Russia is in to feel the Bern!

I mean, Sanders loves Russia. I'm sure he preferred it at the USSR though, it's probably far too market based these days for his taste. He took a lovely honeymoon during the USSR days and heaped praise upon their super awesome housing projects and subway stations.

He's their guy.
I mean, Sanders loves Russia. I'm sure he preferred it at the USSR though, it's probably far too market based these days for his taste. He took a lovely honeymoon during the USSR days and heaped praise upon their super awesome housing projects and subway stations.

He's their guy.

They are both "their guys".
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I mean, Sanders loves Russia. I'm sure he preferred it at the USSR though, it's probably far too market based these days for his taste. He took a lovely honeymoon during the USSR days and heaped praise upon their super awesome housing projects and subway stations.

He's their guy.

Why are you lying yet again? Really says a lot about you and your position.

Look up the remarks Bernie made about the interference, compare them to Trump's. Tell me who loves America and freedom more.
Tell your Granny to go off social security and medicare because you'll pay for it and I'll believe you.

Wait, I thought SS was a “retirement fund” that everyone pays into and takes out later in life? Surely you’re not suggesting it’s really just another entitlement welfare program run like a Ponzi scheme?
Tell your Granny to go off social security and medicare because you'll pay for it and I'll believe you.

The theory behind those programs is it's your money. Much different than stealing from the productive to create a welfare state that citizens are dependent on government.
The theory behind those programs is it's your money. Much different than stealing from the productive to create a welfare state that citizens are dependent on government.
So you're saying that some socialist programs in the U.S. are okay and some are not?
So you're saying that some socialist programs in the U.S. are okay and some are not?
No, what he’s saying is that the people that collect social security have paid into social security and collect relative to how much they paid. In your system, people collect based on how much they “need” whether they paid in or not. Unless you run the system and then you live fat off the system. Also, in every single instance of widespread adoption of your system across the entire economy, the people end up worse off as a whole.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are just 2 sides of the same coin. Both want their followers to believe that their life is shitty and it's somebody else's fault.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are just 2 sides of the same coin. Both want their followers to believe that their life is shitty and it's somebody else's fault.

They arent 2 sides of the same coin, though there is certainly a common reason Trump won and Bernie is doing well. Trump ran on a right wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes (his policies dont do that, but he ran with that), and Bernie is running on a left wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes. What this should tell everyone, is all of this talk about how great the economy is and how well everything is going is just that, talk. The reality is a lot of people in this country from the middle class on down are struggling or know they are one emergency situation away from struggling, and the result is they are voting for the candidates they feel can best correct that.

But they arent two sides of the same coin because I dont think Sanders would erode our institutions and be some sort of wanna be authoritarian the way Trump has done.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are just 2 sides of the same coin. Both want their followers to believe that their life is shitty and it's somebody else's fault.
That’s not true at all. Trump wants his followers to feel great and doesn’t care about making other people feel shitty. Bernie wants everyone to feel shitty so that he can fool them into giving everything over to the government.
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That’s not true at all. Trump wants his followers to feel great and doesn’t care about making other people feel shitty. Bernie wants everyone to feel shitty so that he can fool them into giving everything over to the government.

THis cant be serious. Trump belittles and tries to make people feel shitty constantly.
They arent 2 sides of the same coin, though there is certainly a common reason Trump won and Bernie is doing well. Trump ran on a right wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes (his policies dont do that, but he ran with that), and Bernie is running on a left wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes. What this should tell everyone, is all of this talk about how great the economy is and how well everything is going is just that, talk. The reality is a lot of people in this country from the middle class on down are struggling or know they are one emergency situation away from struggling, and the result is they are voting for the candidates they feel can best correct that.

But they arent two sides of the same coin because I dont think Sanders would erode our institutions and be some sort of wanna be authoritarian the way Trump has done.

How is a one-size-fits-all healthcare program administered by washington elites who get their own superior plan in any way populist?
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How is a one-size-fits-all healthcare program administered by washington elites who get their own superior plan in any way populist?

Huh? WHy do you think Washington Elites would get a superior plan under Bernie?
Because they always have and they arent going to vote their own benefits away.

But then that wouldnt be Bernie's plan, that would be congress and the Senate's plan, so you would have to take that up with them. That doesnt mean his campaign and ideals arent populist ideals, that just means he might not be able to push everything through (which he wont, but again, doesnt take away from his ideals or why you are seeing him garner so much support).
Agree. I didn’t say it was the best way to do things. I hated it when Obama did it as well.

Obama acted nothing like Trump acts. Trump literally mocks disabled people, just the other night he mocked Biden and his studder, which Biden has been very open about struggling with throughout his life. Obama never would have made fun of someone for those types of things.
You guys are so entrenched in your camps that you can't see it. Trump blames the illegals, Muslims and Democrats. Bernie blames the billionaires and corporate America. Everybody thinks they have it so shitty when in reality most of us are living better than our grandparents were at the same age.
You guys are so entrenched in your camps that you can't see it. Trump blames the illegals, Muslims and Democrats. Bernie blames the billionaires and corporate America. Everybody thinks they have it so shitty when in reality most of us are living better than our grandparents were at the same age.

But these arent different sides of the same coin comparison. Illegals have basically no power in this country, so blaming them is not remotely the same as blaming super rich people and corporations who lobby government to benefit themselves.

