Qanon Shaman has his day in Court!


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003

Believe it or not, the Shaman's lawyers are pleading for a lesser sentence because -- get this -- they say their client suffers from mental illness.
I don't know who this Qanon is or what it is? Lol.

It often said progressive and Marxist ideals are a form of mental illness. 😆
I'd say the 10 months in solitary confinement that he's already served should be enough.
It often said progressive and Marxist ideals are a form of mental illness. 😆
Ha Ha Ha. Wake up and smell the coffee. Our beloved Qanon Shaman was one of Trump's insurrectionists hellbent on 'stopping the steal' on January 6th.

I actually feel sorry for this chump. He's sitting in prison while the people who plotted the insurrection (Trump, Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon and others) are not only free but STILL have people choosing to ignore their criminal actions. It's a "Danger, Will Robinson!" sign.
All I hear is a woke old guy that surrounds himself with white people.
OF COURSE that's all you hear! God forbid you dare to examine how Trump and his minions worked behind the scenes to thwart the will of the people and stay in power.

But, by all means, poo-poo their treasonous actions as 'no big deal.'
TDS...back to Trump.
Translation: Don't talk about it!...Don't talk about it!...Don't talk about it!
Maybe he thought it was cool after the Kavanagh insurrection? 😅
The Kavanaugh...insurrection? If you are going to debate January's Capitol insurrection, it would help if you knew what the hell you're talking about!
I have no idea who or what this guy does but is his crime trespassing or more? This this different from the Supreme Court trespassing? What sentence did they get? Get him an equal sentence and be done with the woke sideshow.
People stormed the chambers of the Supreme Court while court was in session? I hope they catch those individuals as well.
Pretty bad if he was just trespassing.
Hmmm....maybe it wasn't 'just trespassing' after all.
Worst "insurrection" ever walking around taking pictures. The only real insurrection that ever worked was 1898 in Wilmington, NC that I know about. That was a legit planned takeover of the government and it worked.
The January 6th Capitol riot WASN'T a "legit," "planned," or "real" insurrection with the goal of thwarting the will of the people?

Funny how Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows are responding to their Congressional subpoenas if this wasn't planned.
I'm not saying free anyone, but if he simply trespassed he should get the same time as those in the Kavanaugh hearing.
You would think that at some point, the light bulb would go on and you'd say, "Hmmmm, maybe the Shaman did more than 'trespass.'"
Funny your demand for justice is limited. When lefties burn down police stations, cities, loot, etc I don't hear you whine.
MY demand for justice is limited? Please point out any of my past posts where I complained about a looter or an arsonist getting the book thrown at 'em.
Just normal activity for lefties? If woke it doesn't matter?

I love how you create your own sweet, little straw men to rip apart. I guess it beats getting your a$$ handed to you in a real debate with those pesky real facts.
Real facts...Mr msm talking points 🤣
The cool thing about your laughter over facts is that it gives you a sense of immunity from any criticism here for your screwball conspiracy theories.

Instead of the impossible task of actually defending them, you rely on the tried-and-true "You just don't have the REAL FACTS like I do" line when we occasionally attempt to address your stupidity.
Shuckster trying to use logic and reason on cult members.

These people are dumber than dog shit. Don't waste your time.
I wish I had a dollar for every time you've told me that. :) ;)

When will you learn? I tried using logic and reason on these morons for 2 years. Then I eventually realized they don't base their worldview on logic and reason, they are literal cult members who chose what to believe then try to find facts that fit their preconceived notions.
When will you learn? I tried using logic and reason on these morons for 2 years. Then I eventually realized they don't base their worldview on logic and reason, they are literal cult members who chose what to believe then try to find facts that fit their preconceived notions.
The craziest thing is that you tend to expect this kind of silliness on an anonymous message board, but in Congress?

Just today we had the House Republican leadership argue AGAINST censure for a member who made a video cartoon of himself killing AOC. WTF? It would be bad enough for some Twitter nutjob, but a sitting member of Congress???

At the same time, this same Republican leadership gave a hard time to their members who...gasp!...voted for the infrastructure bill. Good grief. Will this nonsense ever end?
Knighttime is the reason why the English language has so many synonyms for moron.
His brain might be the smoothest object in the known universe.

I put him on ignore long ago, he has provided literally nothing of use in his entire time here.

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