Question about each of the declared candidates:Left to Right

Good Knight Sweetheart

Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jun 1, 2001
(my question probably got lost in that Hilary thread)

Question about each of the declared candidates:
How do they line up, Left to Right?

Obviously Hilary - Left of everyone
With Rubio it depends of which language he is speaking: in Spanish he is next to (if not left of) Hilary, in English he is to the right. I have watched him say one thing in English and then change it completely for the Latin channels.
Originally posted by Bob the Knight:
Rubio, Paul, Cruz.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
okay? explain how an anti war, anti big government, anti government interference candidate it right of rubio? you understand libertarians are social liberals and fiscal conservatives right?
Originally posted by KnighttimeJoe:
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:

Originally posted by 1ofTheseKnights:
Gary Johnson has declared that's who I'll be voting for.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Where does Gary Johnson fit in the list?
On the insane side.
he is pro choice, pro equality, anti is he insane? Do you know anything about him or are you just being dumb as F#$k...

First off its not enough to say how left or right someone is...a chart like this is more effective....

This post was edited on 4/15 7:29 AM by Dmarino110

This post was edited on 4/15 7:51 AM by Dmarino110
Originally posted by Dmarino110:
Originally posted by KnighttimeJoe:
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:

Originally posted by 1ofTheseKnights:
Gary Johnson has declared that's who I'll be voting for.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Where does Gary Johnson fit in the list?
On the insane side.
he is pro choice, pro equality, anti is he insane? Do you know anything about him or are you just being dumb as F#$k...

This post was edited on 4/15 7:29 AM by Dmarino110
LMAO. I see Marino is going to fellate Johnson as he did Ron Paul for 2 elections. Didn't your dumb ass learn anything from those?
It's cute how offended marino gets when people aren't sucking off these fringe candidates that no one will vote for.

PS- spare me this "HE'S ANTI-EVERYTHING AND IT'S AWESOME!" stick. Everyone has super awesome principles and ideals when they're not actually governing. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have collectively done dick. Much like Obama, they have spent some time in the Senate, said a few things, but have in total done little actual legislating. And no governing.

Rand probably gets it from his father, who spent nearly his entire life as a career politician, choosing to be a mouth piece rather than a legislator. He's lucky he lived in a Podunk district where he never had a single re-election threat because he had no actual legislative achievements, other than securing earmark pork spending for back home, something he was supposedly "totally opposed to".

Gary Johnson at least did govern a state. However he governed a state that has a population smaller than the greater Orlando area, where nothing of significance happens. It should also be noted that "Mr Anti Defense Spending" and "Mr Small Government" lured more DOD money to New Mexico in the form of new airbases and expanded installations. 13% of NM's employment is now due entirely to Federal funding via military installations and bases. And because of this, the NM Government got a fat check every year from the Feds to assist with localized support of these bases.
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
It's cute how offended marino gets when people aren't sucking off these fringe candidates that no one will vote for.

PS- spare me this "HE'S ANTI-EVERYTHING AND IT'S AWESOME!" stick. Everyone has super awesome principles and ideals when they're not actually governing. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have collectively done dick. Much like Obama, they have spent some time in the Senate, said a few things, but have in total done little actual legislating. And no governing.

Rand probably gets it from his father, who spent nearly his entire life as a career politician, choosing to be a mouth piece rather than a legislator. He's lucky he lived in a Podunk district where he never had a single re-election threat because he had no actual legislative achievements, other than securing earmark pork spending for back home, something he was supposedly "totally opposed to".

Gary Johnson at least did govern a state. However he governed a state that has a population smaller than the greater Orlando area, where nothing of significance happens. It should also be noted that "Mr Anti Defense Spending" and "Mr Small Government" lured more DOD money to New Mexico in the form of new airbases and expanded installations. 13% of NM's employment is now due entirely to Federal funding via military installations and bases. And because of this, the NM Government got a fat check every year from the Feds to assist with localized support of these bases.
so because they are anti spending they should neglect their districts or states? you cant change the game if you're not in it...

the point being, someone called gary johnson crazy, and someone said rand was far right meanwhile if we are looking at the line graph model they are both dead center if not to the left based on their beliefs...