Again, if everyone was living so great then Trump wouldnt have won and Bernie wouldnt be surging. If everything was going so great for everyone then the establishment candidates would be the winning candidates. Bernie still has a ways to go so not going to crown him yet, but this is the 2nd election in a row where the candidate who most speaks to people struggling is surging in the primaries. That doesnt happen if only a small % of people are struggling.
You guys are so entrenched in your camps that you can't see it. Trump blames the illegals, Muslims and Democrats. Bernie blames the billionaires and corporate America. Everybody thinks they have it so shitty when in reality most of us are living better than our grandparents were at the same age.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the class warfare against billionaires isnt as effective as it used to be. Outside of the debate stage I rarely find people who talk about it.
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Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the class warfare against billionaires isnt as effective as it used to be. Outside of the debate stage I rarely find people who talk about it.

Umm, are you missing that the candidate who constantly talks about billionaires is surging in the primaries? If it wasnt effective, then why is Bernie the one surging as of right now?
Umm, are you missing that the candidate who constantly talks about billionaires is surging in the primaries? If it wasnt effective, then why is Bernie the one surging as of right now?

Because that's how momentum works in the primaries. He did well in 2 states he was expected to do well in and people generally consolidate around the front runner. Look at McCain in 2008 or Trump in 2016. Both overperformed in the 2nd and 3rd round of states because they found momentum early on.
Because that's how momentum works in the primaries. He did well in 2 states he was expected to do well in and people generally consolidate around the front runner. Look at McCain in 2008 or Trump in 2016. Both overperformed in the 2nd and 3rd round of states because they found momentum early on.

But he didnt get momentum out of thin air, he got momentum because of his message. I just dont see how you can claim his message about billionaires doesnt work after he just won the first 3 primaries with that message. In fact, he is the first Democrat ever to win the popular vote in each of the first 3 primaries so what he has done isnt the typical pattern.
But these arent different sides of the same coin comparison. Illegals have basically no power in this country, so blaming them is not remotely the same as blaming super rich people and corporations who lobby government to benefit themselves.

Again, if everyone was living so great then Trump wouldnt have won and Bernie wouldnt be surging. If everything was going so great for everyone then the establishment candidates would be the winning candidates. Bernie still has a ways to go so not going to crown him yet, but this is the 2nd election in a row where the candidate who most speaks to people struggling is surging in the primaries. That doesnt happen if only a small % of people are struggling.
Everyone on this thread lives better than a medieval king. This is the greatest, most prosperous, winningest country in the history of mankind but Trump and Bernie want to tear it down. GTFOH.
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Everyone on this thread lives better than a medieval king. This is the greatest, most prosperous, winningest country in the history of mankind but Trump and Bernie want to tear it down. GTFOH.

Bernie doesnt want to tear anything down. YOu dont have to agree with his policies, but the fear mongering over him is out of place. An improved healthcare system and things of that nature by no means tears down the country.
You guys are so entrenched in your camps that you can't see it. Trump blames the illegals, Muslims and Democrats. Bernie blames the billionaires and corporate America. Everybody thinks they have it so shitty when in reality most of us are living better than our grandparents were at the same age.
Let me give you some insight into what the right sees. Trump uses an Obama-admin list of countries that have no infrastructure to identify and vet their people at all and attempts to pause travel from those countries until we can figure out how to vet them and the media (not mother jones and such but CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.) say that he hates all Muslims. Democrats vow to impeach him before he is ever sworn in, commit fraud upon the FISA courts, leak classified information through non-governmental people to the NYT to spawn a special investigation, the whole debacle that was the left’s attempt to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation (thank God he kept a calendar of his doings his whole life), then pivot instantly from the mueller results to impeaching over anything else, then Ukraine for Trump asking about the details of an investigation into the Biden’s that we are actually interested in because it does seem sketchy, to Democrats on the floor saying that the whole world will end if Trump isn’t removed because he’s the most evil person to ever live, to saying that impeachment isn’t over even after it fails, all while hearing All of this is just pushing people stronger into Trump’s corner.

Why is that? Because everyone that is libertarian or right of there has endured being called every evil epithet (racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, etc) for decades and even if we aren’t any of those things, being told that we are and that’s all there is to it. We’re tired of trying to have honest discussions for decades and having vile insults thrown at us relentlessly. After decades of this happening to us, we see it happening to Trump and it is hard not to be behind him when he gives the left it’s own medicine.

Is it the best way to be? Not at all. But it is how it is and people on the right feel like we’re finally playing the game the Dems have been playing against us for decades. And that you people on the left that are now whining about partisanship are finally seeing what we’ve been through for decades.
Let me give you some insight into what the right sees. Trump uses an Obama-admin list of countries that have no infrastructure to identify and vet their people at all and attempts to pause travel from those countries until we can figure out how to vet them and the media (not mother jones and such but CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.) say that he hates all Muslims. Democrats vow to impeach him before he is ever sworn in, commit fraud upon the FISA courts, leak classified information through non-governmental people to the NYT to spawn a special investigation, the whole debacle that was the left’s attempt to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation (thank God he kept a calendar of his doings his whole life), then pivot instantly from the mueller results to impeaching over anything else, then Ukraine for Trump asking about the details of an investigation into the Biden’s that we are actually interested in because it does seem sketchy, to Democrats on the floor saying that the whole world will end if Trump isn’t removed because he’s the most evil person to ever live, to saying that impeachment isn’t over even after it fails, all while hearing All of this is just pushing people stronger into Trump’s corner.

Why is that? Because everyone that is libertarian or right of there has endured being called every evil epithet (racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, etc) for decades and even if we aren’t any of those things, being told that we are and that’s all there is to it. We’re tired of trying to have honest discussions for decades and having vile insults thrown at us relentlessly. After decades of this happening to us, we see it happening to Trump and it is hard not to be behind him when he gives the left it’s own medicine.

Is it the best way to be? Not at all. But it is how it is and people on the right feel like we’re finally playing the game the Dems have been playing against us for decades. And that you people on the left that are now whining about partisanship are finally seeing what we’ve been through for decades.

Spot on.