Scott Frost: "I feel sorry for Wisconsin and Miami!?!?!"

Ace of Knights

Silver Knight
Sep 6, 2009
Frost responded to a question with this as written by Andrea Adelson

"UCF is undefeated but No. 18 in the latest College Football Playoff rankings. Coach Scott Frost was asked Thursday whether he thought the committee had even watched UCF play. "I'm not going to say much about that," Frost said. "We just have to take care of our business. Any time it becomes people's opinions, I think it gets a little dangerous. I wouldn't complain for us. The teams I feel bad for are the Wisconsins and Miamis. As a football player, all you can do is beat the people they put in front of you. If you're undefeated, that's undefeated and that means a lot. I hate to see people's opinions have more emphasis put on them than the record on the field. But from our standpoint, we just have to take care of business and a lot of good things are headed our way."

That's horseshit Frost. You should be pissed as hell. If you aren't, you're basically admitting we are lesser than Miami or Wisconsin when IMHO we would give both of them a run for their money right now.

We aren't a JV team. Our coach kind of threw his own team under the bus.

I get it, he's trying to control the things he can control and be classy about it. But the time for class regarding this topic is over. We need our athletic director and coaches to raise hell and fight for this team and program. That's the only way perception will change. If we win and accept it, we will always be where we are. Call the bias and garbage of the P5 and the CFP out.

If there is one thing I miss about O'leary, he wasn't afraid to call a spade a spade. I loved it when he called the Wake Forest's of the world- check collectors.
I was wondering how long it would take for people to make a stink about that.

I would chalk it up to lack of sleep, but perhaps that just loosened his lips and this is his view. Yikes.
I think the point he is making especially being a former College Football Player himself is that winning is hard and lots of things have to come together other than just Talent. I see it as a response to the common phrased used 'quality loss' during the College Football Playoff show.
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You are wrong. Frost is taking the high road. His complimentary remarks toward Miami and Wisconsin contained a "coded" message that being undefeated matters, while not making a fuss about UCF specifically.

Now is NOT the time for Frost or DW to be making a big fuss about this...especially Frost. If UCF remains undefeated after a conference championship game and ends up ranked lower than 8, I think you will see more direct and forceful comments at that time. And it may not come then...they may wait until after the New Years 6 Bowl game.
Every person with half a brain knows no matter what, UCF is not getting in the playoff this year. The smart guys (Frost and Danny) realize you win out this year, make a fuss after the season and start working on program/conference perception and challenging the committee's decision making process for NEXT year and the years beyond.
You are wrong. Frost is taking the high road. His complimentary remarks toward Miami and Wisconsin contained a "coded" message that being undefeated matters, while not making a fuss about UCF specifically.

Now is NOT the time for Frost or DW to be making a big fuss about this...especially Frost. If UCF remains undefeated after a conference championship game and ends up ranked lower than 8, I think you will see more direct and forceful comments at that time. And it may not come then...they may wait until after the New Years 6 Bowl game.
All of this. He's projecting UCF thru Miami and Wisconsin without seeming like he's complaining. And yes the time to put up a fight is after the conf championship game
I think it was a pretty good answer. Instead of complaining and lobbying for his team to be ranked higher, he mentioned other teams by name but it was in reference to being undefeated and how that's not far to the kids. We'll we are undefeated too, so he was lumping us in that comment without sounding like he's posturing for us to be ranked higher or drawing all the attention to us but all undefeated teams in general. He pretty much said stop using your opinions to rank teams and rank them based on their records.
We haven't had an undefeated season yet, so making a statement now just sets us up for the inevitable P5 blowback if we lose a game.

If we win out and then we completely dominate our bowl opponent, I think coach's postgame comments should include a very strong rebuke of the committee. Although it's a tough one to pull off if your guys/family just pulled off a big win, it would be even better if he acted (or was) livid about it as well.

But IMO, such a statement won't carry the weight it needs to carry unless we can win out.
You are wrong. Frost is taking the high road. His complimentary remarks toward Miami and Wisconsin contained a "coded" message that being undefeated matters, while not making a fuss about UCF specifically.

Now is NOT the time for Frost or DW to be making a big fuss about this...especially Frost. If UCF remains undefeated after a conference championship game and ends up ranked lower than 8, I think you will see more direct and forceful comments at that time. And it may not come then...they may wait until after the New Years 6 Bowl game.

I understand he's taking the high road. As I see both sides of this argument. My problem with this statement goes right to the heart of our coach complimenting a team like Wisconsin. They're ranked 8th with a similar strength of schedule and less quality wins while we are disrespected at 18 with a better win vs. Memphis.

He compliments them and argues for their possible inclusion in the playoff, but brushes aside his own team "as controlling the things we can control."

I just wish he answered the question in a way that didn't prop up P5 teams and make us sound like a JV team.
He'll say what he needs to say when the time is right. Remember, this is the guy who campaigned for a national title as a player.

