
Bronze Knight
Gold Member
Oct 10, 2005
Can someone please explain why USF is able to play their home game this FRIDAY, yet UCF claims it could not play a SATURDAY home game. Both schools dealt with same hurricane, both released players during the storm. Could the National Guard not have stationed at Camping World Stadium? Would love someone to ask Danny White tonight during the radio show.
Can someone please explain why USF is able to play their home game this FRIDAY, yet UCF claims it could not play a SATURDAY home game. Both schools dealt with same hurricane, both released players during the storm. Could the National Guard not have stationed at Camping World Stadium? Would love someone to ask Danny White tonight during the radio show.

Maybe you should also ask him
  1. why did you hire all the new amazing coaches that have made a huge impact in their 1st year?
  2. why did you raise such an outstanding amount of money?
  3. why did you make gameday such an awesome event?
  4. why are you making UCF a destination to top tallent?
But yes, please make sure you ask him why he opened up the doors to those that are risking their lives to make Orlando safe again...
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Maybe you should also ask him
  1. why did you hire all the new amazing coaches that have made a huge impact in their 1st year?
  2. why did you raise such an outstanding amount of money?
  3. why did you make gameday such an awesome event?
  4. why are you making UCF a destination to top tallent?
But yes, please make sure you ask him why he opened up the doors to those that are risking their lives to make Orlando safe again...
You must be a tenured professor or a federal judge. People should get criticized for mistakes they make. And these NG aren't at war so stop with the hyperbole
Maybe you should also ask him
  1. why did you hire all the new amazing coaches that have made a huge impact in their 1st year?
  2. why did you raise such an outstanding amount of money?
  3. why did you make gameday such an awesome event?
  4. why are you making UCF a destination to top tallent?
But yes, please make sure you ask him why he opened up the doors to those that are risking their lives to make Orlando safe again...
So., you basically are saying that we should ask him why he was doing the job he was hired for and paid to do for $500,00-$600,000 a year before we ask him why his incompetence cost us a marquis home game that has alienated a lot of fans. Then a follow up question why he backed himself into a corner and put the National Guard on campus sealing the cancellation deal. Like there weren't other options
I think DW took a lot of the heat for waiting too long on the Memphis game and looked foolish when Memphis landed and then turned right around and went home. Potentially over-corrected by axing the GT game early on when the National Guard issue and player releases set up some obstacles that might've been able to be sorted out. Irma, man, what a complete mess she has made in all phases.
Honestly, at this point in the season, we would not have matched up well based on what I saw with GT vs Tenn. With the team not focused, we could have taken a beatdown. I like the extra week.
So., you basically are saying that we should ask him why he was doing the job he was hired for and paid to do for $500,00-$600,000 a year before we ask him why his incompetence cost us a marquis home game that has alienated a few loud mouth fans. Then a follow up question why he backed himself into a corner and put the National Guard on campus sealing the cancellation deal. Like there weren't other options

Fixed it for you
Maybe you should also ask him
  1. why did you hire all the new amazing coaches that have made a huge impact in their 1st year?
  2. why did you raise such an outstanding amount of money?
  3. why did you make gameday such an awesome event?
  4. why are you making UCF a destination to top tallent?
But yes, please make sure you ask him why he opened up the doors to those that are risking their lives to make Orlando safe again...
Someone ask him how he plans to get bankingknight off his sack.
Honestly, at this point in the season, we would not have matched up well based on what I saw with GT vs Tenn. With the team not focused, we could have taken a beatdown. I like the extra week.
The extra week is going to be used to prepare for Maryland. A team we played last year and have plenty of film this year on. They are probably watching last years game because so doubt the FIU film will help them much.
UCF athletics better receive a nice 10 to 20 million dollar deposited to their accounts.
The extra week is going to be used to prepare for Maryland. A team we played last year and have plenty of film this year on. They are probably watching last years game because so doubt the FIU film will help them much.
Furthermore, you will see a very rusty looking team vs a team that will be in mid season form. I just don't think working at a Foodbank, which I volunteered for in past as well, and helping Seminole County out after storm will help get them ready. Maryland even practicing for a different team and a game mixed in is going to be really prepared. We just have to hope they don't jump out to big of an early lead.
Fixed it for you
You think so huh? Come back around here after the Maine game and the attendance is announced smart guy. Obviously, you're clueless as to what the non-vocal majority in the community are saying about this debacle. You must live in your mother's basement to be so naive.
I'm out there amongst real people and several mentioned it just today.
Short prep? We're facing it twice this year. The team never practiced against it all summer?
No, they didnt, summer is for getting our schemes nailed down and beefing up/conditioning. You dont prepare for your week 3/4 opponent before week 1 even happens. The only week you actually use is the week leading up to it. Its like youve never played footb....oh you probably havent. I can see youre one of those "oh well two days of prep is more than enough, just play whos ready" not realizing how much actually goes into getting players ready, staff ready and the logistics of A. Moving a game to either camping world or atlanta and B. Players being in the right mindset when in all likelihood, their family/parents in miami or tampa etc still dont have power, are likely flooded/in a shelter currently.

