Prayers for Battie family UPDATE

awful …so much gun violence in this State

reminds me of the Otis situation..get away from the football building and trouble finds you at Home.
He is able to move a little.

“Brian is still currently in the ICU, but we are fortunate to share that on Saturday, Brian was able to give a thumbs up to his mom with his left hand and show movement in his left leg. The right side of his body had not shown any sign of movement until two days ago. By the grace of God, Brian was able to move his right knee and leg. This news comes as a miracle, but Brian is a fighter and always has been.

“Brian did have the ventilator removed this morning and needed a tracheotomy. Brian has a long journey ahead of him and the Battie Family continues to need everyone’s support and prayers, as they are still grieving the loss of ‘Pooh,’ (Brian’s brother) while praying Brian’s recovery keeps going in a positive direction. We thank everyone for all their support, generosity and prayers that have blessed the Battie family thus far, and we pray that it continues to lift them up through this unimaginable tragedy.”

Another update, per the family's gofundme account.

by Kelli Raines and Tanya Babinski God Mothers of Tommie IV and Brian, Organizer
UPDATE: June 14th written by Adriene (mom)

Brian is officially out of ICU and has moved on to the next level of trauma care. He has made great progress this week and is communicating more. He is smiling, laughing and getting words out. His two favorite words right now have been Brother and Tommie He was able to write his name yesterday. We are asking all our prayer warriors to continue to pray for Brian's recovery and complete healing from the top of Brian's head to the soles of his feet! He still has a long road to recovery, we are exploring all our options for the very best Rehabilitation care to cater to his Traumatic Brain Injury. Asking for God to lead our steps as we advocate and research the very best for our Son.

Finding strength through grief while simultaneously holding onto faith in the midst of adversity has been a journey unlike any other. Losing one son has tested our spirits, leaving our heart broken, but seeing our other son emerge from the ICU and make progress fills us with hope and gratitude. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is still light. We hold onto faith, cherish every small victory, and continue to trust in the healing process.

We are so blessed with an amazing support circle. Continually lifting us up, helping with Ana, helping with research and helping to counsel us through the unimaginable. You know who you are…. THANK YOU ALL for your unwavering support and prayers during this challenging time. Your love means everything to us and we will be forever grateful and know you will be blessed in tenfold for your pure intentions to seek our very best interests. ❤️‍