This is exactly the problem. Ideas sound good until you realize the repercussions of your actions.
1) As with all politicians, you say (and often do) what will give you the most votes, regardless of what problems it will cause. For example, Obamacare has done nothing to stifle health care costs. In fact, I believe it has made things worse as the best doctors are moving away from accepting insurance at all.
2) Who doesn't want to destroy ISIS? But, how do you destroy ISIS without pissing off other countries/tribes/groups and creating new problems/terrorist groups/etc. Ground troops is an occupation and will make more enemies and could actually strengthen ISIS. Not only that, but this gang (which is all they are) has cells in pretty much every major country. We can't even control the smaller gangs in our own country which are causing more crime/deaths/insecurities than any terrorist organization ever has in our country.
3) How do you stop illegals when a major problem is when working visas come over to work in towns that rely on them heavily and then those workers skip town? Block working visas? Prices on food will double. Numerous towns throughout Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Nevada rely heavily on the cheap labor they bring in. To cut them off will destroy millions of livelihoods. If you just cut off services to the illegals, crime will skyrocket as illegals will need to find a way to support their families.
4) Do people realize that "conducting business affairs in the US" will cause consumer goods to skyrocket in price? Inflation will go through the roof and ultimately destroy an already unstable economy. Imports will get taxed which companies will just pass on to the consumer. Homemade goods will cost more because of higher wage requirements. Then these goods also reduce our exports because they will cost more to buy overseas plus other countries will tax our exports more since we are taxing theirs more.
Things may sound like great ideas, but are not as simple as people think... which is why Trump loves the poorly educated.
First of all. Number 1 and number 2 were caused by the past and present administrations. As far as ground troops in the Middle East, it's already been proposed by the generals in charge of fighting ISIS that we can't win with just air power, but this administration keeps delaying making decisions and taking baby steps as ISIS grows and spreads. Trump wants to end this in an all out bombing campaign and put a fear
back in these "savages".
On number 3. Unless you have all the financial facts, you can't make such a statement. The cost of supporting these illegals far outweighs the cost saved by paying their salaries. Do you realize that they aren't exactly working for free? They are taking jobs from Americans, not paying taxes, and clogging up the healthcare system in ERs, clinics, etc, further destroying MY and YOUR healthcare system. Not to mention the cost of fighting their crimes.
Who cares about their livelihoods? That's their own country's problem. Let them work there or another country if it's so desirable for a country to employ them.
Do you realize how many millionaires are saving money using thousands upon thousands of illegals to maintain their estates? What services are they actually performing and for who?? I never worked for a business that needed them nor have I ever employed them. I'm fine with a "legal working visa". It's the "illegals" that are destroying this country.
The pros vs cons of illegal immigration has already been studied and discussed in great detail by those who know a lot more than me and you.
4) There are plenty of legitimate businesses that are doing just fine utilizing emplyees right here in the US
Obviously, Michael Jordan needs illegals to make his shoes and Kathy Lee Gifford needs them for her clothing line.
"Then these goods also reduce our exports because they will cost more to buy overseas plus other countries will tax our exports more since we are taxing theirs more".
No... We are taxing exports from our own country conducting business outside of the US. Not other countries.
Do you realize once again, that it's already been studied for years that a country"s economic situation is better when they produce goods in their own countries and the consumer buys them?
It adds jobs and strengthens this country's economy and stimulates spending, etc., once again, saving this country many millions of dollars trying to support the unemployed.
Again, I'm sure all of my facts aren't 100% correct, that's why we can leave that up to a billionaire like Trump. Why not have a businessman type as president for once since what we have had hasn't exactly done wonders for the national debt?