Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
Originally posted by Dmarino110:
Originally posted by UCFKnight85:
That's my point- they AREN'T anti-spending to the degree they portray. Only when it's convenient to say so for a PR spot or to make a point via a session in congress. For guys who supposedly want to gut the Federal government, they sure as hell had no issue with taking huge sums of money back to their district or state.
so lets say Ron (yes an old example) says i dont want the fed spending any money and so im going to go completely on my beliefs and not take any money...does he get reelected? nope...
people understand why he takes the money, because its there and the government isnt going to give it back to the people if it doesnt get spent, they are just going to spend it somewhere else...thats called living in the real world...at the same time you build up a following among younger voters who bring on change as the older population dies out...
think about it, in another 20 years, no one like mitt romney is going to bother running for president for any reason other than pocketing campaign money...
You're such an excuse making machine. It's quite sad.
First, what you basically admitted is that voters in fact don't WANT people to gut the Federal government. Hence supporting my own belief that Paul and Johnson are joke candidates that would never sniff the Presidency.
Second, you are just making excuses for Paul being a hypocrite. He spoke out against pork barrel funding yet annually requested millions upon millions for his tiny district. That is by definition a hypocrite.
So basically, he spoke a big game on spending and cuts yet took in huge sums of pork money for his district in an effort to appease his voting base which in fact did not actually support ANY of the cuts he preached from his pulpit. And he did this for most of his life as a career politician.
Wow, what a leader.
so if ron stuck to his guns and didnt take the money for his district, what would have happened to hit? would congress have given it back to the people?