Please explain the purpose and procedure of the Orlando Sentinel


Silver Knight
Gold Member
Sep 11, 2007
I know people around here have nicknamed the Orlando Sentinel the "Santinel" but wow have they been going way overboard with left wing articles. I do have conservative views and noticed they were doing an agenda to remove Trump and to endorse Biden but now they achieved that they are going out their way to "slant" everyone's opinion the DeSantis and pro Republican state legislature is just plain "evil". The thing is i subscribed for years to catch up on local news but i am finding things that tv news stations are covering are not even newsworthy on the OS because they needed to have space for a muckraking article about the "bad Republican politicians" - with the latest that a series of Covid laws were recently abolished giving more rights for landlords to throw out deadbeat tenants (just how many months / years should a deadbeat be allowed to be rent free when some many jobs are available and there was so much unemployment economic benefits out there?)
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Honest question, what was the point of this post?
Questioning why there is only one newspaper in Orlando and instead of just reporting the local news they have christened themselves the savior of left wing purposes and politicians
You’re asking question you already know the answers to. Newspapers lean left. It’s really that simple.
The Sentinel is part of Tribune Publishing which is Chicago Tribune's parent among others. As a national network with a lot of representation in generationally-blue cities, they are going to generate content and themes to serve those audiences.

We don't have a strong option because starting a newspaper now is not good business.
Questioning why there is only one newspaper in Orlando and instead of just reporting the local news they have christened themselves the savior of left wing purposes and politicians
Newspapers? LMAO Google 'control of local news' and see what types of 'menace to society' links pop up. :)
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Orlando Sentinel is absolute lefty garbage. Everything is slanted left. So much propaganda coming out of them. Can't wait until that garbage paper is finished.
Even with that, I could justify a subscription for the food, local interest, local sports, and comics. Unfortunately, their history of anti-UCF sports coverage caused me to swear off of them forever. Even if they have gotten better.
Even with that, I could justify a subscription for the food, local interest, local sports, and comics. Unfortunately, their history of anti-UCF sports coverage caused me to swear off of them forever. Even if they have gotten better.
I used to get print, then went to subscribtion online only, but why waste $8 a month on it - what sources do you use?
I used to get print, then went to subscribtion online only, but why waste $8 a month on it - what sources do you use?
At this point, not many. I will use the free sites from the TV stations for local breaking news. For food, I'm a big eater fan but there isn't really and eater Orlando so I just get it where I can find it. Got two young kids so BabyFirst, Blippi, and Disney+ are probably the content that I've watched the most lately.
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You’re asking question you already know the answers to. Newspapers lean left. It’s really that simple.
It is way too much right now, my philosophy is they feel their muckraking articles on Trump didn't get him re-elected and so they are going full military assult on DeSantis. I can guarantee they are going loose that one though, imo he will win in a landslide
Hell yeah brother. Preach it. These dirty liberal college educated evolution believing COMUNESTS aren't worth a damn. Only thing I can believe anymore is OAN but even they are turning liberul.

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