Pics of New UCF Weight Room!

I like the Canaveral blue for the space theme stuff but I really wish they could find a way to make "gold" look good!
Ha well I hope they're not putting distracting stuff on there. I would like to know what they'll use them for.
Have you been in a gym where the treadmill has a tv on it? Same concept but for pretty much for everyone lifting. They could probably play music videos to pump people up, or UCF football footage to get everyone sparked.
Have you been in a gym where the treadmill has a tv on it? Same concept but for pretty much for everyone lifting. They could probably play music videos to pump people up, or UCF football footage to get everyone sparked.
Haha yea but I didn't think they'd use them for watching tv like people do in recreational gyms
This facility used to be a type of tan/yellow that many of us don't like and the floors/platforms were black. Add to this that the lighting in there wasn't great and the place was too dark. Now I have trained in several "dungeon" type facilities over the years and they're great but highschool recruits and parents would much rather see something like this. Going with the brighter look seems like it fully corrected the darkness. Also, the building is old(ish). Making the inside bright like this sort of camouflages the old parts.

As for it being a step down. Yea, Oregon and Northwestern have great views from their weight rooms but thats kind of over the top frills. Not that it's not nice! But, as for the equipment, UCF has everything the coaches and athletes need.
look how dark it is now. Disagree that the old room was dark.
South Carolina spending $50M to win championships is a waste. They aren’t winning anything
Totally agree, I don’t care how much they spend they have to many disadvantages to become a national power. UF facilities were subpar for two decades and they figured out how to win 3 national championships.

UCF facilities are subpar and we figured out how to get to 3 BCS/NY6 in 5 years and win 2 of them. And doing this also with classes ranked 50 to 60th in the country. Although the star system is total BS.

We may not be able to build $50 million dollar FB facilities but I think we will be much better financially once the new TV revenue money starts coming in. I’m ok with a $10 million dollars football facility and spending $5 million to upgrade our Basketball facility. I much rather prefer we put the extra millions into recruiting, chartering private planes for all men’s, women’s basketball, golf, and even other sports. That’s how we keep up recruiting wise. Our campus sells itself. I just like that we stand apart because we really value the education of our athletes and high achievement in the classroom. We have a different model but it works great for us. Good athletes, good academics, good personalities, no drama queens. That’s a recipe for success!

Our biggest advantage is going to be maturation of our gigantic young alumni base getting older and giving back to UCF.

I took advantage of the Basketball offer to upgrade from 2 seats to 4 seats at the price of 2 seats. I hope all on here and the dungeon are doing the same. We need to sell out basketball seasons tickets as well. This makes a huge difference on creating a program that can win consistently.
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