Russia is in to feel the Bern!

Bernie doesnt want to tear anything down. YOu dont have to agree with his policies, but the fear mongering over him is out of place. An improved healthcare system and things of that nature by no means tears down the country.
Bernie wants a new healthcare system, new tax system, new college system, new environmental laws. He wants everything changed because winning doesn't work?
Let me give you some insight into what the right sees. Trump uses an Obama-admin list of countries that have no infrastructure to identify and vet their people at all and attempts to pause travel from those countries until we can figure out how to vet them and the media (not mother jones and such but CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.) say that he hates all Muslims. Democrats vow to impeach him before he is ever sworn in, commit fraud upon the FISA courts, leak classified information through non-governmental people to the NYT to spawn a special investigation, the whole debacle that was the left’s attempt to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation (thank God he kept a calendar of his doings his whole life), then pivot instantly from the mueller results to impeaching over anything else, then Ukraine for Trump asking about the details of an investigation into the Biden’s that we are actually interested in because it does seem sketchy, to Democrats on the floor saying that the whole world will end if Trump isn’t removed because he’s the most evil person to ever live, to saying that impeachment isn’t over even after it fails, all while hearing All of this is just pushing people stronger into Trump’s corner.

Why is that? Because everyone that is libertarian or right of there has endured being called every evil epithet (racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, etc) for decades and even if we aren’t any of those things, being told that we are and that’s all there is to it. We’re tired of trying to have honest discussions for decades and having vile insults thrown at us relentlessly. After decades of this happening to us, we see it happening to Trump and it is hard not to be behind him when he gives the left it’s own medicine.

Is it the best way to be? Not at all. But it is how it is and people on the right feel like we’re finally playing the game the Dems have been playing against us for decades. And that you people on the left that are now whining about partisanship are finally seeing what we’ve been through for decades.
And your side refuses to hold him accountable for his words. "total ban on all Muslims". He's the most corrupt politician in our history. He violates the Constitution daily. He's incompetent.
Cubs and Sk8 are two sides of the same coin.

No we arent. First off, I voted yesterday for early voting, and I didnt even vote for Bernie, I voted for Warren. Secondly, Sanders is running a policy driven campaign, Trump ran a rhetorical campaign with little to no policy. His healthcare plan was literally "something terrific". This isnt a different side of the coin situation.
Bernie wants a new healthcare system, new tax system, new college system, new environmental laws. He wants everything changed because winning doesn't work?

All of these things have happened numerous times throughout our history, so I dont see how you equate this to wanting to tear everything down. Trump has also changed environmental laws and tax laws, so did he tear everything down when doing so? Did Nixon tear everything down when the EPA was established?
Let me give you some insight into what the right sees. Trump uses an Obama-admin list of countries that have no infrastructure to identify and vet their people at all and attempts to pause travel from those countries until we can figure out how to vet them and the media (not mother jones and such but CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.) say that he hates all Muslims. Democrats vow to impeach him before he is ever sworn in, commit fraud upon the FISA courts, leak classified information through non-governmental people to the NYT to spawn a special investigation, the whole debacle that was the left’s attempt to derail the Kavanaugh confirmation (thank God he kept a calendar of his doings his whole life), then pivot instantly from the mueller results to impeaching over anything else, then Ukraine for Trump asking about the details of an investigation into the Biden’s that we are actually interested in because it does seem sketchy, to Democrats on the floor saying that the whole world will end if Trump isn’t removed because he’s the most evil person to ever live, to saying that impeachment isn’t over even after it fails, all while hearing All of this is just pushing people stronger into Trump’s corner.

Why is that? Because everyone that is libertarian or right of there has endured being called every evil epithet (racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, etc) for decades and even if we aren’t any of those things, being told that we are and that’s all there is to it. We’re tired of trying to have honest discussions for decades and having vile insults thrown at us relentlessly. After decades of this happening to us, we see it happening to Trump and it is hard not to be behind him when he gives the left it’s own medicine.

Is it the best way to be? Not at all. But it is how it is and people on the right feel like we’re finally playing the game the Dems have been playing against us for decades. And that you people on the left that are now whining about partisanship are finally seeing what we’ve been through for decades.

Obama never banned people from those countries though, which is obviously a major difference.

Mitch McConnell vowed never to work with Obama, even on things he would normall support, and Republicans also wanted to impeach Clinton if she were elected. Plus, Trump was impeached for legitimate reasons, the right is just well past the point of ever holding him accountable.

