I can't wait for another Red Line from Putin's bitch.
Why should Putin change?Putin is the most bold bullshitter I've seen in quite some time.
Says he's going to "battle ISIS", but bombs rebels instead, just as the entire world expected.
Putin bad US good - only we can dickaround in the middle east. We're the only world policemen
All of our "enemies" are the ones without puppet central banks, some coincidence
Even Ron Paul doesn't go that far.Great response. Thousands more will now die in Syria thanks to this, but hey let's throw around snide Ron Paul-esque remarks.
And how well did worrying about pissing off the Russians work for LBJ in Vietnam?
Dicking around in the Middle East not working? Solution more dicking around in the Middle East. See also fed interest rate policy.
I guess now Russia is good and Putin is our best friend