Pope Francis: Global Warming is Primarily Man Made

I also have an MBA, so I won't bash business schools too much... and I have no interest in becoming a CPA so that's irrelevant.

So what do you think about the Pope acknowledging climate change as a human induced risk to our long term well being?
I'm Jewish, don't give a rats ass what a one individual says. He is no different than you, me or anyone else.
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Why don't liberals care about Arabs? They care more about something that kills zero people than something that kills thousands daily.
Pope John Paul II is the GOAT Pope.

This Pope is one of the most opinionated ever and his views don't surprise me if you know the sentiment of most Argentinians. Not on this specific issue but he's taken subtle shots at Capitalism and the US Military IC
The Earth will be fine, we will be fine and there will be many species that will succeed and fail long after humans leave this planet regardless of the catalyst for our demise.

If you really believe in a catastrophic shift in climate, then shut up about it, reduce your impact on the grid , grow a garden and learn how to fend for yourself instead of complaining and blaming...
I am with you MD. I don't fear global warming, Political correctness, Chem trails, entrails, Nor conservative/liberal bs.

The stupid part on global warming is, in reality world wide nothing we do will make a drop in the buckets difference. Maybe in 100 years temps will only go up 1.9 degrees rather than 2 degrees.

Bottom line, Global Warming is first and foremost a reason for more control of the Masses by the elites, who are privileged, and get to live by different rules.
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I don't think you have the slightest inkling about the current state of climate science or China's energy policy (or the meaning of radical change for that matter).... and if you think our manufacturing base has a chance of a strong recovery if we just let someone else deal with a business' negative externalities, you also don't understand the current economy.
I don't think you have a clue. You think that the climate can be reduced to pv=nrt. The climate, something influence by the sun, moon, oceans, land, trees, humans, industry, EVERYTHING is simple. Holy shit. Not to mention you completely missed the point of my argument. Hanging your hat on the consensus of scientists is idiotic. Your main rebuttal was the consensus of the scientific community.

Note that I never said global warming/climate change was wrong, but I did list a lot of reasons why I'm skeptical with the "end is near" storyline. The more panicked people are, the more grant money flows. Money talks. Always.

Think for yourself for one minute.
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I don't think you have the slightest inkling about the current state of climate science or China's energy policy (or the meaning of radical change for that matter).... and if you think our manufacturing base has a chance of a strong recovery if we just let someone else deal with a business' negative externalities, you also don't understand the current economy.
You should've just stopped at "I don't think" and left it at that.
Of the 0 degree global warming that has happened over the last 17 years, which part and how much was caused by man?
Holy shit, you guys have herped and derped this into two pages already?!? Can I get a summary?


In another shocking turn of events, the dip shit Republicans in this thread don't believe in Global Warming. On the other side, the dip shit Democrats believe we have about 15 years left before Mother Earth floods. Fab, who sides with everything the Catholic church teaches, doesn't believe the Pope here. Sir Gal revealed for the 7,000th time he is a jew and a works as a CPA, and Bob rambled on and was clearly posting drunk yet again.

In other words, this went along just like every dumb ass political thread does in da Coola.
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Long live Dennis Quaid.


In another shocking turn of events, the dip shit Republicans in this thread don't believe in Global Warming. On the other side, the dip shit Democrats believe we have about 15 years left before Mother Earth floods. Fab, who sides with everything the Catholic teaches, doesn't believe the Pope here. Sir Gal revealed for the 7,000th time he is a jew and a works as a CPA, and Bob rambled on and was clearly posting drunk yet again.

In other words, this went along just like every dumb ass political thread does in da Coola.
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In another shocking turn of events, the dip shit Republicans in this thread don't believe in Global Warming. On the other side, the dip shit Democrats believe we have about 15 years left before Mother Earth floods. Fab, who sides with everything the Catholic church teaches, doesn't believe the Pope here. Sir Gal revealed for the 7,000th time he is a jew and a works as a CPA, and Bob rambled on and was clearly posting drunk yet again.

In other words, this went along just like every dumb ass political thread does in da Coola.

Revised summary:

EE got wet from Huffpo kos or think progress & once again brought his ideas so good they need force of law in here. People called out that weakshit. When defeated multiple times from different angles ad hominem started.
Bilderberg!!!!! TPP! Chinese Island Building!!! Chemtrails!!! Roving lunatic pedophiles!!!


We live in a world full of fear, fear, fear.

I'm not going to participate.

The Fed!!!

9/11 was an inside job

"ISIS" is a Mossad fabrication to con Americans to doing the Zionist bidding
Revised summary:

EE got wet from Huffpo kos or think progress & once again brought his ideas so good they need force of law in here. People called out that weakshit. When defeated multiple times from different angles ad hominem started.

I don't read any of that shit. I get my news from the Wall Street Journal or occasionally a Google alert.

And not one person offered data to counter the point. Basically the responses in this thread are akin to "The world is flat because scientist once said cholesterol isn't as bad as first thought"
Data is drawn from the past 10,000 years, the direct measurements of global average temperature over the past 50 years is a a tiny fraction of the data drawn upon.

If science relied on absolutely direct measuments and disallowed logical inference, we'd still be lighting our homes with kerosene (like they do in Africa because the continent is a cesspool of corruption and lies from the powerful, know what I'm sayin?)
Remember the guy who went apeshit over the Ebola outbreak a month before the news did? It's because he is connected to the scientific community. The same community that overwhelmingly agrees that greenhouse gas emissions will dramatically affect the habitability of our planet over the next hundred years.

Also, the people who keep saying that "global warming has stopped," can finally shut up. It turns out that report was wrong.
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