The right didnt even bring Garland up for a vote, so bitching about Kavanaugh is complete BS when he is currently sitting on the supreme court, where has Garland, who is more than qualified didnt even get a hearing.

Trump literally started his campaign on racial issues and calling immigrants rapists, despite the fact of course even at that time he employed illegal immigrants. He also criticized a judge of Mexian descent, for absolutely no reason other than his race, and of course there are numerous other examples of Trump treading and crossing the "racist" line. Not to mention if you want to go back decades then you have the Southern Strategy, you have things like Reagan being for assault weapons up until the Black Panthers started carrying and then deciding that we couldnt have black people carrying guns, his welfare queen remarks, etc etc etc.
And your side refuses to hold him accountable for his words. "total ban on all Muslims". He's the most corrupt politician in our history. He violates the Constitution daily. He's incompetent.

I was truly surprised that this statement didnt tank his candidacy. Fortunately the implementation was legit but it was unfairly characterized by it in the media.
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And your side refuses to hold him accountable for his words. "total ban on all Muslims". He's the most corrupt politician in our history. He violates the Constitution daily. He's incompetent.

ANd this is precisely why Sanders isnt the opposite side of the same coin. THere is no indication Sanders is anywhere near Trump's corruption levels or that our actual institutions would be in danger.
Obama never banned people from those countries though, which is obviously a major difference.

Mitch McConnell vowed never to work with Obama, even on things he would normall support, and Republicans also wanted to impeach Clinton if she were elected. Plus, Trump was impeached for legitimate reasons, the right is just well past the point of ever holding him accountable.

The right didnt even bring Garland up for a vote, so bitching about Kavanaugh is complete BS when he is currently sitting on the supreme court, where has Garland, who is more than qualified didnt even get a hearing.

Trump literally started his campaign on racial issues and calling immigrants rapists, despite the fact of course even at that time he employed illegal immigrants. He also criticized a judge of Mexian descent, for absolutely no reason other than his race, and of course there are numerous other examples of Trump treading and crossing the "racist" line. Not to mention if you want to go back decades then you have the Southern Strategy, you have things like Reagan being for assault weapons up until the Black Panthers started carrying and then deciding that we couldnt have black people carrying guns, his welfare queen remarks, etc etc etc.
Obama should have, though. There’s no reason to have requirements for air travel and national security and then just ignore them when a country won’t do their part. It compromises the entire system.

Right, and Obama just went ahead and legislated by EO. Acts which did not go before partisan judges that then issued nationwide stays because of partisanship.

Garland was not “more qualified” than Kavanaugh. Also, applying a Harry Reid rule to deny a vote is in no way the same as a partisan smear campaign on a wholly uncorroborated claim where the Senators that brought it forward obstructed nearly every attempt to examine the claim until they had no other option and then bringing forth more false claims at the 11th hour when there would not be time to verify them. That effort not only ruined Kavanaugh’s reputation, it also casts a pall on the integrity of the Supreme Court and was a huge wedge between right and left.

Trump started his campaign with the media intentionally cherry-picking statements to say what they wanted. Read the actual text of what he said with Mexicans. He said they’re not just sending their best. They’re also sending criminals, people who are rapists, murderers, etc. He said that we need a way to accurate pick through who is coming to keep out the bad people. The media created the narrative that you blindly believe. Do you disagree that mixed in with Mexican immigrants are MS-13, human traffickers, etc? Do you disagree that we should have a system to deny people who are proven to be bad people from entering our country?
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Cubs and Sk8 are two sides of the same coin.
Not to sound like UCFBS, I’m a libertarian. But I’m trying to give you all an insight as to where all of this came from with Trump because it’s very obvious to anyone who hasn’t been eating the left’s dog food for the last 20+ years.
Obama should have, though. There’s no reason to have requirements for air travel and national security and then just ignore them when a country won’t do their part. It compromises the entire system.

Right, and Obama just went ahead and legislated by EO. Acts which did not go before partisan judges that then issued nationwide stays because of partisanship.

Garland was not “more qualified” than Kavanaugh. Also, applying a Harry Reid rule to deny a vote is in no way the same as a partisan smear campaign on a wholly uncorroborated claim where the Senators that brought it forward obstructed nearly every attempt to examine the claim until they had no other option and then bringing forth more false claims at the 11th hour when there would not be time to verify them. That effort not only ruined Kavanaugh’s reputation, it also casts a pall on the integrity of the Supreme Court and was a huge wedge between right and left.

