Republicans in Congress support "kinder-gardians" program in which they would arm preschoolers

You dont actually think that was serious? Blink 182, Wiz Khalifa? Dead give away, but props on the first grenader line there. Thats pretty clever.
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You dont actually think that was serious? Blink 182, Wiz Khalifa? Dead give away, but props on the first grenader line there. Thats pretty clever.
I know the program's not serious. They got tricked into reading it but they still read it. They still put their support behind a made up but 100% insane program.
If a bunch of dems got tricked into saying they support a vaginal guillotine that would behead babies as they were being born it would be pretty concerning even if that product doesn't exist.
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If a bunch of dems got tricked into saying they support a vaginal guillotine that would behead babies as they were being born it would be pretty concerning even if that product doesn't exist.

Its comedy. Comedy at its best pushes the lines and goes to the ridiculous. There are a lot of liberal female comedians who joke about abortion. Its in bad taste, but it can still be funny and isnt necessarily an indicator of a persons morals or ethics.