Poor Chris Matthews

Link? I just figured that all boomer male bosses were creeps.
It's kind of fun watching the left eat their own, but I did like Matthews so it's a little bit sad.
He like Biden is getting long in the tooth, and says stupid stuff. He should have retired 5 years ago before the decline kicked in.
He like Biden is getting long in the tooth, and says stupid stuff. He should have retired 5 years ago before the decline kicked in.

I've been watching him since 1997 when he was on CNBC. I love politics and loved the show. He's gotten a bit more out of touch over the past few years but when he's been around for so long and it is his time to go, then your/our time is coming soon. Part of me doesn't want to admit that.
I’ve met him a couple time, the first was at the RNC in Tampa. He is very much the northeast elitist douche bag.
Chris Matthews after decades of acting like he gives a crap about women's rights. So typical of liberal elitists. The #metoo was meant to be political against Republicans. Unfortunately the Democrats are holding a 95% edge here with assaults.