Pokemon Go

We have to close the app store loophole.
Take for example that 15 year old girl in Pennsylvania that got hit by a car because she was playing Pokemon Go. She had been called a stupid idiot before but the FBI did nothing about it. Had her access to Pokemon Go been restricted, as well as the access to the driver of the car to said car (oh, he's guilty as sin too), none of this would've happened.

We need more and better Pokemon Go and car laws.
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America: where many people only go outside to exert physical energy when commanded to by a child's game on a phone.
Pokemon Go is racist!!

The crowdsourced database that was use to seed locations to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go came from early augmented reality games that were played by overwhelmingly affluent (and thus, disproportionately white) people, who, in an increasingly raciallysegregated America, are less and less likely to venture into black neighborhoods, meaning that fewer Pokemon-catching landmarks have been tagged there.

In addition to the problem of making black players do more work to score as many points as their white counterpoints, this also exacerbates the Pokemon While Black problem: in an American policing/race landscape wheremerely moving though a white neighborhood with black skin can be a lethalexperience, black people literally have to risk their lives to play on the same field as white players.
Good. Get those morons off the streets.

The last thing we need is some autistic kid having a Pokemon Go meltdown in the middle of a street because he can't catch a cold, let alone all, and having his black-islamic-gay-transgeder-republican caretaker paramedic black third cousin shot by a chatolic-homophobe-democrat-libertarian dirty cop.

Fukc that.
No. No it's not. It's a horrible name.
It's not that far off from Eve. Again, relatively speaking theres MUCH worse. if you didnt know Eevee was a Pokemon youd be like "oh thats,... unique" and even if its not your 'style' i doubt youd think much else about it.
It's not that far off from Eve. Again, relatively speaking theres MUCH worse. if you didnt know Eevee was a Pokemon youd be like "oh thats,... unique" and even if its not your 'style' i doubt youd think much else about it.
If the kid can't find their name on a store display of bicycle nameplates, then just don't.
It's not that far off from Eve. Again, relatively speaking theres MUCH worse. if you didnt know Eevee was a Pokemon youd be like "oh thats,... unique" and even if its not your 'style' i doubt youd think much else about it.
Darcheequa, Taemisha, Voshandraa, Laetreena, now those are unique names. Eevee sounds like you fat fingered the birth certificate.
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