episodes and now having to wait a while to get a second season.

Netflix is really my only source for quality scripted TV shows: Narcos, House of Cards, Bloodline, Stranger Things, Master of None, BoJack, and now Ozark.
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I assume GOT is left out only because you don't have HBO??

I have HBO.....I guess I'll amend my comment. Netflix isn't my only source, but is definitely my go to source.

I'm 3 seasons into AGOT. Its good, but for whatever reason never captivates me to stay on a bing. I do love Silicon Valley and Vice Principals from HBO and really looking forward to the return of Curb.

The really only "network" shows I watch are cable. Fargo, The Americans, Better Call Saul, and Walking Dead.
alot of people have been recommending this show to me. i will check it out once got is over.
Hope you like dude on dude action. There is a lot of it.
I'm assuming your comment was meant as a joke; but, in case it's not, there is absolutely not "a lot" of dude-on-dude action in Ozarks.

As to the OP's question - My wife and I gave it a try and enjoyed it. I was skeptical at first because of Jason Bateman. I like him, but he's really been typecast as that witty, sarcastic guy; so, I wasn't sure about this role for him. As the episodes went on though I forgot about all of that and thought he did a really nice job. Laura Linney was exceptional, but I really grew to appreciate Ruth Langmore's character (and the actress that plays her).
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I'm assuming your comment was meant as a joke; but, in case it's not, there is absolutely not "a lot" of dude-on-dude action in Ozarks.

As to the OP's question - My wife and I gave it a try and enjoyed it. I was skeptical at first because of Jason Bateman. I like him, but he's really been typecast as that witty, sarcastic guy; so, I wasn't sure about this role for him. As the episodes went on though I forgot about all of that and thought he did a really nice job. Laura Linney was exceptional, but I really grew to appreciate Ruth Langmore's character (and the actress that plays her).

What I really liked was the macro and micro looks at small rural america. From a far, you see the old money rich farm family, the "white trash" family, the struggling hotel business, the crazy old man, etc....but then when you take a hyper focus to each part you see these intriguing stories, while extreme, that seem very plausible.
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I just did episode one. Good so far. Jason Bateman plays the role well but still manages to come off funny in places you wouldn't expect.

I am quite certain this was the first time Laura Linney went doggy style on camera.
Ozark is a great drama . I am not a guy who loves TV shows. With that said this show was gritty and kept my attention. Jason Bateman and the lady playing Ruth are spectacular in this. The pregnant stripper scenes are a bonus . 😆.
Ozark is a great drama . I am not a guy who loves TV shows. With that said this show was gritty and kept my attention. Jason Bateman and the lady playing Ruth are spectacular in this.
I'm a big Jason Bateman fan but his character plays second fiddle to Ruth Langmore in this show.

Julia Garner was a virtual nobody at the time she was cast as Ruth. Turns out, her portrayal was so powerful from the very beginning of the first season -- and the audience reaction to the character so enthusiastic -- that the writers began revising their story in order to feature her more.
I'm a big Jason Bateman fan but his character plays second fiddle to Ruth Langmore in this show.

Julia Garner was a virtual nobody at the time she was cast as Ruth. Turns out, her portrayal was so powerful from the very beginning of the first season -- and the audience reaction to the character so enthusiastic -- that the writers began revising their story in order to feature her more.
I think they make great protagonist antagonist rolls off of each other. She clearly makes the show great. I am not taking anything away from Bateman. He plays a guy caught up in something he just can lt control as much as he tries. Ruth is like variable change in his life he has to figure out and account for . It's hard to account for variable change and I think that's why her character is vital to the shows dynamics.
I think they make great protagonist antagonist rolls off of each other. She clearly makes the show great. I am not taking anything away from Bateman. He plays a guy caught up in something he just can lt control as much as he tries. Ruth is like variable change in his life he has to figure out and account for . It's hard to account for variable change and I think that's why her character is vital to the shows dynamics.
Despite the fact they're usually feuding, I'm struck by the clear, 'father-daughter' vibe viewers can see between them which gives the show a special tone.
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Despite the fact they're usually feuding, I'm struck by the clear, 'father-daughter' vibe viewers can see between them which gives the show a special tone.
Marty has a soft spot for her and wants her to be better than she is . I like Jason's character because on one hand he got snagged into the cartel and is trying to make it work for his family , he struggles to the do right by his family but ultimately he is narcotics ring leader and such , right . I think there is father savior kind of complex going on there between him and Ruth .

The show to me resonates because good people do get caught up in bad situations. Life is a lot of gray no matter how we want to make it black and white . It's weird Marty and company are breaking the law and have done bad things but I am sympathetic to their plight and want them to thwart the law . It's a great series . See we can agree on stuff. 😉
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No problem. I was just giving you a hard time. That wasn't all that spoilerish.
I love the pouring of hot wax all over Marty at the end.
That will learn him dern him. *
So far I have found the last season to be a waste of film. 3 left to watch, but don't expect much from it.

Though it is good to see that John Boy Walten is still alive and kicking.
NetFlix is off my subscription list, and is likely to stay that way. I have 3 residences right now -- home and 2 apartments closer to where both my wife and I work, respectively -- and they are going to cause issues for us.

Throught the majority of the show's first three and a half seasons, my wife and I were on the edge-of-our-seats wondering how poor Marty and his family would get out of the latest pickle they'd somehow gotten themselves into.

During the final half of Season 4, especially after Marty and Wendy abandoned Ruth in the series' last episode, we could've cared less if Marty and his scumbag wife lived or died.

Throught the majority of the show's first three and a half seasons, my wife and I were on the edge-of-our-seats wondering how poor Marty and his family would get out of the latest pickle they'd somehow gotten themselves into.

During the final half of Season 4, especially after Marty and Wendy abandoned Ruth in the series' last episode, we could've cared less if Marty and his scumbag wife lived or died.
I don't see any choice they had with Ruth, I get that it sucked and all but they really had no choice in that matter. My issue is that I was on the edge of my seat throughout to see how they got out of the situation and the business and moved on, only for them to just be stuck in the never ending cycle, like what actually was resolved on the show?
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I don't see any choice they had with Ruth, I get that it sucked and all but they really had no choice in that matter. My issue is that I was on the edge of my seat throughout to see how they got out of the situation and the business and moved on, only for them to just be stuck in the never ending cycle, like what actually was resolved on the show?
Poor people get fücked in the end. Parallel of Nas living in Queens in the hood and being able go see Manhattan. Close enough to escape but not really. Byrde’s were cancer and they come out clean. Even Jonah is corrupted at the end. There is no righteous. It’s all bullshit.
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Poor people get fücked in the end. Parallel of Nas living in Queens in the hood and being able go see Manhattan. Close enough to escape but not really. Byrde’s were cancer and they come out clean. Even Jonah is corrupted at the end. There is no righteous. It’s all bullshit.
Even Dali understood it.