President Trump actually increased the infectious disease portion of CDC funding in 2021


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jun 6, 2015
But, but, Trump is cutting CDC funding which will directly result in the virus killing all Americans

He has made cuts to wasteful and nonessential programs.

That Trump is such a bad man!!!
2.5 billion dollars allocated for the response to this virus before we had a single death.
How do you react to something before it was ever a thing? It's not like we waited until thousands of americans had died from it like we did with H1N1.
yea trump is terrible for getting out in front of this thing. he shouldve done the same thing as obama...

tds is a bitch.
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Before it was a thing?

Virus Timeline:

FYI, Trump's request for special aid was on February 25.
January 29, 2020 - The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus, and ensure Americans have accurate and up-to-date health and travel information, it said.

January 30, 2020 - The US reports its first confirmed case of person-to-person transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus. On the same day, the WHO determines that the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

trumps admin literally got the ball rolling before who said it was an international concern or before there was even an american case. please tell me at what point he shouldve have acted sooner?

please tell us how you think obama did with h1n1.
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January 29, 2020 - The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus...
LOL Apparently you didn't read the link I provided.

This 'let's get ahead of this potential pandemic' "task force" was created after the virus was reported to have struck people our country for crying out loud.
4 days after the first case in the US. Would 3 days, 2 days, or 1 day after be more acceptable to you?
An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China so we wouldn't be caught flat-footed with ill-advised and incomplete early responses.

But Trump fired them all back in 2018 for crying out loud. Yeah, who needs to worry about some sci-fi pandemic scenario that'll probably never happen? We don't need to pay for stupid scientists for some non-existent threat, right Trumpsters?
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An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China so we wouldn't be caught flat-footed with ill-advised and incomplete early responses.

But Trump fired them all back in 2018 for crying out loud. Yeah, who needs to worry about some sci-fi pandemic scenario that'll probably never happen? We don't need to pay for stupid scientists for some non-existent threat, right Trumpsters?
It's funny that you dont realize how ridiculous this is and how it is completely devoid of facts.
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LOL Apparently you didn't read the link I provided.

This 'let's get ahead of this potential pandemic' "task force" was created after the virus was reported to have struck people our country for crying out loud.
absolutely nothing trump could have done would have pleased you because you are insane.

was there a confirmed case before or after that task force was created?

second question, why have you not answered about obamas response to h1n1?
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It's funny that you dont realize how ridiculous this is and how it is completely devoid of facts.
Okay, Mister Fact-Checker, what's wrong?

Politifact, a Fact-Checker site, might argue that my use of the word "fired" might have been a little strong but it's true that all of the national security officials handling pandemics left abruptly in 2018 (hmmm, that's kinda of weird) and were never replaced by the Trump Administration until now.
Okay, Mister Fact-Checker, what's wrong?

Politifact, a Fact-Checker site, might argue that my use of the word "fired" might have been a little strong but it's true that all of the national security officials handling pandemics left abruptly in 2018 (hmmm, that's kinda of weird) and were never replaced by the Trump Administration until now.
2 people resigned the day after Bolton (your hero) was appointed. 1 was a military guy and 1 was a lawyer. Everybody else is still there.
An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China so we wouldn't be caught flat-footed with ill-advised and incomplete early responses.

But Trump fired them all back in 2018 for crying out loud. Yeah, who needs to worry about some sci-fi pandemic scenario that'll probably never happen? We don't need to pay for stupid scientists for some non-existent threat, right Trumpsters?
You are splitting hairs now to the point that it’s sounding ridiculous. As far as most Americans are concerned, this was handled swiftly enough.

“An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China”

We didn’t even have all the exact facts from China about the earliest outbreaks. We still don’t
You are splitting hairs now to the point that it’s sounding ridiculous. As far as most Americans are concerned, this was handled swiftly enough.

“An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China”

We didn’t even have all the exact facts from China about the earliest outbreaks. We still don’t
By any reasonable metric this was handled perfectly. That's what makes trumps "hoax" comment 100% spot on.
You are splitting hairs now to the point that it’s sounding ridiculous. As far as most Americans are concerned, this was handled swiftly enough.

“An Administration on top of the situation would have had top pandemic scientists in place orchestrating a game plan from the earliest outbreaks in China”

We didn’t even have all the exact facts from China about the earliest outbreaks. We still don’t

China for almost a month didn't even let the CDC or WHO in to learn about the virus since they were in cover up mode, yet Shookster thinks that Trump should have known everything there is to know from CHINA! and had his pandemic team ready to go, armed with information we didn't have.
China for almost a month didn't even let the CDC or WHO in to learn about the virus since they were in cover up mode, yet Shookster thinks that Trump should have known everything there is to know from CHINA! and had his pandemic team ready to go, armed with information we didn't have.
It's not just shukster, thousands of democrats think that he dropped the ball on this. Its 100% TDS and its honestly ridiculous and reactionary at its core.

"Democrats have TDS. Everything I see
coming from Trump is PERFECT!!!"

:) :) :) :) :)
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please inform us all on how you think obama did in response to h1n1?
Lol, good luck.

Obama did fine, and he had top officials in place to deal with it but we still had over 1000 americans die before they responded. I'd still like to know what the CDC actually does in cases like this other than verify that hospitals are doing what they're supposed to do (hint: they already do)
please inform us all on how you think obama did in response to h1n1?
LOL You people crack me up.

Be it the corona virus pandemic, our "peace" agreement with the Taliban terrorists in the Middle East, or negotiations with North Korea's Kim Yung un, when asked to defend Trump, the response I get from the Usual Suspects is, "uh, well, uh, well, know, OBAMA was MUCH worse by golly!!!" :)
LOL You people crack me up.

Be it the corona virus pandemic, our "peace" agreement with the Taliban terrorists in the Middle East, or negotiations with North Korea's Kim Yung un, when asked to defend Trump, the response I get from the Usual Suspects is, "uh, well, uh, well, know, OBAMA was MUCH worse by golly!!!" :)
Can't answer his question, or what?
Leave it to the Red Hats to want to discuss Obama -- in a thread about Trump's handling of the corona virus. :)

If you can't defend his sh*t then, please, just STFU.
LOL You people crack me up.

Be it the corona virus pandemic, our "peace" agreement with the Taliban terrorists in the Middle East, or negotiations with North Korea's Kim Yung un, when asked to defend Trump, the response I get from the Usual Suspects is, "uh, well, uh, well, know, OBAMA was MUCH worse by golly!!!" :)
Because the redhats have no facts to back anything up. SMOKESCREEN
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I will say, it's hilariously ironic that the typical nutbag(s) claiming Trump has FAILED! or whatever to contain COVID are the same people who advocate for open borders and think things like travel bans and walls are RACIST!