Hey y'all, I truly just wanted to share something positive about getting to Orlando and seeing my son. I had a terrible month between my boat floating away at a coral reef and having to swim in the ocean for 2.5 hours to recover it with my disabled son aboard to my entire family getting the Rona and then me getting pneumonia.
I may not agree with some of you on social and political issues and that's ok. However, I don't want anyone to die prematurely here from the Rona or what ever. I don't want crazy going crazy on UcMikes or what ever. Not that it matters what I think anyway,.
it's just sad what going on in country. People wishing financial harm and even death upon the sick which they got from a virus from China? Really? I don't know if the virus was part of gain of function but I do know something about biology and that lab is over 600 miles from the bat colony where said virus is supposed to originate. That's like saying Wuhan Virology lab is in Orlando the bat colony lives in Asheville. Now y'all can just lap up the government and media lines all day long, but having this virus originate with patient zero or what ever in a city that's huge with a virology lab in it then trying push the narrative it came from a bat 600 miles away , well , I don't believe it for a minute .
So, get the vaccine in most cases it will keep you out of the hospital. In most cases it will keep you from.being minimally sick. However, data is suggesting the vaccinated are passing it along to others frequently. And while the vaccine is good it's not perfect and I believe the stories on the internet and with family and friends that the vaccine is deadly to people too.
I hope none of you get COViD and if you do please heed my experience. Consult your doctor immediately. Go get a pulse ox meter monitor it 4-6 hours and if gets to 91-90 go the ER. I am not a physician but I think the aspirin may have saved my life as I had zero clothing issues. Do with that information as you see fit.
I enjoy a good debate but it's pointless wishing people harm and it's just sad that folks can't just celebrate some when others come out on top with this virus .
When I hugged my son before I went to the ER, I thought of Space Coast and his family . I thought my son potentially could be hugging his dad for theast time. I was determined to do what ever it took to come out on top. With that said, I know I only had so much control with it. I had a similar feeling when I took off swimming for my boat. Once I realized I couldn't catch it and I found myself in the ocean swimming towards Elliot Key,alone without flotation, I realized I was in danger and that I had the real possibility of something bad happening. Then I put that out of my mind and got to work swimming at a pace I could sustain for a long time .
In the end ,I survived that swim and I survived Covid. I got to see my son and I look forward to a great football season. Thank you all for the well wishes. I hope everyone remains healthy.