Trump started his campaign with the media intentionally cherry-picking statements to say what they wanted. Read the actual text of what he said with Mexicans. He said they’re not just sending their best. They’re also sending criminals, people who are rapists, murderers, etc. He said that we need a way to accurate pick through who is coming to keep out the bad people. The media created the narrative that you blindly believe. Do you disagree that mixed in with Mexican immigrants are MS-13, human traffickers, etc? Do you disagree that we should have a system to deny people who are proven to be bad people from entering our country?

I didnt say he was more than qualified than Kavanaugh, i said he was more than qualified to where he should have been seated. I am sorry Kavanaugh had a tough hearing, but excuse me if I give that much of a shit since your side wouldnt even hold a hearing for Garland. Bitching about Kavaugh's hearing is such hypocrisy.

Every president has used EO's, including Trump, so that is another BS talking point.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said, as he claimed the country was dispatching immigrants to the US. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us [sic]. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

His exact quote. He most certainly did not say "they’re not just sending their best. "

We have a system. If you want to make improvements to it that is one thing, but his remarks were most certainly racist, and building a wall is by no means a system.
Not to sound like UCFBS, I’m a libertarian. But I’m trying to give you all an insight as to where all of this came from with Trump because it’s very obvious to anyone who hasn’t been eating the left’s dog food for the last 20+ years.

It came from his own words and actions. If you fail to see that you are simply choosing to see and hear what you want to see and hear.
It came from his own words and actions. If you fail to see that you are simply choosing to see and hear what you want to see and hear.
Oh, I understand the problems with Trump. I’m telling you why people are Trump supporters and why there are more of them every day.
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They arent 2 sides of the same coin, though there is certainly a common reason Trump won and Bernie is doing well. Trump ran on a right wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes (his policies dont do that, but he ran with that), and Bernie is running on a left wing populist platform to help the lower economic classes. What this should tell everyone, is all of this talk about how great the economy is and how well everything is going is just that, talk. The reality is a lot of people in this country from the middle class on down are struggling or know they are one emergency situation away from struggling, and the result is they are voting for the candidates they feel can best correct that.

But they arent two sides of the same coin because I dont think Sanders would erode our institutions and be some sort of wanna be authoritarian the way Trump has done.

This is the more interesting conversation to me.
I didnt say he was more than qualified than Kavanaugh, i said he was more than qualified to where he should have been seated. I am sorry Kavanaugh had a tough hearing, but excuse me if I give that much of a shit since your side wouldnt even hold a hearing for Garland. Bitching about Kavaugh's hearing is such hypocrisy.

Every president has used EO's, including Trump, so that is another BS talking point.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said, as he claimed the country was dispatching immigrants to the US. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us [sic]. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

His exact quote. He most certainly did not say "they’re not just sending their best. "

We have a system. If you want to make improvements to it that is one thing, but his remarks were most certainly racist, and building a wall is by no means a system.
This is racist?? Please tell me what part of what he said isn’t factual.

Not only do walls work, but threatening Mexico with beer tariffs IS A SYSTEM
I didnt say he was more than qualified than Kavanaugh, i said he was more than qualified to where he should have been seated. I am sorry Kavanaugh had a tough hearing, but excuse me if I give that much of a shit since your side wouldnt even hold a hearing for Garland. Bitching about Kavaugh's hearing is such hypocrisy.

Every president has used EO's, including Trump, so that is another BS talking point.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said, as he claimed the country was dispatching immigrants to the US. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us [sic]. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

His exact quote. He most certainly did not say "they’re not just sending their best. "

We have a system. If you want to make improvements to it that is one thing, but his remarks were most certainly racist, and building a wall is by no means a system.
Obama straight up said in his second term he was usurping Congress through EO and dared them to do something about it. That is far beyond what any other President did.

Here’s the entire section of the speech: “
When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

Now, he did say there were good people and he did sloppily day that we didn’t have a handle on who was coming. But he didn’t say that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers, which is what you’d have us believe.
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Oh, I understand the problems with Trump. I’m telling you why people are Trump supporters and why there are more of them every day.

That might be the case, but that doesnt mean we should excuse all of his obnoxious behavior.
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Obama straight up said in his second term he was usurping Congress through EO and dared them to do something about it. That is far beyond what any other President did.

Here’s the entire section of the speech: “
When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

Now, he did say there were good people and he did sloppily day that we didn’t have a handle on who was coming. But he didn’t say that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers, which is what you’d have us believe.