That's my point- they AREN'T anti-spending to the degree they portray. Only when it's convenient to say so for a PR spot or to make a point via a session in congress. For guys who supposedly want to gut the Federal government, they sure as hell had no issue with taking huge sums of money back to their district or state.
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:

That's my point- they AREN'T anti-spending to the degree they portray. Only when it's convenient to say so for a PR spot or to make a point via a session in congress. For guys who supposedly want to gut the Federal government, they sure as hell had no issue with taking huge sums of money back to their district or state.
so lets say Ron (yes an old example) says i dont want the fed spending any money and so im going to go completely on my beliefs and not take any money...does he get reelected? nope...

people understand why he takes the money, because its there and the government isnt going to give it back to the people if it doesnt get spent, they are just going to spend it somewhere else...thats called living in the real the same time you build up a following among younger voters who bring on change as the older population dies out...

think about it, in another 20 years, no one like mitt romney is going to bother running for president for any reason other than pocketing campaign money...
Originally posted by Dmarino110:

Originally posted by UCFKnight85:

That's my point- they AREN'T anti-spending to the degree they portray. Only when it's convenient to say so for a PR spot or to make a point via a session in congress. For guys who supposedly want to gut the Federal government, they sure as hell had no issue with taking huge sums of money back to their district or state.
so lets say Ron (yes an old example) says i dont want the fed spending any money and so im going to go completely on my beliefs and not take any money...does he get reelected? nope...

people understand why he takes the money, because its there and the government isnt going to give it back to the people if it doesnt get spent, they are just going to spend it somewhere else...thats called living in the real the same time you build up a following among younger voters who bring on change as the older population dies out...

think about it, in another 20 years, no one like mitt romney is going to bother running for president for any reason other than pocketing campaign money...
You're such an excuse making machine. It's quite sad.

First, what you basically admitted is that voters in fact don't WANT people to gut the Federal government. Hence supporting my own belief that Paul and Johnson are joke candidates that would never sniff the Presidency.

Second, you are just making excuses for Paul being a hypocrite. He spoke out against pork barrel funding yet annually requested millions upon millions for his tiny district. That is by definition a hypocrite.

So basically, he spoke a big game on spending and cuts yet took in huge sums of pork money for his district in an effort to appease his voting base which in fact did not actually support ANY of the cuts he preached from his pulpit. And he did this for most of his life as a career politician.

Wow, what a leader.
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
Originally posted by Dmarino110:

Originally posted by UCFKnight85:

That's my point- they AREN'T anti-spending to the degree they portray. Only when it's convenient to say so for a PR spot or to make a point via a session in congress. For guys who supposedly want to gut the Federal government, they sure as hell had no issue with taking huge sums of money back to their district or state.
so lets say Ron (yes an old example) says i dont want the fed spending any money and so im going to go completely on my beliefs and not take any money...does he get reelected? nope...

people understand why he takes the money, because its there and the government isnt going to give it back to the people if it doesnt get spent, they are just going to spend it somewhere else...thats called living in the real the same time you build up a following among younger voters who bring on change as the older population dies out...

think about it, in another 20 years, no one like mitt romney is going to bother running for president for any reason other than pocketing campaign money...
You're such an excuse making machine. It's quite sad.

First, what you basically admitted is that voters in fact don't WANT people to gut the Federal government. Hence supporting my own belief that Paul and Johnson are joke candidates that would never sniff the Presidency.

Second, you are just making excuses for Paul being a hypocrite. He spoke out against pork barrel funding yet annually requested millions upon millions for his tiny district. That is by definition a hypocrite.

So basically, he spoke a big game on spending and cuts yet took in huge sums of pork money for his district in an effort to appease his voting base which in fact did not actually support ANY of the cuts he preached from his pulpit. And he did this for most of his life as a career politician.

Wow, what a leader.

so if ron stuck to his guns and didnt take the money for his district, what would have happened to hit? would congress have given it back to the people?
I don't really give a shit if a politician I support "sticks to his guns". I prefer pragmatic people who choose to live and debate in reality rather than promising absurd shit that would be impossible to implement, like the Paul-ites and Johnsons of the world do. "Oh, let's gut Medicare by 43%". Ok, how will you do that? "Not sure, but elect me anyways!"

But that's much different than a wanna be revolutionary like Paul who was nothing more than a racist and a mouthpiece for his cause that said one thing and did something entirely different. You can't paint yourself as the most principled guy on a diet but sneak pizza in the break room.

You also still don't understand how Congress or budgeting works. After pork spending was banned, those appropriations simply went back into the normal budgeting cycle through Committee. That money then could be allocated towards specific programs or used to pay down debt. It's not as if Ron Paul's Federal Pork was money designated only for him that would be lost if he didn't use it.
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:

It's not as if Ron Paul's Federal Pork was money designated only for him that would be lost if he didn't use it.
my god you are dense...

ill go slow for you.

Ron wanted the budget slashed.
Congress doesnt slash budget.
Tax payer money taken
if ron doesnt take some of the money taken for his district THE MONEY HE DOESNT EARMARK WILL STILL BE USED AND NOT SENT BACK TO THE EFFING TAX PAYERS...
What part of this dont you understand.
Sorry to interrupt the jello wrestling match between DMarino and 85, but I am wondering how Jeb fits into the list.....assuming he becomes official (or maybe he did and I missed it).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:
Sorry to interrupt the jello wrestling match between DMarino and 85, but I am wondering how Jeb fits into the list.....assuming he becomes official (or maybe he did and I missed it).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
hes right at the point his donors want him...

personally I dont know much about jeb and his presidential positions other than what hes said. politifact would be a good place to look

as far as a picture of where he sits
Originally posted by Dmarino110:

Originally posted by UCFKnight85:

It's not as if Ron Paul's Federal Pork was money designated only for him that would be lost if he didn't use it.

my god you are dense...

ill go slow for you.

