Pro-Maxine Counter-Protestors:


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
“America was never great" -- Pro-Maxine Counter-Protestors

"Oath Keepers break their promise, bail on planned far-right protest at Maxine Waters' office"
'The Oath Keepers said they would protest outside the Los Angeles Democrat’s office on Thursday afternoon ... Calling Waters a “protest terrorist inciter,” the Oath Keepers publicized the planned gathering on Twitter ... But at 1 p.m., police at the protest site said authorities had been in contact with the group, and it had decided not to come in order to ensure peace.
. . .
For her part, Waters urged counterprotesters to stay away. She noted that the organization, which at various points over the last decade has formed militias across the country, also has a history of attempting to provoke violence.
“The Oath Keepers would like nothing more than to inflame racial tensions and create an explosive conflict in our community,” Waters said in a statement.
At one point, counterprotesters pulled a small American flag off of a pickup, doused it in lighter fluid and set it ablaze. The crowd then began chanting, cursing the government and saying, “America was never great.”'
I love how Waters blames everyone else, except herself. Her counter-protestors will always show. The protestors heeded police, because they care about peace.

I think those four (4) words say everything about Maxine and her followers. The world is what we make it. Apparently there are people who just want to make America about censorship and violence when they disagree with them.

And that's what bothers me most as a Libertarian. It's now the norm. Anytime there is violence, we blame one group by default, and don't care to listen to them.
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