No it isnt, and BTW Trump is on pace to have more EO's than Obama. From a historical perspective, Obama was pretty average with regards to EO's. And secondly, Trump and his team wouldnt even answer subpoena's, so dont act like you are worried about usurping congress. Again, straight up hypocrisy.

And his quote was full of BS. Most immigrants that come here are hard working people who break no laws once they cross the border. To try and paint them as criminals and rapists, is flat out racist. And BTW, Trump himself hired illegals so again, more hypocrisy.
This is racist?? Please tell me what part of what he said isn’t factual.

Not only do walls work, but threatening Mexico with beer tariffs IS A SYSTEM

A wall wouldnt work because over half of illegal immigrants are people who come here legally, and then just never leave when a visa expires. A wall is not going to stop that. You know what would stop that? Fining or even arresting people who hire illegal immigrants, but a lot of people vote Republican do that, so that wont ever happen.

And secondly, it is racist and fear mongering about a specific group of people, that vast majority of which are not rapists and criminals, and are doing nothing more than looking for a better life.
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This is the more interesting conversation to me.

I agree. And I think it shows that all of this talk about how great the economy is and how great everything is going is simply false. Bernie Sanders wouldnt remotely have a shot if people felt comfortable in todays economic climate.
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This is racist?? Please tell me what part of what he said isn’t factual.

Not only do walls work, but threatening Mexico with beer tariffs IS A SYSTEM
"Some Mexicans are good people"? That's racist.
A wall wouldnt work because over half of illegal immigrants are people who come here legally, and then just never leave when a visa expires. A wall is not going to stop that. You know what would stop that? Fining or even arresting people who hire illegal immigrants, but a lot of people vote Republican do that, so that wont ever happen.

And secondly, it is racist and fear mongering about a specific group of people, that vast majority of which are not rapists and criminals, and are doing nothing more than looking for a better life.
Your first point is a good point. But those immigrants aren’t the ones trafficking drugs and humans, the ones filling up our prisons, the ones gang banging, etc. Those illegal immigrants are coming across our border, again and again and again. So I think you’d rather we pay attention to the places where the bad people are coming through than the places where the good people violate. Also, most of the ICE raids have been targeting known criminal offenders (I mean besides being here illegally. But reason most news channels, you’d think they were targeting non-criminal families exclusively.
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Your first point is a good point. But those immigrants aren’t the ones trafficking drugs and humans, the ones filling up our prisons, the ones gang banging, etc. Those illegal immigrants are coming across our border, again and again and again. So I think you’d rather we pay attention to the places where the bad people are coming through than the places where the good people violate. Also, most of the ICE raids have been targeting known criminal offenders (I mean besides being here illegally. But reason most news channels, you’d think they were targeting non-criminal families exclusively.

THe vast majority of drugs come through legal ports of entry, so a wall wouldnt stop that either. And of course we should arrest actual criminals.
No shit Sherlock. Which is why adding funding to CBP was part of the plan. We weren’t talking about a wall though. We were talking about the left calling Trump a racist for his remarks and how people on the right identify with being called a racist constantly.
Which is implying that most are not good people.
Based on facts (or his opinion) that many coming over are rapists and criminals.

Followed up that some are good people

Very open to interpretation. Very old school New Yorker talk. It’s simply the left scrutinizing every word and pouncing on it. When a person has TDS, that’s what they do

As a Trump supporter, I thought of it as a president who’s trying to protect us and secure our borders. There are criminals and rapists coming from Mexico and no one can dispute that fact

I don’t think that Trump has a personal vendetta against Mexicans because they are an “inferior race.”
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Based on facts (or his opinion) that many coming over are rapists and criminals.

Followed up that some are good people

Very open to interpretation. Very old school New Yorker talk. It’s simply the left scrutinizing every word and pouncing on it. When a person has TDS, that’s what they do
I’m curious. What was your interpretation for Trump’s attack on the Hispanic Federal judge as being prejudiced against him because he was ‘Mexican.’?
I’m curious. What was your interpretation for Trump’s attack on the Hispanic Federal judge as being prejudiced against him because he was ‘Mexican.’?

Considering the hard-line stance that trump took on immigration and the fact that Curiel's parents were immigrants, it's understandable that trump would be concerned about a bias but he shouldnt have said it. Just another in a long line of stupid things he's said.
hypothetical if bloomberg did win, how long until he committed suicide with hillary as his vp?

id give him a couple months.

Hillary as VP was a distraction from bad news about Bloomberg and it worked like a charm. Classic Trump move.