Ron wanted the budget slashed.
Congress doesnt slash budget.
Tax payer money taken
if ron doesnt take some of the money taken for his district THE MONEY HE DOESNT EARMARK WILL STILL BE USED AND NOT SENT BACK TO THE EFFING TAX PAYERS...
What part of this dont you understand.
You're a goddamn moron.

It's clear that you're a blind cheerleader for the racist moron who "hated" the Federal government yet spent most of his life inside of it. You simply don't understand anything about macro economics or budgeting policy, thus it's impossible to explain this to you in a way you'll comprehend.

And lulz at calling him "Ron". You're such a fanboy that you're on a first name basis.
Hillary is more to the right, than most of the GOP candidates.
Notice she hasn't opened her mouth, cause if she does, Dems will vote for >?? O'Malley? Biden? Cuomo? Webb?

If we go by who is really going to run..

1-10 10 to right, and 1 to the left......

Marco Rubio - 7
Rand Paul - 6
Hillary Clinton - 6, or 7.
Ted Cruz - 10

Not yet- But likely going to...
Chris Christie - 5
Martin O'Malley - 3
Jim Webb - 4
Lincoln Chafee - 5
Jeb Bush - 7
Scott Walker - 9
Mike Huckabee - 10

Rick Santorum - 9
Rick Perry- 9 but he forgot the something to make him 10...
Ben Carson- 8
Carly Fiorina - 7
This question/thread proves the point of how ****ed shit is. You have to be in a little left right line no room for any different thought other than what massive $ makes simpletons think.

As if these politicians are soooooooo different from each other - not like they dont all have MASSIVE dough & egos & circle jerk & put on a fraudulent political show for people too dumb to see it for what it is.

Republican Democrat politics is the same tier as Bruce Jenner to me at this point.

Really rich people telling middle class people to blame poor people.

Support our troops!!! 9/11 / GET ISIS THEY'RE GONNA GET US!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:
Sorry to interrupt the jello wrestling match between DMarino and 85, but I am wondering how Jeb fits into the list.....assuming he becomes official (or maybe he did and I missed it).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Clintin, Bush Rubio/Paul, Cruz
Originally posted by 1ofTheseKnights:
This question/thread proves the point of howfsadfadafsadsf EDITED FOR SSTUPID RIVALS shit is. You have to be in a little left right line no room for any different thought other than what massive $ makes simpletons think.

As if these politicians are soooooooo different from each other - not like they dont all have MASSIVE dough & egos & circle jerk & put on a fraudulent political show for people too dumb to see it for what it is.

Republican Democrat politics is the same tier as Bruce Jenner to me at this point.

Really rich people telling middle class people to blame poor people.

Support our troops!!! 9/11 / GET ISIS THEY'RE GONNA GET US!!!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Come on, Coke. How in the hell is this any different from any other time in US History?
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:

(my question probably got lost in that Hilary thread)

Question about each of the declared candidates:
How do they line up, Left to Right?

Obviously Hilary - Left of everyone
Yea, thus far, but that changes if Warren or O'Malley or (obviously) Sanders throws their hat in. Any other Dem that comes in at this point is going to be left of Hillary on just about everything.
Originally posted by Whataknight:

Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:

(my question probably got lost in that Hilary thread)

Question about each of the declared candidates:
How do they line up, Left to Right?

Obviously Hilary - Left of everyone
Yea, thus far, but that changes if Warren or O'Malley or (obviously) Sanders throws their hat in. Any other Dem that comes in at this point is going to be left of Hillary on just about everything.
you dont think one of the 1% wants to pay her fair share do you?

At this point Hillary is a pro war surprised 85 isnt voting for her...
Eh I guess it's not but it doesn't make it right nor does it mean I am gonna do my part & pretend it's OK to eat up that weaksauce & vote for Republicans & Democrats.

Pragmatic? Lol ok

I like how none of the GOP fellaters called out the chart where dubya made Clinton look cheap. Dont recall if it was this thread or the Hillary one.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by mach3ucf:
Hillary is more to the right, than most of the GOP candidates.
Notice she hasn't opened her mouth.............
Hillary keeping her mouth shut is the best strategy she can have for her campaign (she was caught in another stupid lie the other night on the campaign trail...kept changing her story).

Only way Hillary could lose the Dem nomination is to open UP her mouth.

Far right?

"Do as I say...not as I do"
Everyone wants Warren to run, including me, to have some sort of contest on the Dem side. However, Warren can say whatever she wants because she is NOT running (which would require her to lighten up on things to win votes outside of Mass).