Protests in Chicago

The SA had the dashcam videos for 13 months and didn't bring any charges. Then the day after they're released by court order, she charges the officer with 1st degree murder. That deserves some protest whichever way you view the video.
The SA had the dashcam videos for 13 months and didn't bring any charges. Then the day after they're released by court order, she charges the officer with 1st degree murder. That deserves some protest whichever way you view the video.

Conveniently, Rahm Emanuel had an election between the shooting and today. They've had that video for 13 months yet waited to release it....wonder why?

Oh that's right, it could have posed as an issue for Emanuel's re-election campaign. Can't have his boys in blue gunning down black kids in the street and expect to win.

In the meantime, the Chicago PD has found the gang members who assassinated a 9 year old boy as retaliation for a gang dispute. 1 bullet directly in the face, another in his back as he lying there in cold blood, left to die. A 9 year old.

But hey, I'm sure these protestors will totally remember that bit of violence in their city, right?
The SA had the dashcam videos for 13 months and didn't bring any charges. Then the day after they're released by court order, she charges the officer with 1st degree murder. That deserves some protest whichever way you view the video.

Meh, there was a nine year old boy executed in Chicago a few weeks ago. That's a hell of a lot worse than a corrupt Democratic government covering up another scandal during an election year.
Meh, there was a nine year old boy executed in Chicago a few weeks ago. That's a hell of a lot worse than a corrupt Democratic government covering up another scandal during an election year.
For those that have to live in a democratic run legacy city this is what you get.
The video was as bad as ISIS beheadings - except it was real.
I agree that the video looks bad (of course both parts of your comment are simply inane but we've come to expect that of you). Hopefully there are other videos that will show a more complete picture because, IMO, there are some problems when this thing goes to court if this is the only angle that will make it not the slam dunk everyone thinks it is. Assuming they got statements from all involved and examined everything in detail, I'm all for charging the officer and letting the system work. The officers at the least overstated if not outright lied about the incident and that has to stop. Police are humans and will make mistakes but the coverup is what causes so many issues. Of course, we have to understand the difference between a mistake and an outright criminal action as well. This looks and feels like it crosses the line. If this guy doesn't get convicted Chicago is going to make Baltimore look mild.

Now for the issues that I see with the video. First, the actual video doesn't match the narrative the "journalists" are putting in the articles. The guy had the knife in his hand held out in the open (not in his pants), he wasn't walking directly away from the officers, and the camera pans away from the officers so you can't see how far away they are the entire time. We rely on the narrative to fill in the gaps in our understanding; it would be nice if it was correct and unbiased.

Second, the guy is thought by the officers to be on PCP, which is known as the superman drug for a reason. People on PCP ignore pain, which means they'll walk through tasers with no effect and fight inhumanly hard when being restrained. Only one officer shot, did the other try a taser? It's hard to see and not in the narrative. It all happens so fast that this may not even matter but for first degree murder I would think it would bear discussion.

Third, there is no audio. We can assume that there were many commands issued (or not if you hate police) and we have no way of knowing if McDonald was saying anything but without audio and it doesn't seem there are any witnesses so how do you prove it either way?

Finally, they'll bring the Tueller drill into play for the defense. The angle from behind is bad and it's hard to see if McDonald turns his upper body towards the approaching officer. Bodycams would be great to see this. McDonald is well within the 21 feet which someone can cross and stab in the time it takes to unholster and shoot. They claimed that he "lunged" but you certainly can't see a lunge as most people can describe it in the video. Still, I'm sure this will be a point of debate in court.
How is this different from the other 20 people that are shot in Chicago every week?
I haven't seen Black Lives Matter marching for any of them
The other 20 don't have a video of a racist pig POS shooting about 15 too many bullets in to non threatening drugged up black dude stumbling around.
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then black lives don't matter unless they are killed by a cop. got it. thanks