Bernie is a European style socialist, that is absolutely nothing like the USSR. The USSR was communist, and Bernie is by no means advocating for communism. Socialism and Communism are not interchangeable. Currently Russia is an oligarchy, and in reality, we are too to a large extent. We arent as bad as Russia by any means, but everybody knows that a large amount of our politicians do the bidding of the people who line their pockets, and not what is in the best interest of society at large.
And BTW, Israel has universal healthcare and not completely free, but very affordable college. These are of course probably Bernie's top issues. Israel also has much stricter gun laws than the US. Basically, Israel's politics are actually closer to Bernie and Democrats in general than they are to Trump. Of course, none of those things are the issues people have with Israel, and I am sure you know that. Israel of course also isnt a state, so I have never understood why Republicans love Israel to the extent they do. If you lived there, you would be against almost every major policy they had including mandatory military service, which certainly wouldnt go over here.