Exactly right. This is his MO. A measured comment now is appropriate. I have no doubt he will fight like a dog if/when the time is right - classy & smart.
Frost responded to a question with this as written by Andrea Adelson

"UCF is undefeated but No. 18 in the latest College Football Playoff rankings. Coach Scott Frost was asked Thursday whether he thought the committee had even watched UCF play. "I'm not going to say much about that," Frost said. "We just have to take care of our business. Any time it becomes people's opinions, I think it gets a little dangerous. I wouldn't complain for us. The teams I feel bad for are the Wisconsins and Miamis. As a football player, all you can do is beat the people they put in front of you. If you're undefeated, that's undefeated and that means a lot. I hate to see people's opinions have more emphasis put on them than the record on the field. But from our standpoint, we just have to take care of business and a lot of good things are headed our way."

That's horseshit Frost. You should be pissed as hell. If you aren't, you're basically admitting we are lesser than Miami or Wisconsin when IMHO we would give both of them a run for their money right now.

We aren't a JV team. Our coach kind of threw his own team under the bus.

I get it, he's trying to control the things he can control and be classy about it. But the time for class regarding this topic is over. We need our athletic director and coaches to raise hell and fight for this team and program. That's the only way perception will change. If we win and accept it, we will always be where we are. Call the bias and garbage of the P5 and the CFP out.

If there is one thing I miss about O'leary, he wasn't afraid to call a spade a spade. I loved it when he called the Wake Forest's of the world- check collectors.
Yeah, you took this one a little too literally.

Frost can't be cutting promos like this right now.
Is the glass half empty or half full? What I take out of his response is that champions, NOT teams who have higher rankings based on opinions should get into playoffs. Also, it could be a statement made to support the playoffs being expanded. Definitely, he doesn't want to get dragged into this discussion at this point in season and I agree. After the season, the teams left out usually raise Cain with those in charge. We all know the demise of the BCS system didn't fix the fact that we need realistic playoff system.
He said only Miami and Wisconsin should complain because they are P5. We can't because we aren't. Plain and simple. Don't be surprised if he leaves. All of his responses are leaning that way. His baby is a Knight" for now". Calls the team them. We are just a job to him. Time to accept that.
He said only Miami and Wisconsin should complain because they are P5. We can't because we aren't. Plain and simple. Don't be surprised if he leaves. All of his responses are leaning that way. His baby is a Knight" for now". Calls the team them. We are just a job to him. Time to accept that.
well this took a dark turn. I saw it more speaking as former player and using other undefeated teams as an example but I can see how every word out of his mouth is getting nitpicked when UCF is worried about losing him.

I don't see any distance from his players, he is the definition of a players coach.
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well this took a dark turn. I saw it more speaking as former player and using other undefeated teams as an example but I can see how every word out of his mouth is getting nitpicked when UCF is worried about losing him.

I don't see any distance from his players, he is the definition of a players coach.
I dont see P5 in the quotes.
I definitely don’t feel bad for Miami. If they win out they will also have beat Notre Dame and Clemson. They’re 100% in if they do that.
Frost was basically badgered into answering the question and talking about something that he didn't even want to talk about. He was put on the spot and probably phrased his answer wrong after not given ample time to answer the question
To the same point, if Miami and Wisconsin were ranked in the top 4 currently as they are THE undefeated teams, UCF likely would be much higher as well, as they'd be ranking all of the undefeated higher. Thats the goal and point I feel he was trying to make.

We'll see if he's right Saturday with undefeated Miami playing higher ranked Notre Dame.
And also he preaches to his players not to concern themselves with rankings. He starts complaining and he's a hypocrite.

This is his way of complaining without actually complaining. He doesn't want to publicly talk about UCF's ranking and complain about being higher, etc. Doesn't want the players to focus on it at all. He is saying Wisconsin/Miami... but you might as well just insert UCF...

"As a football player, all you can do is beat the people they put in front of you. If you're undefeated, that's undefeated and that means a lot. I hate to see people's opinions have more emphasis put on them than the record on the field. But from our standpoint, we just have to take care of business and a lot of good things are headed our way."
The problem angry, thin skinned fans have with this is that he didn't answer like an angry thin skinned fan.
No he could have left off If I were Miami and Wisconsin , P5 teams, I would be mad. Just say the rest of rankings don't really matter. Even though they do.
There was never a real shot for us or any other G5 team to make the playoff off of one year. You can say the system is rigged, it isn't fair, but that is just the way it is going to be. However, if you can string two seasons together and get OOC wins against decent P5 teams the second year you have a chance. If we had beaten GT and they were competing for an ACC championship, had Maryland not fallen apart we would be in much better shape this year. But that didn't happen. If we win out then he will start making some noise, especially after beating one of the top P5 programs. Going into next year we would be top 15 or higher to start the season. Win out next year as well and then if we aren't ranked higher you will hear some complaining.

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