San Fran rule to put health warnings on sodas

Joe, immunizations prevent pandemics and epidemics. That's different. My beef is with government intrusion and people not taking personal responsibility. I absolutely abhor corrupt politicians telling me what I'm allowed to do when most of it is none of the business.

You essentially have an epidemic in this country with obesity. Again, look at the chart. So let's not do anything about it and continue to let the problem grow. You're the first to bitch about paying for others and their problems. Well there you go.
So we already have nutritional labels on them that many in this thread freely admit the fatties don't read, so why does anyone believe that they will read a warning label? If the city wants to force it then that's there prerogative, I'm not a fan of more regulation but if it does help morons make better decisions then fine, but given that they already ignore the obvious and useful information available to them why does anyone believe they will read these warning labels and take them to heart?
Personally, fat is not one of my problems and never has been. I think the government should take over the food industry and just ration everyone the proper foods and how much they should eat. Problem solved.

your chart shows the Govt is the problem. Since obama took over it has gone up like a Rocket. No one works, everyone still eats.

Get rid of food stamp program.
You don't pay for their problems. You let them die. It's called evolution.

Well, until your fantasyland evolution comes true, we are paying for their problems.

Instead of spending money and resources to tell adults what they already know, and ignore, why not spend the money and resources to teach schoolchildren what is healthy and what is not? Chances are their parents aren't teaching them this.
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Instead of spending money and resources to tell adults what they already know, and ignore, why not spend the money and resources to teach schoolchildren what is healthy and what is not? Chances are their parents aren't teaching them this.

I agree and that is done at the primary level. Problem is they go home and Fatty McFatty mom and dad shovel fast food, soda, and Little Debbies down their throats and the cycle continues. Little Johnny and Suzy ain't the problem---yet.
I agree and that is done at the primary level. Problem is they go home and Fatty McFatty mom and dad shovel fast food, soda, and Little Debbies down their throats and the cycle continues. Little Johnny and Suzy ain't the problem---yet.
But 2 generations of education later, maybe mom and dad aren't eating so much garbage.
We have formed a culture where it is self gratification right now. We don't want to work and after 20 or 30 years you finally get the big house, nice car, boat, ect. We expect it now. We want to drink booze and smoke pot and cigs by the busload, but not be held accountable for those actions, We want to eat what we want to eat NOW and not worry about the weight. Problem is the health consequences that come from those actions. And many of those consequences make resisting temptation even harder.

I agree some health classes in school is a good Idea, but the difference it makes will be small.
You essentially have an epidemic in this country with obesity. Again, look at the chart. So let's not do anything about it and continue to let the problem grow. You're the first to bitch about paying for others and their problems. Well there you go.

I don't mind educating children. Do they still have health class like they used to have when we were kids?

Secondly, I don't think the government of one freaking city should be able to force a company to add those labels to the cans either. That shit costs money and can become a logistics nightmare for the company. If I had a company that was forced to do that, I'd increase the price of the product and label the can with how much additional cost the city of San Fagcisco forced into the product with that stupid regulation.
I don't mind educating children. Do they still have health class like they used to have when we were kids?

Secondly, I don't think the government of one freaking city should be able to force a company to add those labels to the cans either. That shit costs money and can become a logistics nightmare for the company. If I had a company that was forced to do that, I'd increase the price of the product and label the can with how much additional cost the city of San Fagcisco forced into the product with that stupid regulation.

Lol. I'll give you some Bobtheknight logic here: if they don't like it, they can sell their stuff elsewhere. No one is forcing them to do business in San Fran.
Lol. I'll give you some Bobtheknight logic here: if they don't like it, they can sell their stuff elsewhere. No one is forcing them to do business in San Fran.

They want to do business there. Government is forcing bullshit, burdensome regulation on them. Government wonders why businesses are leaving Cali. ****ing, duh.

Useless, stupid labels that no one gives a shit about. Elected officials are morons.
They want to do business there. Government is forcing bullshit, burdensome regulation on them. Government wonders why businesses are leaving Cali. ****ing, duh.

Useless, stupid labels that no one gives a shit about. Elected officials are morons.

If they want to do business there, they will comply. It is as simple as that.

And get used to it. Most things like this start out in Cali and then make their way to the right: integration, gay marriage, pot, pesticide bans, etc. It's just a matter of time.
I definitely think at this point nutrition should be taught in schools as a basic part of the curriculum since ideally school is preparing you to be a healthy (mind and body), contributing member of society. It still creeps me out when you see shows where they are showing teens what some basic veggies look like and they didn't know, for example, that corn came on a cob. I don't know kids in public schools, but P.E. is still a requirement throughout elementary and middle schools, right? So part of being healthy is not just physical activity but what goes in your body. For f's sake, we push drug awareness in schools more than awareness about what healthy eating/living means.

Also, obese children (not just chunky, but a 10-year-old weighing as much as I do) should be cause to have DCF investigate that parenting that happens. Aside from rare disorders, that's 100% the parents passing along terrible habits that will plague those kids for the rest of their lives.
Nutrition isn't going to be taught in the schools. Get that pipe dream out of your head. They are cancelling recess in schools throughout the country so that they can pile drive kids into more lessons about how to pass standardized tests. They aren't going to study nutrition unless it is on a test.

Meanwhile the lunchroom has sugared milk and "juice" drinks along with overly processed crap in the lunchroom. It starts somewhere and that somewhere isn't the school.

As I look back on what I was taught about food by my parents, it is a wonder I lived this long, but at that time, they just didn't know. So often kids are given cookies and candy as rewards for a job well done like a damn dog. And what does a dog do when you stand next to the treat area? they start doing their tricks to get more. Kids follow the same Pavlovian cues. So Courtney and Caiden play soccer for the snacks afterwards even though Courtney stands in the corner and refuses to run at all after the ball because she might get kicked. And Mom and Dad still cheer for Courtney doing a great job and here is 3 juice boxes and a bag of oreos for your "hard work". And on trophy day, it is a 2-Liter of Coke and an ice cream cake even though nobody actually won anything since all they did was attend.

And Fat people have an amazing way of rationalizing things. "Geez look at that guy, he's huge. He is out of control. I am only eating half as much as he is. I am making this work." No a*hole, you are still eating 3x what you should be. You just have the ability to walk yourself to the restaurant unlike that guy who is now remanded to a life in a Jazzy.

Will warning labels do anything? Nope because people will just search for a warning label that they can rationalize. I don't remember the comedian, but when smoking labels came out he said something to the tune of: "May cause low fetal birthweight, now that is a label I can live with. I can't even get pregnant." (might have been Dennis Leary)