Sorry to burst your bubble, i wanted to tailgate and watch the games as bad as anyone these last two weeks and this will probably have a pretty crap impact on our bowl/conference title shot but FFS take your 3rd grade critical thinking level out of here. I rarely believe in being extremely compassionate to students/athletes because they have it easy for the most part, especially football players/athletes who have it made currently and get a free education, but this is one situation where compassion/consideration is more than necessary
You think so huh? Come back around here after the Maine game and the attendance is announced smart guy. Obviously, you're clueless as to what the non-vocal majority in the community are saying about this debacle. You must live in your mother's basement to be so naive.
I'm out there amongst real people and several mentioned it just today.

Yep at 62, after 40 years of home ownership, and raising 2 kids, I moved in her basement.. that sounds more like a place where a mikesi would live. than a Goodknight. Most of the non vocal majority in Orlando barely follow UCF football. So put your pacifier back in your mouth, ask mommy for a clean Diaper, and go away little boy.
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Yep at 62, after 40 years of home ownership, and raising 2 kids, I moved in her basement.. that sounds more like a place where a mikesi would live. than a Goodknight. Most of the non vocal majority in Orlando barely follow UCF football. So put your pacifier back in your mouth and go away little boy.
If you're 62, and follow UCF football and are as mature as you say you are. then you would think twice about posting such ignorant and arrogant statements about what real and concerned fans should be asking the athletic director in personal conversations. In addition, your comments about why the National Guard is here is just over the top dramatic and idiotic as this is not exactly a war zone.

Additionally, if you ever get out of the basement, you wouid know and understand that the whole UCF promotional campaign this year is to make UCF the hometown team. What does that mean?? Getting new fans and the city (majority of people) behind the team. Thats the population of Orlando majority that follow football or UCF football somewhat who are on the fence about going to games and supporting UCF football

Why the hell do you think that there has been so many interviews on the radio and TV the last few days? Videos as well on social media.

They have been about touting the hosting of the National Guard and damage control about the 2 game debacle. If they didn't care about the non-vocal majority in Orlando, they wouid just be sending e-mails out to season ticket holders and single game ticket buyers. Get a clue
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If you're 62, and follow UCF football and are as mature as you say you are. then you would think twice about posting such ignorant and arrogant statements about what real and concerned fans should be asking the athletic director in personal conversations. In addition, your comments about why the National Guard is here is just over the top dramatic and idiotic as this is not exactly a war zone.

Additionally, if you ever get out of the basement, you wouid know and understand that the whole UCF promotional campaign this year is to make UCF the hometown team. What does that mean?? Getting new fans and the city (majority of people) behind the team. Thats the population of Orlando majority that follow football or UCF football somewhat who are on the fence about going to games and supporting UCF football

Why the hell do you think that there has been so many interviews on the radio and TV the last few days? Videos as well on social media.

They have been about touting the hosting of the National Guard and damage control about the 2 game debacle. If they didn't care about the non-vocal majority in Orlando, they wouid just be sending e-mails out to season ticket holders and single game ticket buyers. Get a clue

UCF can keep the value of my 6 cabana seats for those two canceled games and has my permission to use said funds to assist with Hurricane Irma cleanup and aide to those who lost homes, or are about to, due to continued flooding in Seminole County. I helped many clear debris and pull fish out of their pool...

Many are non-vocal because they don't have power.

UCF football directly aided with sandbagging homes yesterday. This whole assist-campaign will pay far greater dividends as a "hometown team".

What have you done to contribute to your community?
UCF can keep the value of my 6 cabana seats for those two canceled games and has my permission to use said funds to assist with Hurricane Irma cleanup and aide to those who lost homes, or are about to, due to continued flooding in Seminole County. I helped many clear debris and pull fish out of their pool...

Many are non-vocal because they don't have power.

UCF football directly aided with sandbagging homes yesterday. This whole assist-campaign will pay far greater dividends as a "hometown team".

What have you done to contribute to your community?
All that holiness is great but 9/16 is still two days away. Why can't you have the administration help the community AND play a football game? You're saying UF and USF don't give a s#!+ about their communities bc they've made it clear they're playing Saturday?
All that holiness is great but 9/16 is still two days away. Why can't you have the administration help the community AND play a football game? You're saying UF and USF don't give a s#!+ about their communities bc they've made it clear they're playing Saturday?

You win the award for putting words in people's mouths.
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UCF can keep the value of my 6 cabana seats for those two canceled games and has my permission to use said funds to assist with Hurricane Irma cleanup and aide to those who lost homes, or are about to, due to continued flooding in Seminole County. I helped many clear debris and pull fish out of their pool...

Many are non-vocal because they don't have power.

UCF football directly aided with sandbagging homes yesterday. This whole assist-campaign will pay far greater dividends as a "hometown team".

What have you done to contribute to your community?
I lent my neighbor my ladder
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All that holiness is great but 9/16 is still two days away. Why can't you have the administration help the community AND play a football game? You're saying UF and USF don't give a s#!+ about their communities bc they've made it clear they're playing Saturday?
USF is Friday.